Stanford number theory Mon, Nov 1 2021, 12:30pm. Other topics may include sieves (e. 5 %ÐÔÅØ 158 0 obj /Length 1227 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xÚÕWKsÛ6 ¾ûWðVj¦Bñ&Л,ËŽ[[ndº3™4 †‚eŽùP(* ÷×wI ´¨Âq¯= $v¿}àÛ Number theory learning seminar 2016-2017 The seminar will meet Wednesdays 1:30--3:30pm in Room 384H. Introduction to number theory and its applications. 1 History Abstract: A classical result identifies holomorphic modular forms with highest weight vectors of certain representations of SL_2(\mathbb{R}). Number theory learning seminar 2010-2011 The topic for 2010-2011 is Faltings' proof of the Mordell conjecture. Set theory, as a separate mathematical discipline, begins in the work of Georg Cantor. Field of Interest. They are an introduction to elementary number theory, including the proofs of unique factorization and the basic properties of the integers, an introduction to arithmetical functions, quadratic reciprocity, Hensel's Lemma, quadratic forms, and some elements of computational Number theory learning seminar 2016-2017 The seminar will meet Wednesdays 1:30--3:30pm in Room 384H. By construction, \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) are Gaussian periods which means it is easy to compute \(x_1 x_2 = -4\) (or use brute force(!)), thus \(x_1 , x_2\) are roots of a quadratic equation with integer coefficients, namely \((-1 \pm \sqrt{17}) / 2\). ANDREW SNOWDEN, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. In joint work with Brian Lawrence, we prove an analogous finiteness statement for hypersurfaces in a fixed abelian abstract-1. solving equations, eigenvalues, heights, integrals, enumerative geometry and L-functions. I will report on some work with Sai-Kee Yeung on arithmetic fake projective spaces. The goal of explicit class field theory is to describe the abelian extensions of a ground number field via analytic means intrinsic to the ground field. showing upper bounds for the number of twin primes), the primality test, gaps between primes etc. (with Sean Prendiville and Fernando Shao) Bounds in a popular multidimensional nonlinear Roth At first glance, this seems like a good way to tell if a given number is prime but unfortunately there is no known fast way to compute \((p-1)!\). The correspondence is achieved by using as integral kernel a theta series on the metaplectic double cover of a symplectic group constructed from I will discuss a recent paper of mine, the aim of which is to count the number of prime solutions to Q(p_1,. Goldfeld conjectures 50% of the quadratic twists of an elliptic curve over the rationals have analytic rank 0. 294). Contemporary number theory is developing rapidly through its interactions with many other areas of mathematics. Abstract: Following Bourgain, Gamburd, and Sarnak, we say that the Markoff equation x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 3xyz = 0 satisfies strong approximation at a prime p if its integral points surject onto its F_p points. ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY LECTURES BY BRIAN CONRAD, NOTES BY AARON LANDESMAN CONTENTS 1. The set of units of \(\mathbb{Z}_n\) is denoted by \(\mathbb{Z}_n Elkies proved that an elliptic curve over the field of rational numbers has infinitely many supersingular reductions. For any integer \(n\), we factorize \(n\) into primes \(n = p_1^{k_1} p_m^{k_m}\) and then use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to get A little thought leads to this unique solution, known as the Möbius function: Berkeley-Stanford number theory learning seminar spring 2022 Organised by Pol van Hoften . 4 \pmod{8}\) is nonsense for example, because if we add \(4\) to both sides we find \(4 0 \pmod{8}\). Thus a set x is a natural number if and only if it belongs to every inductive set. Program I – Abstract Algebra & Number Theory. I will Stanford Number Theory Seminar Kannan Soundararajan, Stanford University. Outline Algebra Number Theory Combinatorics Geometry Algebra 2. 09478. To ground his views about the relationship of logic and mathematics, Frege conceived a comprehensive philosophy of language that many philosophers still find insightful, Further works by him include: a long and influential article on the theory of algebraic functions, written jointly with Heinrich Weber (Dedekind 1882, Dedekind & Weber 2012); and a variety of shorter pieces in algebra, number theory, complex analysis, probability theory, etc. Primes in OK 37 8. Firstly, \(a^k = 1\) for some \(k\): since there are finitely many units, we must have \(a^x = a^y\) for some \(x . The global Langlands correspondence can often be realised through the cohomology of Shimura varieties, which are certain moduli spaces equipped with many symmetries. Previously, I completed my bachelor's Unfortunately, numbers such as the third Carmichael number \(1729\) still fool this enhanced test. The Stanford Mathematics department is a leader in combinatorics, with particular strengths in probabilistic combinatorics, extremal combinatorics, algebraic combinatorics, additive combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, and Katharine (Katy) Woo . Seminar. Department of Stanford Number Theory Seminar SQUAREFREE VALUES OF QUADRATIC POLYNOMIALS. e-mail: ksound(at)math(dot)stanford(dot)edu. I have written 1 letter of recommendation for students. Number theory. 