Service card format kerala govt employees. Sep 28, 2019 · Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt.


Service card format kerala govt employees in Thiruvananthapuram District. Copy of the discharge summary. Department Employees), Rs. Conveyance Allowance Admissible during Special Casual leave - Order dated 24-09-2011 SERVICE CARD FOR SENIOR CLERK PROMOTION IN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: DOWNLOAD. Photo-copy of the CGHS card of the employee along with the patient’s CGHS Card. Original bills/cash memo/vouchers etc. An employee who had committed offences while in service and against whom disciplinary action has not initiated while in service or within the time limit stipulated under clause (ii) of sub-rule (b) of rule 3 and who had received pensionery benefits on the pretext Oct 26, 2024 · February 19, 2025 A provision has been enabled in SPARK software for updating MEDISEP ID in employee SPARK profile; February 15, 2025 As per Circular No. Emergency certificate (original), in case of emergency. Different kind of leave for Govt. Participation in Strike on 22/01/2025 Treated as Dies-non - Order Dated 20/01/2025 KSR Amendment (Seventh) 2019 -Insertion of sub rule (d) in Rule 59 Part III vide Order GO(P)No. All the government employees working in the different departments can use this website. Once your badge design is ready for sharing, download your employee ID card template for free. 91/2024/FIN Dated 26/10/2024, sanctioned one installemnt of Dearness Allowance (3%) due on 01/07/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers along with the salary of October 2024. in along with copy of Ration Card and Adhar due on 01/07/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers along Amounts due from a Government employee or **pensioner to Government Companies, Local Bodies, Co-operative Societies, etc. For KSEB, Premium is Rs. Kerala Service -The //bplapp. Miscellaneous Forms Application form - Transfer of Ministerial Staff - excelDownloadApplication for the Allotment of Government Servants Quarters in Kerala DownloadSchool Proforma II - July 15 Statistics of TeachersDownloadConduct CertificateDownloadGazetted Certificate for PANDownloadCertificate of Identity/Residence for Aadhaar by Gazetted OfficerDownloadBudget Forms DownloadPassport II) “Authority” means Principal Secretary, Finance Department, Government of Kerala. O. 09. Take Service Matter>>>Leaves>>>Leave Entry: ( For Gazatted employees: Leaves>>> Leaves Availed)9. This certificate is highly important for government employees when applying for various benefits, availing leave, or seeking future employment opportunities. Click the below link to Download order. 14-11-2019 Granted to male Govt employees for 10 days each for two children, at the time of delivery of his wife. of Kerala ; GPF Nomination Form : GPF Nomination Form (Rule 8 Tax Consultant unlimited Ver. 2. Pay Fixation Assistant Final Feb 1, 2016 · The term ‘entry post’ shall be defined as the post to which an employee is initially appointed in Government service by direct recruitment by the competent authority. Separate DA Rate included for Pay in 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019 Pay Revision Kerala Service - Complete DA Chart (a) who was not in the service of the Government of Travancore-Cochin or the Government of Madras on 31 st October 1956, or (b) who was in the service of the Government of Travancore-Cochin or the Government of Madras on 31 st October 1956 and who continued to be in the service of the Government of Kerala, but has opted to be Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. O (P) No. / ELECTORAL ID. An employee who had committed offences while in service and against whom disciplinary action has not initiated while in service or within the time limit stipulated under clause (ii) of sub-rule (b) of rule 3 and who had received pensionery benefits on the pretext Feb 5, 2025 · Government employees will have to pay a maximum amount of Rs. They can easily know their earnings deductions for any month of any year. 3. This certificate will include the job description, designation, department, performance, […] Dowload various forms for Kerala Govt Employees. 02 Public sector employees: Individuals working in public sector organizations such as hospitals, schools, and public transportation may require a govt employee ID card. III) “Beneficiaries” means All Serving employees of the State Government including the High Court of Kerala and their family who are covered under the existing Kerala Government Servants Medical Attendant Rules [KGSMA Rules, 1960], part time Vide GO(P) No. , Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala; 0471-2546400 | 0471-2546401 | 0471-2447201 | 0471-2444428 Mar 11, 2025 · MEDICAL CERTIFICATE NEW FORMAT - CIVIL EXCISE OFFICER (TRAINEE) (MALE) IN EXCISE DEPARTMENT (CAT NO-307/2023) IN KOTTAYAM DISTRICT. 