Cdo remapcon tutorial

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txt. cdo gencon: Map weight < 0! grid1idx=982738 grid2idx=140606 nlink=1752516 wts=-3. grb sample1. Jun 15, 2021 · You can solve this using the setgrid operator. > Regridding two files. $ cdo remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_gom. I am using the following commands: # Generate the source grid description file. nc > grid_CMN-5x5. 6 April 2005 Uwe Schulzweida Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology Syntax cdo [Options] Operators Options-a Absolutetimeaxis-d Printdebugginginformation-f<format> Formatoftheoutputflle(grb,nc,nc2,srvorext)-g<grid> Gridnameorflle Availablegrids: t<RES>grid,r<LON>x<LAT>-h Dec 17, 2007 · > cdo remapcon,t42grid infile. cdo remapcon: Processed 69782 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep [0. nc' is generated with the data remapped to a T42 gaussian > grid. Below I explain it for one dataset. However, I would like to make sure that the cdo function really worked as I hope it does and verify the mass conservation using python. These coordinates have to be part of the dataset. nc outputfile_grtplns. 25 degree) and mask the ocean features to NaN. 5939 to 64. pdf). 9. I get the following messages: I am trying to generate conservative mapping weights to map from a latlon grid to a polar stereographic projection. Instead of 6 points in a sea of missing values (which is what I want), I get a swath of nonzero points surrounding the 6 locations and the actual points have the wrong values. txt NSIDC. 0 -remapcon,T42L90MA_gp. nc outfile. This command takes a long time and has no output (such as a progress bar). The result looks like this (comparing original - 1km res with 3km output res): During the generation of remapping weights many errors occur including map weights above 1 and below 0 (see image). nc (Note that occasionally you may find CDO throwing a wobbly due to loss of precision during the conversion if the data is "packed" and in this case it will suggest you use the option "-b f32" or "-b f64". Then use CDO to set the grid: cdo setgrid,mygrid infile. g. nc cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from lonlat (144x96) to gaussian (192x96) grid cdo remapcon: Processed 25671168 values from 1 variable over 1857 timesteps [6. txt input_file output_file => cdo remapcon (Abort): Source grid cell corner coordinates missing! cdo sinfon: Processed 4 variables over 1 timestep [0. , cdo remapcon,r7200x3600 in. grib h14_2019053000_r. nc test. Dear CDO community, I'm aware that the remapcon question has been raised previously, that it requires grid cell boundaries for it to work (if the source grid is curvilinear), and that CDO is unable to compute them from the source file directly. 25 grid parameter: cdo -remapbil,global_0. nc files: zmksrf_lai. The topography on the same resolution is given by: cdo -f nc -remap,test. de/pub/REA/COSMO_REA6/hourly/2D/)I would like to remap this grid (rotated long Jul 31, 2019 · cdo remapcon t2. nc #Finally, a bilinear interpolation method for regridding based on the desired grid description. Mean annual cycle calculation 1. cdo griddes grid_CMN-5x5. After I compared CDO remapped file with the wrfinput from ARW feature "ndown. static. bash$ cdo sellonlatbox,-110,-95,40,48 inputfile. Dec 3, 2019 · You can use cdo in the following way cdo remapcon,newgrid. The conservative remapping with remapcon need the coordinates of all grid cell corners for the source and the target grid. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2, netCDF 3/4, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. The stucture of the coords. cdo remapcon (Warning): Source grid cell center latitudes out of range (min=30. txt t_fixMissing. 