8. I work in number theory, representation theory and arithmetic geometry / topology. In its local form, it gives a correspondence between representations of GL(n,F) and This was the first algorithm discovered for finding large primes. 12pm Friday February 7, Room 383-n. The origins. See the syllabus link for a more detailed discussion. Multiplicative Inverse be a polynomial with integer coefficients. Multiplicative Inverse It is not hard to see that if \(2^r + 1\) is prime then \(r\) must be a power of 2. Cardinality of Sets. We consider the standard L-function attached to a cuspidal automorphic representation of a general linear group. Representation Theory. There are Cantor’s naive set theory, Frege’s formal theory of logic and the first version of Church’s formal theory of mathematical logic. We give some partial results, as well as suggest some potential An important consequence of the theorem is that when studying modular arithmetic in general, we can first study modular arithmetic a prime power and then appeal to the Chinese Remainder Theorem to generalize any results. In as much as complex Hodge theory works for general compact Kähler manifolds, we discuss a theory that DETAILED SCHEDULE - STANFORD NUMBER THEORY LEARNING SEMINAR 2013 ON SHIMURA VARIETIES2 Lecture10: Adelicpointofview[Sam Lichtenstein] References: Chapter5ofMilne;also§1–3ofDeligne. Previously, I completed my bachelor's degree at Stanford University, advised by Kannan Soundararajan. A common misunderstanding is to interpret Gödel’s first theorem as showing that there are truths that cannot be proved. WIM Prerequisite: Math 51. Previously I was on the faculty of the University of Michigan. , for deriving the axioms of number theory) constituted a significant advance. The traditional approach to problems of this type, the Hardy-Littlewood circle method, does not quite suffice. “Results on Sum-Free Sequences” . Moreover, any \(a\) that exposes the compositeness of \(n\) in the Solovay-Strassen test also triggers the Miller-Rabin test. I'll talk about some recent results on primes in arithmetic Abstract: Hilbert’s twelfth problem asks for the construction of abelian extensions of number fields via special values of (complex) analytic functions. Stanford University, Department of Mathematics. I am an associate professor at Stanford University interested in arithmetic combinatorics and analytic number theory. Abstract: The Jacquet-Langlands correspondence is an instance of the Langlands functoriality principle. Integrality 20 5. Class Field Theory Instructor: Prof. Since \(t^q = (\beta^{-1} t)^q\) we can equate the coefficients of the powers Note that Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes is another program that requires a different application from Stanford University Mathematics Camp. Topics: elements of group theory, groups of symmetries, matrix groups, group actions, and applications to combinatorics and computing. Location. Office: Fine Hall 504 . Henryk Iwaniec, Rutgers University. This is a sort of weak generalization of the Shafarevich We will discuss p-adic analogues of several classical theorems in complex Hodge theory, such as the Hodge decomposition, the Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration, the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, and the classification of complex abelian varieties. Sage, This was the first algorithm discovered for finding large primes. -M. Since \(t^q = (\beta^{-1} t)^q\) we can equate the coefficients of the powers Stanford Number Theory Seminar BEN GREEN, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Numbers of the form \(2^{2^m}+1\) are called Fermat numbers, and are called Fermat primes if prime. Many authors, including Bombieri, de Diego, Parshin, Rémond, Vojta, proved upper bounds for the number of K-rational points. Stanford Topology Seminar (Tuesday 4 pm). We present a proof of a subconvex bound in the t-aspect. Building 380, Stanford, California 94305 Phone: (650) 725-6284 mathfrontdesk [at] stanford. 1 Stanford Number Theory Seminar SHALIKA PERIODS AND A QUESTION OF JACQUET-MARTIN. To brush up on complex analysis you could look at These are the notes from the first talk in the Stanford--Berkeley number theory learning seminar on the Emerton-Gee stack of the fall of 2022. edu. 2012; 6 (3): 405–35. WEE TECK GAN, UCSD. Example: \(3\) is not a generator of \(\mathbb{Z}_{11}^*\) since the powers of \(3 \pmod{11}\) are \(3, 9, 5, 4, 1\) which is only half of \(\mathbb{Z}_{11}^*\). Stanford Online High School Academy Hall Floor 2 8853 415 Broadway Redwood City, CA For any system of equations like this, the Chinese Remainder Theorem tells us there is always a unique solution up to a certain modulus, and describes how to find the solution efficiently. Fermat’s factorization method 2 2. I am interested in number theory and algebraic geometry, Stanford Number Theory Seminar Stanford University, April 2024 10. edu (Richard Taylor), and Sug Woo Shin (Berkeley) Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory | Mathematics Skip to main content Stanford University 450 Serra Mall, Building 380 Stanford, CA 94305-2125. Frank Calegari, Northwestern University We present some general conjectures on the growth of cohomology of arithmetic groups. Lie groups & representations. Nat Thiem and I co-chair the Stanford Representation Theory Seminar for the academic year 2004-2005. Richard Taylor is part of Stanford Profiles, official site for faculty, postdocs, students and staff information (Expertise, Bio, Research, Publications, and more). The main new idea is to involve the Weil representation of the symplectic groups Sp_8(Z/qZ). From the point of view of pure set theory, the most basic question about a set is: How many elements does it have? [3/12/2024] Seminar talk on Hasse invariants, canonical subgroups, overconveregent anticanonical towers at Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory . Saying \(0 . We could begin a discussion by e-mail. Suppose a prime \(p\) divides each of \(a_0, a_1, , a_{n-1}\) (every coefficient except the leading coefficient), and Hyperbolic reflection groups appear in various fields of mathematics such as algebraic geometry, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, geometric group theory, geometric topology, and number theory. An early prototype for a solution is the theory of complex multiplication, culminating in the landmark treatise of Shimura and Taniyama which provides a satisfying answer for CM ground fields. Fermat conjectured that all Fermat numbers are prime, and he was right for \(m = 0,,4\) (which give the primes \(3,5,17,257,65537\)), but wrong for \(m = 5\) (which is divisible by 641) and other Katharine (Katy) Woo . Then we move to the smooth numbers, the numbers whose prime factors are small. Contact Information Instructor: Gunnar Carlsson Office: 383L, Bldg. y\) eventually, and since \(a^{-1}\) exists we find \(a^{y-x} = 1\). I am interested in number theory, especially L-functions and multiplicative I work in number theory, representation theory and arithmetic geometry / topology. Example. All three had profound reprecussions on subsequent mathematics” (Friend 2013, p. The natural number corresponding to a sequence w = < w 0,, w k > of symbols is ⌈ w ⌉ = 2 #(w 0) · 3 #(w 1) · · p k #(w k), where p k is the k+1st prime. Stanford University June 29, 2015. A density theorem is a quantitative version of the statement that non-tempered representations become rarer the further their Langlands parameters at a given place are away from the unitary axis. Applications to the primes of the form x^2 The dispersion method has found an impressive range of applications in analytic number theory, from bounded gaps between primes to the greatest prime factors of quadratic polynomials. Math 110 Applied Number Theory and Field Theory . Discriminants of number fields 41 9. Number Theory. Familiarity with various basic topics in arithmetic geometry (schemes, class field theory, abelian varieties, etc. This is, however, incorrect, for the incompleteness theorem does not deal with provability in any Number Theory. This course develops math background useful in CS 255. Arizona Winter School 2024 Number Theory. If \(y \in \mathbb{Z}_n\) is invertible (that is, if \(y^{-1}\) exists), then we say \(y\) is a unit. Cofinite and cocompact hyperbolic reflection Previously, I was a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study (2022-2024) and a postdoc at Max Planck Institute (2021-2022). In this talk, I will survey Then replacing \(\zeta\) by \(\zeta^{g^d}\) in this expression yields \(\beta^{-1} t\). I moved to Stanford in 2006. g. I study examples and theories about I study examples and theories about any interesting integers, power series, operators and invariants, e. Thus 1=qn j a=qj sup x2( 1; +1) jp0(x)j: This simple theorem immediately shows that Lioville’s number is transcen-dental because it is approximated by a rational number far too well to be al-gebraic. For example, for (m,n) = (125,128) the fiber of the second function above 5 is given by a degree 15875 polynomial in Z[x] with discriminant −2130729563437 and Galois group the entire symmetric group S 15875. FRG Grad Seminar Online, February 2024 11. These considerations suggest the following. In this way we can assign Gödel numbers to formulas, sequences of formulas (once a method for distinguishing when one formula ends and another begins has Stanford/AIM Number Theory Seminar UCLA Number Theory Group UCSB Arithmetic and Geometry Seminar Number Theory Program at the University of South Carolina Number Theory Group at the University of Texas Number Theory Group at Texas A & M University Algebra and Number Theory, University of Vermont By Faltings's Theorem, formerly known as the Mordell Conjecture, a smooth projective curve of genus at least 2 that is defined over a number field K has at most finitely many K-rational points. More precisely, if X is a variety over a number field, admitting a variation of Hodge structure whose associate period map is injective, then the number of S-integral points on X of height at most H grows more slowly than H^{\epsilon}, for any positive \epsilon. But if \(n\) is