27/2021/FIN DT:19/03/2021. employees while retiring from service on super anuation. Adopted eService Book to all Gazetted and Non Gazetted Employees of State Government with effect from 17/08/2021 vide order GO(P)No. The Premium amount is Rs. Save it on your computer for in-house printing, or use Canva Print to deliver high-quality ID cards quickly. 2016 DOWNLOAD . Very often, editing documents, like Kerala police officers list pdf, can be pain, especially if you got them in a digital format but don’t have access to specialized software. f. 28-11-2019 Pension related orders and Circulars. G. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees List of Members joined in the scheme [Form GIS-C] in Excel format. 10. TENDERS; Appendix -II The Kerala Govt. Employees With this utility you can export PA-9 and PA-30 in excel format. 02. It is an experience certificate given to an employee at the time of his/her termination or separation from the company. 22 KB Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) Application for TR-72 Certificate for Self Drawing Officers [Form GIS-D] In the case of a blind employee, the allowance will be admissible on the recommendation of the Head of Ophthalmological Department of a Government Civil Hospital The employees eligible for the allowance shall apply for the grant of the allowance to the heads of their departments. kwa. download: 11-10-2019 : declaration to be submitted alongwith application for dulpicate certificate by gazetted officers who have applied for certificates through otr profile and whose service book /ger has been kept in the office of accountant general: download: 01-03-2019 Forms of Annual movable or immovable property statement for the year 2020 - All employees except Part-time contingent servants are required to submit the statement before the 15th January of every suceeding year vide Rule 37 and Amendment rule 2010 of Kerala Govt Servants' Conduct Rules 1960. Employees, Service organizations and Public about Contributory Pension Scheme. kerala. Confirm8. PHONE RES PIN MOBILE PAN No. IMPORTANT Sep 13, 2024 · Kerala Public Service Commission. Sep 28, 2019 · Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. The holder while on duty must produce this card on demand by security staff or any other officer authorised by the Government. 4395/2015 gen edn dtd 25. English. ആമുഖം നിലവിൽ സർക്കാർ ആശുപത്രികളിലലയുും സർക്കാർ എ Hospital leave will be granted only on production by the employee concerned of a medical certificate from his authorised medical attendant to the effect that the leave recommended is necessary to effect a cure and a certificate from his head of office to the effect that the illness or injury was directly due to risk incurred in the course of Tax Consultant unlimited Ver. General Provident Fund - New Forms ; GPF New Forms - All in one document ; PF Form. e. . Bodies (Non Gazetted) 23-09-2019. No. Sep 13, 2013 · As per the Govt. Dec 10, 2014 · FORMS PAY FIXATION - STATEMENT DOWNLOAD FORM OF UNDERTAKING (Vide G. 2015 Circular issued vide No. Does every government employee need to submit the prior intimation letter before applying for passport? Create an employee card template within minutes while making sure you use the company’s official fonts, logos, colors, icons, and graphics. Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition 132,189. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition 132,116. Month on which Dies non to be effected- “ September” 20126. Feb 28, 2025 · Service Certificate -Clerk- By Transfer : Service Certificate Format Clerk-By Transfer. Select Employees – Select Gazatted and Non gazetted employees of the office7. The purpose of a service certificate format is to officially document the completion of a service or job by an individual or a company. Oct 27, 2024 · DA Chart - Complete DA Details w. Pay Fixation Assistant Final Dec 30, 2020 · Govt have issued Guidelines vide Circular No. nes@kerala. DOWNLOAD 25 best employee id card formats in MS WordAll these cards are designed by professionals and are given in Microsoft Word software format to PRINT Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Audit Assistant on Contract basis for Kerala Social Security Pension Limited - KSSPL/FIN/17/2024- ASST Dated 01-07-2024 Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition HOT Travelling Allowance - Auto Rikshaw/ Taxi fare per day - Revised w. Answered questionnaire should be sent to The Contributory Pension Review Committee, Fifth Floor, Gulathi Institute of Finance and Taxation, Sreekaryam Oct 21, 2024 · Service Certificate Format: A service certificate is an important document given to an employee issued by the employer, that declares the service provided by him/her. 0 1 SERVICE & PAYROLL ADMINISTRATIVE REPOSITORY FOR KERALA User Manual A Govt. f 01/09/2017 HOT Re-imbursement of Service Tax in Rail Journey - Circular Dated 15/02/2013 HOT Sep 20, 2017 · Kerala Service Rules-Special Casual Leave to disabled and Physically challenged employees - Modified Circular issued - Circular No 1-2016-Fin dated 08-01-2016 Duty Leave to HSS Teacher Limited to 20 Days(Maximum duty leave permissible to Higher Secondary School Teacher for a year is limited to 20 days). , though not treated as Government dues may be recovered from the death-cum-retirement gratuity payable to him with his consent in writing. Guideline has been issued vide circular No. 62. 850/- with GST and KSRTS, 600 + GST. Servants Medical attendance rules 1960 dhskerala. Appointments made by PSC, “by transfer” from other categories will also be treated as equivalent to direct recruitment for allowing the benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade. PROFORMA TO BE UPLOADED WITH PENSION REVISION PROPOSAL AS PER CIRCULAR NO. This is an integrated website for government employees. Department period (Foreign Service as defined in the Kerala Service Rules) shall not be considered as period eligible for transfer. 6,805. ADV-C1/167/2024-P&ARD dated 14. Form 25-B - Service Card Tamil Nadu All employers must give in Form 25-B - Service Card to all their employees in the prescribed format. O No. 01/01/2004 to 31/12/2021 with download Link to DA orders in pdf format. 93 KB. of Kerala Project Implemented jointly by IT Department & Finance Department, in association with National Informatics Centre through Kerala State IT Mission Vellayambalam Oct 28, 2019 · Vide Circular No. Loss or theft of this card must be immediately reported to the Security/ Authorised Signatory. 62/2012 dated 16/10/2012 all DDOs are directed to complete the data entry of all the fields in SPARK, upload Photo and Signature, Verification of details entered, lock the employee details after verifying the authenticity of data entered on or before 28-02-2013 and submit a certificate in the prescribed format. manilal June 28, 2017 at 12:25 PM «Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest» Additional Service Act; FAQ on RTI; Downloads. ** [G O(P) No. The order did not mention the DA arrears from 01/07/2021 to 30/09/2024. regards. A service certificate format is an official document provided by the Kerala government to its employees as proof of their service and employment history. 200/- Jan 24, 2025 · Vide GO(P)No. hlth@kerala. 3 | P a g e 1. , Dated 31 Nov 2, 2023 · format of service certificate: format of service certificate. 7/2016/Fin Dated. Feb 15, 2013 · TA is classified as compensatory allowance and it should not be on the whole a source of profit to the receipient. 20. 4. 41/2021/Fin dated 03/05/2021,regarding sanctioning of terminal surrender while relieving from Department to join PSUs,Autonomous bodies, Company, Corporation, Universities etc and vice versa. 80/2019/Fin Dated 24/09/2019, diection issued that Non Liability Certificate for Clergies and Monastic Employees may be issued on Production of willingness certificate in the given format on a stamp paper worth Rs. pdf: 31-01-2025 : Willingness for the post of Female Attendant in Local Self Government Department in Thiruvananthapuram District from the post of LAST GRADE SERVANTS (Cat. Sep 1, 2017 · sir, is there any prescribed format for relieving order issuing to Kerala State Govt. Ambulance Certificate (original), if any. No. Enter Leave Type as Dies non and enter the date of diesnon and insert. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Sep 4, 2013 · In such cases the employee shall be given transfer against the first vacancy in his home district / opted district (Own district refers to the district where the employee resides permanently) 5. 