
Roblox world of magic glass. Look on that Magic's page to see its interactions.

Roblox world of magic glass The shield is used by pressing G while it is equipped. 9x Poison Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Power increases the damage done by spells, and unlike most Stats it is not percentage based, so each point of power increases damage by a flat amount. 3x clash The Iron Set is an iconic armor set of uncommon rarity, providing the player with Defense. Glass Magic is a little slow but the dame over time is real. They also have the same level limits on spells as the player: At level 25, they can use self explosions, and at level 30 they can use barrages. 5 points per 10 levels (Rounded down), starting from +0 and reaching a maximum of +12. 9x The Cape is back accessory of common rarity, providing the player with Agility. They can be spent at NPC stores (such as the Smith or Alchemist), used to pay fines, and traded with other players. These features were also in the predecessor to World of Magic in the Magic Games' timeline Snow Magic is one of the 23 starter Elemental Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. As the event has ended, this item is no longer obtainable except through trading. They can be found in wilderness areas all around the map. In Arcane Odyssey the Branch Bow will be receiving a set of premade skills and some stats will be altered or removed completely This weapon is mostly carried by bounty hunters and bandits. Inventory items are ranked in rarities and are color coded accordingly. Shown in this picture, this is the UI you see in the game. For the same Magic Size is one of the 8 Stats that can be increased by armor and accessories in World of Magic. Originally, the Castlians had a larger town located at the base of Ashen Volcano on the Status Effects are modifiers that are applied to players or NPCs when they're hit by a magic attack. The Rising Mist Bandits are Negative Reputation NPCs that have Bandit Outposts in the southeast of Magius. This spell allows the player to fire a fast paced beam that quickly travel to the target. All Swords share 2 primary attacks, M1 and Hold M1, but certain Swords can have special abilities, making them more valuable than others. Similar to the other liquid magics, Ink Magic is not very popular. 1. It inflicts the Petrified status effect if it deals more than 33% of the targets health. This is the first and so far only shield in the game that rests at all times on the player's A Base Magic is a type of Magic that available to player when they create their files. When used, players can hover in the air and move around horizontally by constantly emitting magic to stay afloat, slowly draining the user's magic energy. In your inventory, you are able to filter your items into categories (such as most rare to most common). The easiest way to obtain a torch is to find it in chests, although it can also be found through fishing and wandering traders. 4x clash advantage against Glass Magic 1. The number of projectiles fired using the Blast Attack can be altered when you reach level 30. 9x clash disadvantage against Poison Magic 0. Survivors of the fall of Altavista before the Age of Migration, Vistarians lived inside Dawn Island before the Peacekeeper helped them take back Altavista. The lowest ranked wizard rank and the rank that players start out with. All of it's attacks inflict the Corroding status effect, which deals 50% of the initial hit over 10 seconds with 5% damage dealt for every second. 85x + bleed up to 0. There are currently 18 status effects in the game. Through This page is a list of common glitches or bugs that can happen in-game. It has the slowest speed and highest impact damage of any base magic. The continent is one massive landmass that multiple Cultures have settled on, with many unique areas to explore. It does not belong to any culture meaning characters of any culture can equip it. Gold Magic is well-known for being a heavier version of Iron. It also creates damaging Your Inventory is the part of the UI where all of your collected items, such as armors, accessories, weapons, are stored. All of its attacks inflict the 'Inked' status effect, which blinds the target and has interactions similar to the 'Soaked' status effect. (add more text here if you'd like) The Vetcord (shorthand for Vetex's Discord) is a hub for many players of WoM/AO to converse with eachother. It has a average damage of (0. Cave The Wall of Jericho is the signature shield of the Exiled, the first Villain Storyline boss, with its corresponding items being the Oathkeeper and the Exiled Set. Appearing on the Magius News can increase or decrease a player's reputation, depending on the action or significance. Starter Magius News is the continentalwide news source in World of Magic, the paper appears in everyone's inbox every day in-game (20 minutes). Each one applies an effect to the target, such as stunning or blinding them, and can interact with other magics in unique ways. During the 2020 Halloween event, it was possible to delete the badge from the player's ROBLOX World of magic is a official sequel to the old game Arcane adventures, instead of taking place in multiple islands, requiring you to sail towards them, you have a big mainland with about 4 cities and different biomes stitched together. Its' main story involves the player tracking down the roots of growing crime rates and dark activities around the continent and eventually training their magic power in order to save the world from its greatest threat. All attacks remove the Bleeding, Soaked, Inked, Freezing, and Frozen status effects upon hitting a target. And finally 1: Fire: The best magic in the game (in my opinion). Each ultimate art require 200 more stat points in magic to get the Ultimate art, meaning to get amount of points needed per spell you can use next formula: X+200 where X is points required for unlocking certain spell. The Map Ever since I started designing World of Magic’s map, I Castlian is one of the first three cultures added in World of Magic, in which the player can be randomly assigned when they create a new character. Blast Attack is the very first magic skill type available to the player, it is the most simple type of spell and is the most basic form of magic possible. 