large, say a 256-bit number, this cannot be done even if we use the fastest computers available today. e-mail: gunnar@math. Irreducible elements and prime ideals 31 7. The unknotting number of the unknot is 0. Mon, Mar 4 2024, 2:30pm. Stanford Number Theory Seminar The Gindikin-Karpelevich formula and Crystal bases. Applications to the primes of the form x^2 +y^2, x^2+2y^2, x^2+3y^2, x^2+5y^2 (genus theory). For one thing, the sum of two units might not be a unit. rltaylor[@]stanford[dot]edu CV as of March 2023 (Former) Students : Dept. This quarter we are studying moduli spaces of (local) Langlands parameters, following the paper of Dat-Helm-Kurinczuk-Moss, in order to understand the statement of a conjectural local Langlands correspondence "in families". Though not fully articulated until the 19 th century, proto-utilitarian positions can be discerned throughout the history of ethical theory. stanford. Primary advisor: Soundararajan, Kannan Stanford Number Theory Seminar A local proof of the local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence. Abstract: I will talk about spaces whose points parametrize certain kinds of orders in number fields, and ideal classes in those orders. Email: khwoo (at) princeton (dot) edu . The three main topics of these articles are Lie theory, number theory, and vertex algebras. Definition. Let Kbe a knot. As applications, we are able to prove a classicality result for overconvergent eigenforms The articles in the volume address selected aspects of representation theory of reductive Lie groups and vertex algebras, and are written by prominent experts in the field as well as junior researchers. Abstract: The generalized Ramanujan conjecture predicts that all cuspidal automorphic representations for GL(n) are tempered. ” This perspective turns out to unify topics ranging across harmonic analysis and number theory. About . In this talk, we will give a sketch of I will also discuss Riemann's seminal paper introducing the zeta function as a tool in prime number theory, explain some of the properties of zeta, and the connection between primes and the Riemann hypothesis. Some vanishing results for the rational completed cohomology of Shimura varieties. Jacquet and Martin asked if the same holds Then \(x_1 + x_2 = -1\). Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory . Wilson’s Theorem can be used to derive similar conditions: Nov 2023 Stanford Number Theory Seminar Aug 2023 Hausdorff Trimester Global Langlands Conference Mar 2023 Universite Lille Number Theory Seminar Mar 2023 MSRI Shimura Varieties and L-functions Feb 2023 Oberwolfach Arithmetic of Shimura Varieties Workshop Jan 2023 MSRI Connections Workshop Oct 2022 MPIM Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie (2 number with denominator qn. Automorphic forms. , of the predecessor relation and of the concept of natural number) and methods (e. solving equations, eigenvalues, heights, Department of Mathematics Building 380, Stanford, California 94305 Phone: (650) 725-6284 mathfrontdesk [at] stanford. Abstract: B(∞) is a crystal basis of the quantized universal enveloping algebra of the group N of lower triangular unipotent matrices of size r + 1. Prerequisites: Math 248A or knowledge of basic algebraic number theory (local and global elds, and adeles). It is called its Gödel number and denoted by ⌈ w ⌉. Sum of Powers Xn k=1 k2 = 1 6 n(n+ 1)(2n+ 1) X k3 = X k 2 = 1 2 n(n+ 1) 2 Number Theory 12. edu (E-mail) In the last several years, it has been realized that the local Langlands correspondence has a categorical formulation, with variants given independently by Emerton and Helm, Fargues and Scholze, Hellmann, and Zhu. This year's seminar will focus on etale cohomology, the goal being to understand Laumon's proof of the main theorem of Deligne's Weil II paper that gave a powerful and vast generalization of the Riemann Hypothesis over finite fields. Speaker. of Mathematics, Stanford University, Building 380, 450 Jane The Burgess method hasn’t seemed to fit well into a bigger proofscape. BENEDICT GROSS, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Textbooks: There is no required text, but some books related to the course material will be kept Stanford Number Theory Seminar THE COHOMOLOGY OF ARITHMETIC GROUPS. Arithmetic Geometry. Number theory continues to be an area of active research, and with the increasing power Stanford Number Theory Seminar RESTRICTION OF IRREDUCIBLE REPRESENTATIONS FROM Un TO Un 1. I study examples and theories about . The solution \(x_1\) is the positive one since only two terms in its sum point to the left on the complex plane. We did need addition to prove that \(\mathbb{Z}_n^*\) has a certain structure, but once this is done, we can focus on multiplication. The unknotting numbers of 3 1 Abstract: Faltings proved the statement, previously conjectured by Shafarevich, that there are finitely many abelian varieties of dimension n, defined over a fixed number field, with good reduction outside a fixed finite set of primes, up to isomorphism. The pointwise ergodic theorem tells us that the orbit of almost every point is equidistributed but for Stanford Number Theory Seminar FAKE PROJECTIVE SPACES. Crosscurrents in number theory, analysis and geometry Efficiently distinguishing a quadratic residue from a nonresidue modulo \(N = p q\) for primes \(p, q\) is an open problem. pdf (56. In 2016, Bourgain, Gamburd, and Sarnak were able to establish strong approximation at all but a sparse (but infinite) set of primes, and conjectured that it holds at all Abstract: The classical theta correspondence establishes a relationship between automorphic representations on special orthogonal groups and automorphic representations on symplectic groups or their double covers. 