1 In case the weight computation does not work for your regions, some areas should have been counted multiple times, which should lead to value != 1. Then extract the Italian domain from the global netcdf file (lon0=5, lon1=19, lat0=36, lat1=48): Nov 12, 2021 · サンプルコード. For selindexbox all input fields muss have the same horizontal grid. Use 'selgrid,1' to select all variable on the first grid: cdo remapcon,r120x60 -selindexbox,1,120,1,101 -setgrid,gridfile_122x101. cdo remapcon (Abort): grid1 corner missing! Following the guidelines in the SCRIP manual I have create a file to use as target file with grid_center_lat and lon as well as grid_corner_lat and lon (4 corner points), cdo remapcon,r720x360 in. emiprep will use CDO for regridding purposes. To convert to regular lat/lon cdo -R remapcon,r1600x800 -setgridtype,regular h14_2019053000. nc (pipe1. nc -topo topography. nc can be written, no data (TREFHT) is kept. I want to regrid using remapcon the data in SAFRAN_PR_19890101net3. # Generate the target grid description file. nc #for regridding. nc can be any file which has the target grid and input_file is the file which is to be regridded. cdo remapcon: Target grid area error: 1352 -0. 5 degree LAI file into 0. To calculate yearly sum from monthly precipitation [mm month-1], use this: cdo yearsum pr_mon_file tmp_file. 4 Climate Data Operators (CDO) A collection of command-line operators to manipulate and analyze climate and numerical weather prediction data; includes support for netCDF-3, netCDF-4 and GRIB1, GRIB2, and other formats. cdo remapcon,new_grid_specification in. So we need to understand how the CDO interpolation operators work. I would like to know how exactly one could do a remapcon And when I use your recommendation the message is : cdo remapcon: SCRIP first order conservative weights from unstructured (104431) to lonlat (180x91) grid. nc sic_sub. 25 deg Gaussian grid. I'm using CDO in my research and it is amazing! Right now I'm trying to upscale my data to 1 km. 25 degrees regular global grid you can use the global_0. Dec 19, 2022 · cdo gridboxmean,n,m in. But I couldn't remap this "generic" grid to a lonlat. My task is to regrid a file (curvilinear grid) to the grid of another file (horizontal). nc cdo remapcon : Enter grid description file or name > tx. but it was throwing this error: cdo remapcon (Abort): Source grid cell corner coordinates missing I'm using CDO in my research and it is amazing! Right now I'm trying to upscale my data to 1 km. 7. nc # conservative regridding to an other resolution </code> Hi Ralf, Thank you very much! I didn't consider that. 0296989. genbil creates weights, that must be aplied with remap. Problem description: a LAEA-gridded file could not be remapped using, e. nc" does not display anything in ncview. txt -selgrid,1 bgcmean_2d. Your data keep an extra column on the left and right side. Dec 14, 2020 · module load cdo. See if this helps? If not then I am sure CDO community (Ralf in my case) was super helpful and they will address your query promptly! Shreya 11 3. nc SAFRAN_PR_19890101net3. I want to remap it to a lower resolution (0. 水平高解像度なnetCDFファイル( in_hires. When I do this, the output file "remap1. ) Common regridding options to consider are: remapbil: Bilinear interpolation RE: cdo remapcon (Abort): grid2 corner missing! - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 11 years ago. grib; Then convert the file from grib to netcdf: cdo -f nc copy h14_2019053000_r. cdo -setattribute,friver@coordinates="lat lon" friver_y2013. I'm having some problems with file (curvilinear grid) and not only with remapcon command but they might be connected. mask. nc cdo(1) reducegrid: Process started cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from unstructured (69782) to unstructured (1) grid cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 Apr 18, 2021 · 変数の質量を節約するためにcdo remapcon を使用しましたが、出力されたnetCDFファイルはこれまでのところ有望に見えます。 ただし、cdo関数が実際に機能することを確認し、Pythonを使用して質量保存の法則を検証したいと思います。 . nc, and zmksrf_pft. CDO reference card Climate Data Operators Version 0. Syntax: cdo op3 -op2 -op1 input_file output_file. In the documentation of the most recent version of CDO I found that there is a switch called REMAP_EXTRAPOLATE. nc -setgrid,grid_corners_SAFRAN. nc example_regirdded. This final values includes weight computation (which should give wrong results) and normalization (which should be ok for your regions). As well as conservative first order remapping (remapcon), other options are : remapbil : bilinear interpolation. nc . How can I correct that using cdo (or nco)? I am interpolating the data with 'cdo inttime,date,time,inc ifile. You can download the data used in the How to use remapcon. remapcon can't be used without the coordinates of the grid cell corners. nc) In the CM2. 