25x clash advantage against Ink Magic 1. It is connected to the Whispering Forest. Magic damage (0. 3x clash advantage against Paper Magic 1. All of its attacks inflict the Freezing status effect. Satistically, Glass Magic seems to be a much lighter version of Iron. 45 update. These are the most common type of chests that can be Magma Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Look on that Magic's page to see its interactions. Fan Central BETA Games Anime Riverville is a town of the Vistarian culture, located in the East Peninsula. 1. Additionally, most Vistarian is one of the first three cultures added in World of Magic, in which the player can be randomly assigned when they create a new character. it wins 5 clashes and loses against 14. 51, after using the spell three consecutive times, it enters into a 20-second cooldown hindering continuous use of the spell in order to fix The main category for this community. As of the upcoming Guilds Update, Mount Seawatch Not to be confused with Explosion Magic Explosion Attacks are a type of spell best known for their AoE and versatility. King David Silver and various Magic Council Captains are not technically considered bosses, despite their levels exceeding that of both the Exiled and Minotaur. Knockback adds a subtle knockback effect to spells. Players are able to increase their wizard rank by increasing their level. As the name suggests, the Silent Tower is a tower, with eight floors. It should be notted that Cloud damage DOES NOT count towards player's Players get 3 slots to make save files. However, it is stronger than Sand Magic is one of the 23 starter Elemental Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Glass is easily the best if you have a sunken build. It also creates damaging clouds of ash upon hitting a surface. It also creates damaging puddle upon hitting a surface and from liquid drops that attacks create. Thanks for the Support, Subscribe for more, a Shadow Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Rain creates precipitation with varying intensity Fish Bait is a consumable item used to catch fish. The Prologue chapter is the beginning of the story and The Maid Dress is armor/cosmetic set of common rarity, providing the player with Strenght. Lightning Magic is a commonly-chosen, well-rounded magic that has a focus on speed and destruction. 5 points per 10 levels (rounding down), starting from 0 increase and reaching a maximum of +12. It has 4 variations being Artic ,Glacial ,Sage and Mystic. 44. (0. 925x). Has a chance to Quests are in-game completable tasks that are given to the player either by an NPC or a game function. World of Magic is a 2020 free-to-play Roblox roleplaying game created by solo developer vetexgames, and is the 3rd game in the Arcane trilogy. These abilities require the player to level up their Sword to the specified level in order to use it. 9x clash disadvantage against Wind Magic 0. Currently, the blindness effect does not The Alalean Shield is a shield of the Alalean culture which when used, reduces the amount of damage the player takes. It can be found in chests, as fishing drop. Q (Great Spin): Unlocked at level 70, swing your sword in a Knockback is one of the 8 Stats that can be increased by armour and accessories in World of Magic. The Maid Skirt is a retexture of the Pleated Skirt on the ROBLOX catalog. To make everything easier for the player, here's a calculator you can use to fill the below values in for you: Calculator provided by u/Level on the AO Forums When casting a spell, the formula for damage is as follows: D a m a g e = ( 19 + L e v e l + G e a r ) ∗ M a g i c ∗ C h a r g e ∗ S p e l l Power is one of the 8 Stats that can be increased by armour and accessories in World of Magic. This set was added in the update Beta v1. He is the first Villain Storyline boss players face off against and the second boss to be added to the game. This weapon was introduced in update Beta v1. Left-click: Basic horizontal slash combo. There are currently 5 different titles that one can get. its status effect is useless unless you have a teammate that has Ice magic or snow magic that can freeze them. (1. Each Wizard Ranks has a tier of quest, unlocked when the player reaches that rank and worth significantly more [Placeholder Text] We do not associate with any of the people provided and do not take responsibility for stuff yada yada [Placeholder Text] These are sites that are run by the creators of the game. 975x) The status effect Sandy blinds the player for a few seconds. All of its attacks inflict the Blinded status effect. They can be found in every town in the game and players can sell items for crowns. 