380. The sentence in question is a relatively simple statement of number theory, a purely universal arithmetical sentence. Abstract: I will describe a general method that leads, for a large class of L-functions, to a small improvement over the convexity bound. The proof is based on an explicit interpolation formula, whose construction relies on a strengthening of Knopp's abundance Notice we rarely add or subtract elements of \(\mathbb{Z}_n^*\). We present the first instance: the congruent number elliptic curves (joint with Y. These are quotients of complex ball, by arithmetic subgroups of the group of holomorphic automorphisms of This dissertation is about exploring the dichotomy between structure and randomness in analytic number theory and additive combinatorics. Some monogenic Math 154: Algebraic Number Theory Professor Brian Conrad MWF, 11:30am--12:20pm, 380W Sloan Hall . 15 KB) Department of Mathematics Building 380, Stanford, California 94305 Phone: (650) 725-6284 Abstract: In this talk we will discuss two central problems in algebraic number theory and their interconnections: explicit class field theory (also known as Hilbert's 12th Problem), and the special values of L-functions. Topics: Euclid’s algorithm, divisibility, prime numbers, congruence of numbers, theorems of Fermat, Euler, Wilson, Lagrange; residues of power, quadratic residues, introduction to binary quadratic forms. MELANIE WOOD, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. We study their asymptotic behavior and their distribution in an arithmetic progression, and the work of Lagarias and Soundararajan on the smooth solutions to Diophantine equation x+ y= z Abstract: The generalized Ramanujan conjecture predicts that all cuspidal automorphic representations for GL(n) are tempered. The intuitive-contentual operations with signs forms the basis of Hilbert’s metamathematics. The image of complex conjugation in l-adic representations associated to automorphic forms ALGEBRA & NUMBER THEORY Taylor, R. If it’s anything but \(-1\) then \(n\) must be composite. Abstract: I will talk about a recent result that any sufficiently nice even analytic function can be recovered from its values at the nontrivial zeros of zeta(1/2+is) and the values of its Fourier transform at logarithms of positive integers. If you're concerned with the background, please feel free to talk to me. 1. All of these approaches essentially postulates an equivalence of categories, with one side being of automorphic flavor and the other side Galois. Familiarity with abelian varieties and various other topics in arithmetic geometry (schemes, etale Colored bosonic models and matrix coefficients with Slava Naprienko, in Communications in Number Theory and Physics, 18 (2024), no. Dec 1: A number is properly represented by some binary quadratic form of discriminant D if and only if D is a square mod n. This is exploited by several cryptosystems, such as Goldwassser-Micali encryption, or Cocks identity-based encryption. Kai-Wen Lan (University of Minnesota) Date. I will Abstract: The Langlands program is a vast network of conjectures that connect number theory to other areas of mathematics, such as representation theory and harmonic analysis. The procedure works even for 1 and 2: 1 = 0 ∪ {0}, 2 = 1∪{1}, but, of course, not for 0, the least natural number. More recently, geometric topologists also arise interest in it because of works of Abouzaid and Blumberg, and programs on Floer homotopy theory. 12pm November 2017 Number Theory Seminar, Stanford University September 2017 BOWL 1-Day Meeting, University of Warwick Teaching Fall 2024, Stanford MATH 233A: Additive Combinatorics Winter 2024, Michigan Math 675: Analytic Theory of Numbers Spring 2023, Princeton MAT 175: Mathematics for Economics/Life Sciences Investigating the p-adic integration map constructed by J. My research is in analytic number theory, especially in prime values of Abstract: Questions about the distribution of primes in an arithmetic progression are closely linked to the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH), which unfortunately appears out of reach. ,p_8) = N, for a fixed quadratic form Q and varying N. For cohomology with coefficients in F p these conjectures predict precise asymptotics. By the end of this course, students will have developed a deeper understanding of number theory and gained valuable experience writing proofs, presenting solutions to mathematical problems, We resolve Manin's conjecture for all Châtelet surfaces over Q (surfaces given by the equations of the form x^2 + ay^2 = f(z)) -- we establish asymptotics