8. I'm new with CDO. I have used single unstructured grids to create time series for arbitrary simple closed polygons using remapcon and gencon. cdo remapcon: Target grid area error: 1347 -0. In the next step (if it is needed), coordinates are defined using CDO: ncatted -a units,lon,o,c,'degreeE' -a units,lat,o,c,'degreeN' des_1. The output format is specified with the parameter “-f”: cdo -f nc import_cmsaf ifile. 0 and 1. nc; this is just a sample of a larger dataset of monthly data with the same recurring issue). Hello, I am currently attempting to get two datasets (different variables) on the same grid and possibly merging them into a single file. nc cdo(1) reducegrid: Process started cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from unstructured (69782) to unstructured (1) grid cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 Dear CDO-Users, I have a trivial problem, but I'm not able to solve it with CDO. 1°). Regards Akil Mar 28, 2023 · cdo -f nc -gtc,0 -remapcon,test. ) Then I can use remapcon operator successfully. CDO was developed to have the same set of processing functions for GRIB [ GRIB Jun 18, 2020 · I want to change the resolution in my netcdf file using bilinear interpolation from (1°x1°) ---> (0. nc )へと変換する場合、シェル (Bash)で以下のコマンドを実行します。. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of installing CDO (and it’s essential dependencies) on Linux from sources. 875/1. 1): Whereas the result of. txt -setgrid,src_grid. dwd. I upload file1 and file2. The CDO authors claim to use the SCRIP routines (translated >>From Fortran to C) for their remapping operators. to a regular 1 degree grid you can use: cdo remapcon,r360x180 input. nc cdo remapcon (Abort): Source grid cell corner coordinates missing! Then I tried to reset the grid by using "-setgrid" $ cdo remapcon,grid. 26. So I use this cdo command: cdo remapcon2,grid_rot_nmmb grid_tno_setgrid. 91s 33MB] cdo remapcon t1. 9878 to 72. Added by Patrick Jöckel about 7 years ago. nc 2#cdo remapcon,seamask example2. nc cdo(1) reducegrid: Process started cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from unstructured (69782) to unstructured (1) grid cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 $ cdo remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_gom. 25s 79MB]. 865252 degrees input file to the much finer 0. nc'. Feb 12, 2021 · I have a netCDF file which I would like to regrid to a coarser grid and a smaller area. nc. nc input_file. For example, you can run. nc example2. sellonlatbox allows you to extract an area from fields by choosing lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2. CDO cannot make anything out of your ROMS input grid, since there no longitudes nor latitudes. And indeed, now it works. RE: cdo remapbil creates missing values when regridding CMIP files - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 4 years ago. nc out_bs_mask. nc > mygrid. nc result. cdo-climate. to perform a first order conservative regridding to a regular 0. I am working with cosmso rea 6 data (ftp://ftp-cdc. remapnn : nearest neighbour interpolation. The operators include simple statistical and arithmetic functions, data Here we just give a few examples for the use with CM SAF data: The pure conversion of a CM SAF HDF5 file to netCDF can be done with the “import_cmsaf” operator. It is a wonderful application of cdo. The command I use: cdo remapbil,infile1 infile2 ofile. nc in. Use pipes to combine several operations in one command. and observations. nc is missing. I tried to do that using: cdo remapcon,r1440x720 a. This is the same as the one you give, but with "generic" replaced by "lonlat": cdo griddes infile. This hides the cyclic interpolation over the edges. nc GIOMAS_heff_1979-2014_Regridded. nc -topo land_sea_mask. nc file I have the grid info (in the attached txt file, with the info I get from ncdump). nc infile_fixedgrid. 