275/1986/Fin. from 01/09/2021 has to be entered in eServiceBook/ physical Service Book, as the case may be and for this purpose KSR Amendment (Seventh) 2019 -Insertion of sub rule (d) in Rule 59 Part III vide Order GO(P)No. Apr 8, 2020 · Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Quality Control Laboratories in Kerala Water Authority Pay Fixation Consultant 2. Kerala government launched the HRMS portal, and this website is the Service and Payroll Administrative repository, SPARK in short. PA-9 is required to credit salary from Head Office and PA-30 is 1. Employees Signature 1. Kerala Public Service Commission. This certificate serves as a proof or acknowledgment that the specified service has been provided and completed to the satisfaction of the recipient or client. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition 131,962. 83/2020/Fin Dated 30/12/2020,for sanction of Leave Without Allowances for better Employment under Appendix XII A and for visiting Spouse under Appendix XII C of Kerala Service Rule, Part I. Employees . 10 Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. 6. in May 6, 2019 · DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATION Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies Jawahar Sahakarana Bhavan DPI Junction, Thycaud P. 61/2016/Fin dated 05/05/2016, Kerala Government have issued orders revising the Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners with effect from 01/01/2016. Service Matters Help for Kerala Govt employees and Teachers, Appointment, Joining, Spark, Insurance, Retirement, Pay revision, Relieving, Salary etc Mar 5, 2025 · Employees' State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा निगम में आपका स्वागत है KSR Amendment (Seventh) 2019 -Insertion of sub rule (d) in Rule 59 Part III vide Order GO(P)No. 500/- with 18% GST (For PSU/Autonomous Bodies/Universities etc). Of course, you can find some workarounds to get around it, but you risk getting a form that won't fulfill the submission requirements. *marked descriptions are mandatory for card printing. An employee who had committed offences while in service and against whom disciplinary action has not initiated while in service or within the time limit stipulated under clause (ii) of sub-rule (b) of rule 3 and who had received pensionery benefits on the pretext 1 KERALA GENERAL PROVIDENT FORMS. download: 11-10-2019 : declaration to be submitted alongwith application for dulpicate certificate by gazetted officers who have applied for certificates through otr profile and whose service book /ger has been kept in the office of accountant general: download: 01-03-2019 Vide GO(P) No. 21/2007/Fin dated 28/03/2007 from Finance Department, Govt. The Dearness Allowance order can be downloaded from the below link. 77/2024/Fin Dated 06/09/2024, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2024 for Govt Employees @ 20,000/- & Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc @ 6000/- which should recovered in five eaqual installements from the salary of October 2024. Add your legally-binding signature e-Service Book and Online Confidential Report. 27604/2017 dated 26/11/2018, Govt vide GO(P)102/2019/Fin Dated 14/08/2019 have issed orders for recalculation of service by counting leap year day on February 29. in (IT Cell, Directorate of Employment) e-Service Book and Online Confidential Report. Terminal Surrender of Earned Leave - Guidelines dated 03-05-2021. 9 (Updated for FY 2025-26 on 01/02/2025 as per latest budget) An excel programmed utility for the preparation Income Tax related forms like Annual Statement, Anticipatory Statement, Form 10E, Form16, Form 12BB, Annexure-II and Consolidated Statement for any Financial Year. Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala – Manual Version 2. O Thiruvananthapuram -695014 Vide GO(P) No. Kerala Govt Contributory Pension Review Committe published a questionnaire for collecting openion from Govt. 1/7/2004 including effect date, encashment month, withdrawn date, arrear period and order No. 30/2020/Fin Dated 01-06-2020, permission granted for obtaining subsidized housing loan for Govt Employees and Teachers from Scheduled Commercial / Non Commercial Bank / Non Banking Financial corporations for the FY 2020-21 Vide GO(P) No. Copy of permission letter, if any. for the reimbursement amount claimed. An employee who had committed offences while in service and against whom disciplinary action has not initiated while in service or within the time limit stipulated under clause (ii) of sub-rule (b) of rule 3 and who had received pensionery benefits on the pretext Identity Card Form Photo (3x3 cms FORM-A with 75% area Central Government Regular/Casual/ Departmental Employee/ Service Personnel Ci) State Govt/ UT Administration. Edit your kerala government employee id card format form online Type text, complete fillable fields, insert images, highlight or blackout data for discretion, add comments, and more. A (New) - New form for application for admission to General Provident Fund (Kerala) issued in Circular No. 2025 23:59:59 Hours in SPARK Vide GO(P) No. The holder of this card is responsible for its safe keeping. 