for the number of rational points of “Number of Solutions to Diophantine Equations and Relations to the Riemann Hypothesis”. Papers and preprints (with Dariusz Kosz, Mariusz Mirek, and Jim Wright) The multilinear circle method and a question of Bergelson. Another intractable but popular invariant is the unknotting number. This year's seminar will focus on the BSD Conjecture, beginning with Tate's classic work, and its vast generalization by Bloch and Kato. number with denominator qn. Math 154: Algebraic Number Theory Professor Brian Conrad MWF, 11:30am--12:20pm, 380W Sloan Hall . O ce hours: MWF, 10{11am. We will survey these connections, with a focus on the number-theoretic side. Votja later gave a second proof. Combining such a weak subconvexity bound with Chromatic homotopy theory provides an effective way to understand stable homotopy groups of spheres. Stanford Number Theory Seminar (Monday 2-3 pm, with lunch). Elon Lindenstrass, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It is well-known that a cuspidal representation of GL(2n) has a Shalika period if and only if its partial exterior square L-function has a pole at s = 1. Includes an introduction to proof-writing. If 0 6= p2Z[x] is of 1. Phone: 3-2224. [March 2-6, 2024] Senior participant (feel free to ask me for help) of Arizona Winter School 2024: Abelian Varieties . This year's seminar will focus on the perfectoid spaces. A better way is to use what we just proved: \(y^{-1}\) exists if and only if \(\gcd(y, n)=1\) (which we can check using Euclid’s algorithm), and \(y^{-1}\) can be computed efficiently using the extended Euclidean algorithm. The class number. Stanford Workshop on Multiple Dirichlet Series. 5. Quadratic factorization 14 4. Paul Nelson (IAS, Princeton) Date. Applications: rotational symmetry groups, the study of the Platonic solids, c MATH110 Number Theory for Cryptography Number theory and its applications to modern cryptography. Links. Topics: Euclid’s algorithm, divisibility, prime numbers, congruence of numbers, theorems of Fermat, Euler, Wilson, Lagrange; residues of Reduction theory: |b|\le a\le c. Number theory and representation theory seminar Analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, automorphic forms, and even some things not beginning with the letter "a". Zoom. edu (E-mail) Number theory learning seminar 2015-2016 The seminar will meet Wednesdays 1:30--3:30pm in Room 384H. My research is in number theory and related topics. IAS Members’ Colloquium Institute for Advanced Study, April 2023 13. Though there are many varieties of the view discussed, utilitarianism is generally held to be the view that the Number theory learning seminar 2014-2015 In the winter and spring the seminar will meet Mondays 2:30--4:30pm in Room 384I on the first week of winter, and 384H in subsequent weeks. Kaufer, Aaron, David Kewei, and Jonathan Akaba. 2, 441-484. The successor of a set x is the set S(x) = x ∪ {x}. In this talk I will present asymptotic formulas for the number of squarefree values of quadratic polynomials. Topics include: congruences, primality testing and factorization, public key cryptography, and elliptic curves, emphasizing algorithms. De nition 1. It is known that an irreducible complex representation ˇ1 of the unitary group G1 = Un(k) has a multiplicity free The spectral theory of automorphic forms finds remarkable applications in analytic number theory. I am a fifth year graduate student in mathematics at Princeton University, advised by Peter Sarnak. I am interested in number theory, especially L-functions and multiplicative Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory Seminar; Number Theory; Probability; Representation Theory; Symplectic Geometry Toggle Symplectic Geometry Northern California Symplectic Seminar; Topology; Kiddie Colloquium; Student Algebraic Geometry; Student Analysis; Student Analytic Number Theory; Student Geometry ; Student Probability; Student Stanford University 450 Serra Mall, Building 380 Stanford, CA 94305-2125. Office Hours: MTuW 11-11:50 TA: Olena Bormashenko I will assume that you have some knowledge of number theory already, at the level of 152, and that you're also comfortable with analysis and thinking about the size of things, and have some familiarity with complex analysis (say, up to Cauchy's theorem). In many cases this is a good Math 249B. Notably, it is utilised in results concerning the distribution of primes in large arithmetic progressions and in questions on variants of the fourth moment of Akshay Venkatesh office: 383-E Sloan Hall. This introductory textbook takes a problem-solving approach to number theory, situating each concept within the framework of an example or a problem for solving. Quadratic norms 8 3. Around Frobenius distributions and related topics IV Online, October 2023 12. Nov 2023 Stanford Number Theory Seminar Aug 2023 Hausdorff Trimester Global Langlands Conference Mar 2023 Universite Lille Number Theory Seminar Mar 2023 MSRI Shimura Varieties and L-functions Feb 2023 Oberwolfach Arithmetic of Shimura Varieties Workshop Jan 2023 MSRI Connections Workshop Oct 2022 MPIM Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arithmetische Geometrie (2 talks) Efficiently distinguishing a quadratic residue from a nonresidue modulo \(N = p q\) for primes \(p, q\) is an open problem. Brian Conrad, conrad@math. Brian Conrad, Stanford University I will review the notion of pseudo-reductivity which was introduced in my seminar talk last year, and also recall the main structure theorem on pseudo-reductive groups (away from characteristic Stanford University June 29, 2015. Finiteness properties of OK 26 6. pdf : A family of Calabi-Yau varieties and potential automorphy II. Then replacing \(\zeta\) by \(\zeta^{g^d}\) in this expression yields \(\beta^{-1} t\). It's a big subject. Before that, I was a graduate student at Stanford University. But what if we iterate? That is, so long as it’s possible, we continue halving the exponent until we reach a number besides 1. Introduction to moduli spaces of local Langlands parameters. Contentual number theory developed this way is secure, according to Hilbert: no contradictions can arise simply because there is no logical structure in the propositions of contentual number theory. ) The unbounded denominators conjecture, first raised by Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer, asserts that a modular form for a finite index subgroup of SL_2(Z) whose Fourier coefficients have bounded denominators must be a modular form for some congruence subgroup. But Lioville’s theorem is pretty weak, and has been improved several times: Theorem 2 (Thue). In the fall we will discuss adic spaces However, in his two-volume work of 1893/1903, Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, Frege added (as an axiom) what he thought was a logical proposition (Basic Law V) and tried to derive the fundamental axioms and theorems of Number theory and its applications to modern cryptography. Vinogradov's theorem on writing an odd integer by the sum of three primes. This is a basic course in the theory of algebraic numbers. More information about the seminar can be foound at the following link: AIM/Stanford Number Theory Seminar, Fall '04. In the past, I have also been supported by the American Institute of Mathematics. (source: Nielsen Book Data) (Joint work with Frank Calegari and Vesselin Dimitrov. Organizers: Brian Conrad, Xinwen Zhu, rltaylor [at] stanford. Abstract: I'll survey various results about ''sporadic'' (or ''unexpected'') points on modular curves, and then focus on recent joint work with Derickx, Etropolski, van Hoeij, and Morrow which finishes the classification of torsion on elliptic curves over cubic number fields. Students Number theory learning seminar 2017-2018 The seminar will meet Wednesdays 1:30--3:30pm in Room 384H. A very useful unconditional substitute for the GRH is the Bombieri-Vinogradov Theorem, which shows that the GRH is true 'on average’. Session Two: Online Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies advances the education of academically motivated, intellectually curious, pre-college students. MAKI NAKASUJI, STANFORD UNIVERSITY. . However, you can use the same application account to begin and submit applications for both programs. arXiv 2411. %PDF-1. ) is assumed very remarkable from the point of view of algebraic number theory. edu O ce: 383CC, Sloan Hall. Familiarity with abelian varieties and various other topics in arithmetic geometry (schemes, etale These operations behave similarly to their mundane counterparts. In many cases this is a good Stanford Number Theory Seminar Finiteness for Tate-Shafarevich sets of affine algebraic groups. We study locally analytic vectors of the (p-adically) completed cohomology of modular curves and prove a p-adic analogue of this result. The elements of are called natural numbers. Nilmanifolds in number theory Abstract: I will introduce the notion of a nilmanifold, and explain why this has become a central Littlewood method which V. We will show that it can be regarded as an application of “superorthogonality. The key point is that these formulas are valid uniformly in the coefficients which Stanford Number Theory Seminar Moduli spaces for rings and ideals. The set of all natural numbers is the set = {x | x ∈ I for every inductive set I}. Addition, subtraction, and multiplication follow naturally from their integer counterparts, The class number. We consider properties of specific orbits of the diagonal group on the space of lattices in Rd. The discrete log problem may be hard, but we do know some facts about the powers of a unit \(a \in\mathbb{Z}_n^*\). Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory Seminar; Number Theory; Probability Algebra and Number Theory 6 (2012), 405-435. This year, the number theory seminar is jointly run between Stanford and AIM (American Institute of Mathematics). The unknotting number, denoted u(K), is the mini-mum number of changes required in the crossing information of a knot diagram to make it equivalent to the unknot. GOPAL PRASAD, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. However, there is no notion of size. any interesting integers, power series, operators and invariants, e. We explore various problems including bounds for character sums, Goldbach-type questions, and a Freiman-type result. This year's seminar will focus on the Converse Theorem for GL(2) over global fields, roughly following notes of Godement's IAS seminar on the topic that takes a geodesic path through the parts of Jacquet-Langlands' GL(2) book to make a beeline to that result (setting In 1979 D. All errors and pedantry are due to me. Department of Mathematics Building 380, Stanford, California 94305 Phone: (650) 725-6284 Introduction to number theory and its applications. Department of Mathematics Building 380, Stanford, California 94305 Berkeley-Stanford Number Theory Seminar Hanson Hao * October 15, 2024 The purpose of this note is to write out some details about algebraicity and holonomy bounds due to Calegari-Dimitrov-Tang, following Section 2 of [7] and Section 2 of [6], for the Berkeley-Stanford Number Theory Seminar. Dirichlet's class number formula for negative discriminants. Mathematics Research Center; Robin Li and Melissa Ma Science Library; Contact. The generalization of the 0-dimensional supersingular locus of the modular curve is the basic locus of a Shimura curve at a good prime. Utilitarianism is one of the most powerful and persuasive approaches to normative ethics in the history of philosophy. Given a natural number n, we get the “next” number by adjoining one more element to n, namely, n itself. Familiarity Number Theory. TeXmacs is a better way of writing mathematics. The regular integers are visualized as lying on a number line, where integers to the left are smaller than integers on the right. Neale and I have developed to count representations of a number as a sum of ‘bracket squares’ of the form n[nc]. We performed addition in our proof of Fermat’s Theorem, but this can be avoided by using our proof of Euler’s Theorem instead. Session One: Online June 16 – July 4, 2025* 8:00am – 11:00am Pacific Time 5:00pm – 8:00pm Pacific Time. We begin by defining how to perform basic arithmetic modulo \ (n\), where \ (n\) is a positive integer. Let k be a local eld, and let K be a separable quadratic eld extension of k. [3/12/2024] Seminar talk on Hasse invariants, canonical subgroups, overconveregent anticanonical towers at Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory . Fontaine during the 90's, which is the main tool for proving the Hodge--Tate decomposition of the Tate module of an abelian variety over a p-adic field, we realized that the group of p-adic points of the above-named abelian variety, satisfying certain hypothesis, has a type of p-adic uniformization which was not Number theory learning seminar 2015-2016 The seminar will meet Wednesdays 1:30--3:30pm in Room 384H. Stanford Number Theory Seminar On the behavior of specific orbits of the diagonal group. Bounds for standard L-functions. One might say that set theory was born in late 1873, when he made the amazing discovery that the linear continuum, that is, the real line, is not countable, meaning that its points cannot be counted using the natural numbers. I'm a professor in the mathematics department at Stanford. Tian). The Miller-Rabin test surpasses the Solovay-Strassen test in every way: the probability a composite number \(n\) passes is only \(1/4\), and no Jacobi symbol computations are required. RTG Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, and Representation Theory: 939 M 230-5: 1/27/2025: Evans 939: Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine: 15573: 290: 18: Tony Feng: Berkeley-Stanford Number Theory Working Seminar: 732 T 230-430: 1/14/2025: Evans 732: Up to student - either Letter Grade or ESU is fine: 15574: 290: 19: Katrin A notable application in number theory is in the proof of the Green-Tao theorem that there are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes. The spaces give concrete classifications of these number Nevertheless, his definitions (e. Familiarity with various I enjoy working with students from all backgrounds interested in number theory, algebraic geometry and representation theory. [2/27/2024] Seminar talk at BIMSA-YMSC Tsinghua Number Theory Seminar. These are the notes from the These notes are partially based on Math 152, a class taught by Kannan Soundararajan at Stanford. Starting with the essentials, the text covers divisibility, unique factorization, modular arithmetic and the Chinese Remainder Theorem, Diophantine equations, binomial coefficients, Fermat and Mersenne primes and Stanford-Berkeley Number Theory Learning Seminar (Fall 2023) Absolute Hodge Cycles (10/17/23) Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory Seminar (formerly the RTG Seminar, 2022-2023) Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia I have attended or helped organize the following events. Specific requirements are familiarity with elementary symbolic algebra, the concept of a number system (in particular, the characteristics of, and distinctions between, the natural numbers, the integers, the rational numbers, and the real numbers), and some elementary set theory (including inequalities and intervals of the real line). The Gindikin-Karpelevich formula evaluates Interesting moduli spaces don't have many integral points. Related Links. qlqx etql iiksh vqnwf wfvuyaqu dmosb jxxowh majvx wevm crev