05 degree PFT file, so that I have high resolution LAI data. cdo griddes grid_NH-40KM. gives the expected results, the same command with a very similar Remapcon need the coordinates of all grid cell corners for the source and the target grid. To calculate a map of a climate change signal, the time mean of Then I tried to reset the grid by using "-setgrid". I want to remap an emissions file (non-rotated) to my model grid (lat-lon rotated). Thanks in advance. nc onto the CORDEX EUR-11 grid using the command. Feb 16, 2023 · Climate Data Operators (CDO) is a powerful tool that can help you analyze and process large amounts of climate data in a fast and efficient way. 585 degrees_north This can be done easily by using pyproj. Since the units of emissions are kgC/m2, I used a conservative remapping in order to take into account the different area of Dec 3, 2016 · I want to apply the CDO (Climate Data Operator) "remapnn" command in order to extract time series for a set of points that are stored in the "coords. nc where n and m are the numbers of points to average over in the lon and lat directions. nc [ zos_Omon_ACCESS-CM2_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_185008. Subscribed. txt file is the following: It would be very convenient if there was an automatic way of increasing the area of the reconstruction during interpolation to the t31grid, by extrapolating into the NaN area. cdo -P 8 -remapcon,T63grid global_gebco_ibcao_1min_topo_o. There are other interpolation methods possible, described in the docs (not all work for this type of grid). I used cdo remapcon in order to conserve the mass of my variables and the output netCDF file looks promising so far. The operators include simple statistical and arithmetic functions, data selection and subsampling tools, and spatial interpolation. $ cdo remapcon,grid. Warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLAT! I'm using CDO in my research and it is amazing! Right now I'm trying to upscale my data to 1 km. 6. nc ofile. Jan 1, 2000 · I have a dataset at hourly timesteps and I am interpolating it to 30-min with 'inttime' in cdo. But, the resultant netCDF have values from -300 to 300. nc out_lowres. grib h14_2019053000. Mar 18, 2016 · Climate Data Operators (CDO) Tutorial - #2 Remapping climate data using CDO. I computed fire emissions on a 0. cdo remapbil, sic_inverted1. このとき Jul 21, 2023 · I am trying remap interpolation using cdo by: cdo remapbil,black_sea. A: do the regriding (interpolation) for each file and then merge them spatially to one grid. 5 degrees output grid. 25 infile outfile. nc cdo(1) reducegrid: Process started cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from unstructured (69782) to unstructured (1) grid cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 • Showinformationaboutthevariablesvaluerange,times,levelsinmoredetail • Copyfile • Selectvariables • Selecttimesteps • Operatorchaining • Selectasub-region IDRIS - Institut du developpement et des ressources en $ cdo remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_gom. I was still running 1. c, line 1777 The Climate Data Operators (CDO) software is a collection of many operators for standard processing of climate and forecast model output. However, the timestamp outputted is not correct, it is just duplicated from the original data. 5 GB, so I can't attach here. c, line 1777 cdo remapcon (Warning): Source grid cell center latitudes out of range (min=30. nc cdo(1) reducegrid: Process started cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from unstructured (69782) to unstructured (1) grid cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 cdo remapcon (Warning): Source grid cell center latitudes out of range (min=30. (The size of in. cdo -b 64 -O -f nc setmisstoc,0. I will be appreciated if there is an expert here to give suggestions (comments) on choosing those remapping methods for interpolation (regridding) from coarse resolution RE: cdo remapbil (Abort): Unsupported target grid type (generic)! - Added by Ralf Mueller over 6 years ago. nc' has the data on a fixed 360x180 grid and > 'outfile. CDO is a collection of command line operators to manipulate and analyse climate and numerical weather prediction model data. nc u_ugrid. nc -const,1. cdo -f nc4 -P <スレッド数> remapcon,grid_output in_hires. 25° longitude-latitude grid and 14 Mar 19, 2020 · cdo -v # print list of available operators cdo -V # version (if very old, think of downloading the source and install a new version, as it is a tool that is evolving quickly cdo -h remapcon # informations about a command cdo remapcon,my_grid my_climatology. Nov 23, 2020 · I have two . Another option I used is: 1#cdo selname,TREFHT example1. 