2. Glasses increase Knockback in steps of 2. All of its attacks inflict the Burning status effect, which deals damage over time. To donate, you go to the Vetex group The Dual Castlian Daggers are melee weapons of the Castlian culture which take up stamina when used. Players that aren't currently a team can use the Team option in the menu to create a team. Riverville is one of the four current starting points of the game. It comes in 16 color variations and usually found in chests, as fishing drop or bought from Tailor. Its lack of popularity is due to its slow magic speed and average clash rates. Any information found here was taken and/or summarized from the official lore document provided on the official Vetex discord server. 2x clash advantage against Snow Magic 1. Gold magic has the best clash rates and only loses 1 clash against Magma magic. Upgrades are not reversible and cannot be upgraded beyond the upgrader's current level. Paper Magic is a fast magic designed to not be used to clash. Branch Bow usese retextured A Mode Spell is a sixth spell available for player to use, currently its not accessible for players due to level cap of 90. all of its attacks inflict the status effect 'Snowy', which partially blinds the player affected with it. 4% spell size - this Feb 16, 2023 · Been away from you guys for so long so I decided to show you guys Ultimate Art Unlocks, Hover, Flight and Mode. They Roblox World of Magic Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. 4x clash advantage against Wind Magic 1. It is no longer obtainable unless you get it through trading. Bell Village has multiple facilities such as a weapons shop, a Swords are a type of weapon that can be equipped to one of the three weapon slots in the player’s inventory. 1st - 4th - Closed Testing. it has the highest destruction of any magic. Sand Magic is well-rounded and does a very good amount of damage by itself. They drop 1-4 crowns on death. It should be noted that Puddle Alalean is one of the first three cultures added in World of Magic, in which the player can be randomly assigned when they create a new character. You can hold block in mid-air to avoid falling, but your stamina will still be drained. (See more info about TGR at the bottom of this list) Added the Cute Animation Pack game Iron Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. 4. Clouds are one of the most common forms of weather, and can turn into other weather types, such as rain or a thunderstorm. 2x Items in World of Magic can have a variety of different enchantments, which boost their stats. The Castlian Shield is a weapon of the Castlian culture which when used, reduces the amount of damage the player takes. To join a guild, the Leader or a Co-Leader has to invite you. All of its attacks inflict the 'Snowy' status effect. Players of any culture can buy the Iron Set from any Smith The Sunken Iron set shares same model with Iron set. Bandits can randomly spawn in a group of 3 Alchemists are NPCs that can enchant your non-enchanted items, giving them a random enchantment in exchange for Crowns. Damage (9. After you complete a quest, you will be rewarded with experience points and crowns. Glass Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Essentially the Sand version of Ice, Snow Magic is a magic that depends on other magics to unlock its potential. When clicked on, the player will receive a random reward - usually a small number of Crowns or Fish Bait. Currently, players can hold a maximum Mount Seawatch is a region of mountains in Southern Magius. Wind Magics projectiles decrease the area poison clouds if they land inside them, eventually dissipating them completely. Discover, share and add your knowledge! FANDOM. Sand has poor clash rates winning only 6 and losing 14. 1x clash advantage against Paper magic 1. It is a type of spell that is casted by NPCs (specifically Magic Council captains, minibosses, and King David Silver) and players, all unlocking the spell at level 100. Currently, each character can only have one base, in AO player will be able to learn up to 3 base magic as Mage build and up to 2 base magic as Hybrid build. 3x clash disadvantage against Shadow Magic 1. Light magics' blindness effect can stack, meaning that if a player or NPC successfully hits multiple attacks on a target, the opposing enemy can be completely blind for a few seconds. Due This is a copy of the Frequently Asked Questions from the Arcane Odyssey forum - found here:Frequently Asked Questions - Arcane Odyssey Forum This was written prior to the announcement of Arcane Odyssey, and this version has been edited to be consistent with the current plan for Arcane Odyssey. Magic size increases the size of spells. You can view the rewards you will receive after completion on the quest information GUI, which is visible for when you have an active quest. There are also occasional information leaks by Vetex Ash is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. With the ability to hit their target nearly instantly, beam attacks are great for hitting opponents quickly, although at the cost being higher casting time. Level 20 . Can be store-bought from any Castlian culture town with a smith. M1: Basic horizontal slash combo. The user of this skill is allowed to change the following: Amount The game's user interface (UI) acts as a guide to players in order to get the game's mechanics, and access to a different variety of features. As long as the player's reputation is Hostile or worse, the player Summer Hold is a town of the Castlian culture, located southwest of the East Peninsula area, in the Castlian shore area. They do not include fixed buildings or locations like Towns or the Silent Tower. It clashes better than Light does but still doesn’t have really impressive clash rates on top of Experience (also known as XP or EXP) are the main source of progression in World of Magic, awarded for completing quests and defeating NPCs, and used to level up. 3x clash advantage against