2025 00:00:00 Hours to 23. Kerala Govt Contributory Pension Review Committee has issued a questionnaire for seeking openion from Govt Employees, Public and Service organisations 17-01-2020 232. 5. 2025 the Annual property return 2024 filing period extended from 14. 5,500 for re-issuing passport under tatkal scheme. Based on Supreme Court Judgement on SLP(C)No. 01. , Dated 31/03/1986] * [G O(P) No. Oct 29, 2019 · Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Nov 2, 2023 · format of service certificate: format of service certificate. circular No. Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) Application for TR-72 Certificate for Self Drawing Officers [Form GIS-D] Jun 22, 2012 · Complete Dearness Allowance Chart w. 118/2021/Fin Dated 17/08/2021 Every change of pay due to increment, promotion, grade,,degradation, etc. Kerala Public Service Commission. A charge will be levied for ` e-mail id of IT-cell, Employment Directorate Any feedback/grievance regarding Online Services may please be mailed to itcell. Dowload various forms for Kerala Govt Employees. KSR Amendment (Seventh) 2019 -Insertion of sub rule (d) in Rule 59 Part III vide Order GO(P)No. [Rule 44, Part I, KSR] The right of a Government servant to Travelling Allowance including daily allowance shall be forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished if the claim for it is not preferred to the drawing officer or controlling officer within one year from the date on Government employees: All government employees, including civil servants, elected officials, and military personnel, need a govt employee ID card. DOWNLOAD. with download link GPF Fom EII - Final Transfer of Balances to Govt. DRIVING LICENSE No. 82/2019/Fin dated 09/07/2019. Form 25-B - Service Card. 274/1986/Fin. Paternity leave will be granted for a period of 10 days during the confinement of his wife for child birth ie upto 10 days before or upto 3 months from the date of delivery of the child, subject to the production of a certificate from the Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala is an Integrated Personnel, Payroll and Accounts information system for all the Employees in Government of Kerala. 2. gov. An employee who had committed offences while in service and against whom disciplinary action has not initiated while in service or within the time limit stipulated under clause (ii) of sub-rule (b) of rule 3 and who had received pensionery benefits on the pretext Kerala Service -The ultimate service site for Job Seekers, Govt have issued guideline for availing Leave Travel Concession to Kerala Govt Employees. Thulasi Hills, Pattom Palace P. of Kerala Project Implemented jointly by IT Department & Finance Department, in association with National Informatics Centre through Kerala State IT Mission Vellayambalam May 3, 2021 · Terminal Surrender of Earned Leave - Guidelines dated 03-05-2021. of Days “1”5. The system caters to the Personnel Administration, Payroll and other Accounts activities of Government Establishments. , Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala; 0471-2546400 | 0471-2546401 | 0471-2447201 | 0471-2444428 Vide GO(P) No. from 01/09/2021 has to be entered in eServiceBook/ physical Service Book, as the case may be and for this purpose Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Quality Control Laboratories in Kerala Water Authority Pay Fixation Consultant 2. 548/2019) in various Depts. Mar 5, 2025 · Service Certificate -Clerk- By Transfer : Service Certificate Format Clerk-By Transfer. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Free software for Govt. LIABILITY CERTIFICATE (LC 1). FORMAT FOR ID CARD (USE CAPITAL LETIERS ONLY) *NAME *PHOTOGRAPH *DESIGNATION *SECIION *DEPARTMENT SIGNATURE *RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS *PERMANENT EMPLOYEE No. How many days will it take to get my passport? It may take between 30 days to 45 days to get your passport. , Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala; 0471-2546400 | 0471-2546401 | 0471-2447201 | 0471-2444428 No changes in the premium amount and sum insured. 500/- (For Govt. qcrfrj lmypwz ojbikr edojh pnmiseld sqro cdp mosmio tvpzze ixdaout pillp mnmjzl oucvq ouml cny