1)cdo -info filecurvilinear. Regards Akil Dec 1, 2008 · Hello everyone. You should then be able to regrid the file. Apr 18, 2019 · You can use cdo to remap grids, e. 32649e+15. But I don't know why these two scripts cannot be Trying this (all the commands are above in the example), it produces an output file on the correct 2D grid, but strangely cdo remapcon doesn't manage to 'drop in' the values of the 6 points in the right places (all 6 are incorrect) and it also adds in a swath of extra nonzero values at points surrounding those 6 points (which looks like some cdo -info -remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_ess. For example, the following CDO command can interpolate input data (time,lev,lat,lon) to a 1. The higher parts between blue and orange are the results of the interpolation between values from coarse 1. 25x0. Hi everyone, i am new to CDO. CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data. Mar 1, 2024 · => cdo remapbil (Abort): Can't do bilinear interpolation if the source grid is not a regular 2D grid! The third one using first-order conservative remapping: cdo remapycon,target_grid_world_025. In this way, data can be written. Then, the corners of the original data and also destination data should be calculated. cdo remapcon (Abort): Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: topo)! I was wondering if there is a cdo command that can remap this "generic" grid to a regular grid. 362 subscribers. I use remapbil but it doesn't work. 6 instead of 1. nc > > where 'infile. nc 1. b) calculate monthly mean fields for all the time steps for each of $ cdo remapcon,grid. Again, thanks a lot! Alexander I want to regrid using remapcon the data in SAFRAN_PR_19890101net3. 5° of resolution. nc -reducegrid,zos_Omon_ACCESS-CM2_historical_r1i1p1f1_mask_185008. Btw, to remap to a 0. cdo chunit,”mm month-1”,”mm year-1” tmp_file result_file. Jan 15, 2021 · Two of them work, and two of them fail. By the way, the "src_grid. The EURO-CORDEX netCDFs do not contain grid cell corner information. nc This command takes a long time and has no output (such as a progress bar). cdo -remapcon,EUR-11_grid. 1)". CDO can also be used to analyze gridded data not related to climate science. nc global_gebco_ibcao_1min_topo_T63. c, line 1777 $ cdo remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_gom. remapcon2 : 2nd order conservative remapping. cdo remapcon,n360 infile outfile. anyhow, you better upload the files for getting help. Otherwise you can interpolate using the conversative remapping which means that you don't need to worry if the new grid is not a multiple of the old. 0,global_0. nc cdo remapcon : Enter grid description file or cdo -P 8 -remapcon,T63grid global_gebco_ibcao_1min_topo_o. I tried CDO, and also ncremap, but did not work. h5 ofile. Please register yourself for reporting bugs or postings. cdo -info -remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_ess. Here is the description about CM5A-CNRM-RCA4: Grid coordinates : 1 : curvilinear : points=174688 (424x412) lon : -44. nc") cdo_path = '/opt/local/bin/cdo'. There are more than 600 operators available. I also attempted using weights for the remapping. sed -i "s/generic/lonlat/g" mygrid. 0280743. Giovanni Liguori. Another Dear CDO-Users, I have a trivial problem, but I'm not able to solve it with CDO. the code is as follows: files <- list. txt in. but it just returns nan values. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. files(path = common_path,pattern = ". exe", it appeared via NCVIEW that there's a horizontal shift (zonal & meridional) between both files cdo -info -remapcon,cdo_scrip_grid_ess. Download all files Jun 9, 2023 · 'Ia ora na, I've used a combination of CDO et NCO features to remap some wrfout file to wrfinput (see script below). nc contains the grid corner lats and lons. nc > grid_NH-40KM. However, the variable lat/lon in the output. I tried to create grid file based on my original dataset (which has 200m resolution) with cdo griddes. So it is important to know the order in which we have to do things: first cdo remap and then convert from per-gridcell to per-area, or So there is at least one variable on a 'generic' grid which has the size 1. First I tried to do it with remapycon (cdo remapycon,CM2. CDO provides more than 350 operators, including. 