Light Magic 1. It was meant to be a much lighter version of Metal while also more status focused, it has average speed The Ashen Volcano is a location to the south-west of the currently playable map. Style - Choose where to cast your spell. It gives Scorched Status Effects, which deals damage over time and removes bleeding. Players The Vistarian Shield is a weapon of the Vistarian culture which when used, reduces the amount of damage the player takes. Lightning, atleast against npcs. 1x clash advantage against Ash Magic 1. Like Ice and Sand, it doesn’t do much by itself, since all it makes are snow piles, but it functions as a Ink Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. It is currently one of the four towns, implemented into the game, the others being Ironport, Summer Hold and Bell Village. Starting magic energy took: Quarter of max hp While flying: 10 magic energy going down very fast Titles are a characteristic added in the Final Beta Update that allows players to equip titles so they appear under their names in the game. It has a faster shooting & reloading speed than traditional crossbows but deals less damage. it only wins a clash against Light magic. Through testing, it has been found that one point of magic size is approximately equal to an additional 0. This is one of the few Halloween items that had color variations. Unlike bandits, dark wizards have the ability to cast magic like the player. Items in chests can rarely be found enchanted, though the easiest way to get enchanted items is to speak to the Alchemist, who will enchant items with a random enchantment for a fee, depending on the value of the item. This table shows Magics from the highest Damage to Acid Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. (Self/Placed) LVL 45+ Type Vastira is the signature melee weapon of the Minotaur, the first Hero storyline boss. But, it has a variety of powerful status effect and damage interactions with other magics. Hitting Ash clouds with more attacks will increase its size. Power - Boost damage(not clearly know Weather is a region-based feature that was implemented in the Storyline Update. The smaller Bandit Camps are occupied by Bandits unaffiliated with any group. A charged attack that deals more damage but consumes stamina in return. Mysterious Masks increase Strength in steps of 2. it is tied with Poison magic for highest damage. Images on Roblox World of Magic Wiki. They have more HP than the standard 100 that an average civilian NPC would have. Wood Magic is one of the 23 starter Elemental Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. The user of this skill is allowed to change the following. As of update v. When Captain Arsen was directing the rest of the Alaleans to safety, the citizens of the Old District rebelled against his directions and sailed Oct 27, 2020 · The Halloween Update for World of Magic has been released, and the Halloween Event has begun! Here is a long list of all the medium/major changes in this update: Many optimizations to terrain destruction, liquid puddles, clouds, and rubble. It comes in 16 color variations and usually found in chests, as fishing item drop or bought from Tailor. So far Silent Tower is a Magic Council property dedicated to being a prison. Structures only spawn in areas near or beside the mountain itself. A maximum of +31 agility can currently be reached with the Nimble Enchantment. All attacks inflict the ‘Sandy’ status effect, which slightly obscures the target’s vision. He has been responsible for many dark wizard disappearances across Magius. The Ashen Volcano has four concentrations of chests. Left-click: Slashes with both daggers. All of its attacks inflict the Melting status effect, which deals x0. World of Magic Official Trailer (Full Version) Fishing Update (Jul 20, 2020) [] Finished building the Ashen Volcano area; Added new types of Structures (Magic Council / Bandit Outpoist) Crowns are the currency used in World of Magic, used throughout Magius. Once the player has reached a certain level, which depends on the wizard rank, the player is automatically promoted to that wizard rank. It inflicts the Bleeding status effect if an attack deals over 30% of the targets total health. All of its attacks remove the 'Bleeding' and 'Frozen' status effects from the target. Hold M1: Heavy attack. Although it performs poorly in clashes, it makes up for it by having a strong Damage over Time (DoT) status effect that combos Jul 19, 2020 · The Fishing Update for World of Magic has been released! Here is a long list of all the medium/major changes in this update: Added the Ashen Volcano area, a large volcano to the west of the Castlian Shore. Quests, after completion, must be turned into the original quest The Headless Head is a limited accessory, an invisible head that could only be obtained by completing the 2020 Halloween event (obtaining all the other Halloween event items). The upgrade fee for each item is determined by the ~40%Verify of base worth of an item. It adds a subtle knockback effect to spells. Fire Magic is a common magic among players due to its familiarity. Water magic is not a very good magic. All of its attacks inflict the ‘Drained’ status effect. Also removes alot of status effects. Fish bait is a consumable item that can be found in Chests at an 8% chance, or bought from Fishmonger NPCs for 3 Crowns each. There are 23 base magics, some with cosmetic color variations. Every hit has a high chance to inflict the bleeding status effect. Though it is slower than most magics, it has great clashing rates, big magic size, and high impact damage. Currently, each character can only have one base, in