0. First create a grid file. cdo remapcon: Target grid area error: 1345 -0. Operators can be combined to a command sequence. I have a high-resolution variable (0. So, I tried to edit the mask file with "ncatted". a) Extract the area around Great Plains of the US from the monthly precipitation data by specifying long and lat co-ordinates. 0172689. cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep. We will give an example to illustrate how to regrid data with CDO in an updated pdf file (graphic_guide_MVIETool. In case of the TNO-MACC3 inventory, we need to convert from mass/time/gridcell to mass/time/area. B: merge all the files into one grid and do the regriding (interpolation) 2) for the regriding, if I need regrid it to 4 km, I plan to use different methods for the interpolation, I am asking how to define the target grid (like the r360x180 ): cdo 3. Added by Fredrik Boberg about 7 years ago. Warning (find_time_vars): Time variable >time< not found! Jul 11, 2022 · One way to regrid the unstructured data is by using the remap function from cdo. Where grid_rot_nmmb is: cdo output: Started child process "selvar,NOx -fldsum grid_tno_setgrid. The regridding can be done with one command line of CDO. Dear Colleagues, I have a problem with the remapcon operator of cdo (1. cdo remapcon,output. nc Jul 1, 2022 · I can seemingly do that using cdo remapcon using the commands below, However it doesn't produce quite what I expected. 05° regular grid, and now I would regrid these emissions to the model grid that has 0. I have repaired this as you suggested with. where grid_corners_SAFRAN. 1°x0. Best regards, The Climate Data Operator ( CDO) software is a collection of many operators for standard processing of climate and forecast model data. txt" file. For this, I just changed grid size to 1000m and grid number to 330 in the produced grid file. nc output_file. nc because the LAEA grid definition was incomplete (file is attached, monthly data file for April named APR_v1. Your suggestion is highly appreciated. 12K views 7 years ago. export MAX_REMAPS=1. 6/max=1e+30)! cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from curvilinear (320x104) to gaussian (128x64) grid, with source mask (23744) cdo remapcon: 51%ERROR: invalid cell Aborting in file clipping. 05 degrees) with values between 0 to 100. It returns: Unsupported grid type: generic . I tried all the 3 three methods (Bilinear, Conservative and IDW), it seems that bilinear performs better than other two (from the monthly, seasonally and annually statistics). 9644 degrees_east lat : 21. issue with remapcon and missing values. nc output. These contain a replication of the second and second last column. nc ] test. • CDO is freely available for linux and windows systems. nc where newgrid. nc out. Since the units of emissions are kgC/m2, I used a conservative remapping in order to take into account the different area of Hi ralf, I didn't pay attention to this, thank you so much!!!! Best, Jinyan Aug 27, 2018 · I need to regrid hundreds of netCDF files but when I used the CDO command in R, there is always a problem like this: cdo remapnn (Abort): Too few streams specified! Operator needs 1 input and 1 output streams. cdo remapbil,Griddes. 112. nc is 1. nc remap1. I want to interpolate the 0. ocean. nc u_tgrid. nc sample1_out. nc my_regridded_climatology. nc I got this error: remapbil (Abort): Unsupported target grid type (generic)! I guess cdo does not handle with generic type. #cdo remapcon (Abort): lonlat grid without longitude coordinates! Although the ourput. txt" file are generated by "cdo griddes" so it looks like the same as above netCDF description. A typical case for CM SAF data I'm using CDO in my research and it is amazing! Right now I'm trying to upscale my data to 1 km. 25°×1. nc )を低解像度なnetCDFファイル( out_lowres. RE: cdo remap from reduced Gaussian grid to lat-lon - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 9 months ago. nc cdo(1) reducegrid: Process started cdo remapcon: YAC first order conservative weights from unstructured (69782) to unstructured (1) grid cdo(1) reducegrid: Processed 108000 Hi Lina, which CDO version are you using? I can't reproduce the problem. 14s 119MB]. pt ns eq oh fm fb wb jt zq cq