AO player will be able to learn up to 3 base magic as Mage build and up to 2 base magic as Hybrid build . Its stats and mechanics are similar to Earth and Wood, but with some Bell Village is a town of the Alalean culture, located northwest of the East Peninsula area, in the Southern Riverlands area. It isn Magius is the continent where players begin their adventure, and it’s where the events of World of Magic occur. Oct 17, 2020 · The Guilds Update for World of Magic has been released! Here is a long list of all the medium/major changes in this update: Added the Bronze Grassland wilderness area, which was originally going to have the first Alvarian culture town in it, but with the Total Game Revamp update coming, it no longer will. The exact details of Damage Calculation are complicated, but each point of power adds about 1 extra Bandits are a negative reputation NPC that will attack a positive reputation player or NPC on sight. (That currently cant be bought) In World of Magic, most Armors will increase the Stats of the wearer. It is slower than Earth, but in exchange, it can cause bleeding passively, clash even better, and take advantage of some other magics’ clashes. It best synergizes with Ink, as Crystal is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Ice Magic is a magic typically relies on other liquid or cold magics to make use of its powerful Freezing status effect. 2125x) and it has the worst clash rates. (1-20) LVL 30+ Blast size - The size of the Wind Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. how the hell do you get more magic. 34. Testing indicates that knockback is approximately linear for currently attainable values - at Structures are a set of constructions that randomly appear throughout Magius. Some stats usually traded for another (Magic Damage for Magic Speed ; Size ) Magics will also do more or less damage on targets with certain Status Effects, or have an effect that does extra damage. It also creates damaging poisonous clouds upon hitting a surface. While not equipped, it rests on the player's back, similarly to the Vistarian Spear. However, fleeing from soldiers will increase the player's bounty. All of its attacks remove the Poisoned, Soaked, Inked, and Burning status effects from the target upon hit. They are the villain counterpart to Bounty Hunters. Main article: Power Power increases the damage done by spells, and unlike most stats it is not percentage based, so each point of power increases damage by a flat amount. It is one of the four towns currently implemented into the game, with the others being Ironport, Riverville and Summer Hold. Casting speed decreases the charging and casting time of spells (though not the end-lag). They are also known for selling seasonal items and collectables. Through testing, it has been A town is a location in World of Magic which houses NPCs and shops. It directly increases the damage done by spells. This If ur here go to the AO wiki The Alalean Cutlass is a melee weapon of the Alalean culture. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 5 points per 10 levels (rounding down), starting from +12 and reaching a maximum of +22. It also has a king, a Level 500 fire magic NPC named David Silver. Most status effects are applied whenever a target is damaged by a particular magic, such as Light Magic inflicting Gold magic has the highest damage in the game. Quests are the main source of XP, where players can do tasks for NPCs (usually defeating another NPC) for a large reward. 05 of the initial damage, up to x1. Roblox World of Magic Wiki is a FANDOM Water Magic is one of the 23 starter magics. 5x clash advantage against Water Magic 1. Your character becomes invisible (has no effect and can still be seen by other players and NPCs), it becomes possible to read players' default ROBLOX usernames on top of their character names, and the chat from the entire map can be read (instead of from a single, specific area) - but this can be easily fixed by equipping Weapons are equippable type of items that can be equipped to one of the three special weapon slots in the player’s inventory UI. Infamy is a score system that determines a guild's tier, and is the primary form of Every Base magic has 7 presetted/base spells (8 in AO, more about it later), with four being obtainable by players as of the 2021 Halloween Update (since AO's release, however, they are all available as the level cap was removed). The Alaleans are the people descended from the survivors of Alalea. Can inflict bleeding. All of its attacks inflict the Poisoned status effect which deals Damage over Time (DoT) for 20 seconds, dealing x0. Glass; Gold; Iron; Ice; Paper; Wood; Energy Magics. Amount - The number of projectiles fired. Added the 3 More Files game pass, which gives you 3 more files to choose from on the title screen in exchange for 600 Robux. All of its attacks inflict the 'Bleeding' status effect, which deals damage over time. Players with a high enough bounty will be hunted by Magic Council soldiers. These 4 things were the reason the Guilds Update was so laggy for most players, as liquid puddles in particular had a memory leak that would cause them to Plasma Magic is one of the 23 starter Elemental Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. all of its attacks inflict the Freezing status effect. all of the attacks inflict the status effect bleeding. Sand magic has a above average damage. Wind Magic also freezes Freezing targets hit by This page will cover all of the lore surrounding Vetex's expanded Arcane universe, which includes Online Fighting, Arcane Adventures, World of Magic & Arcane Odyssey. All of its attacks inflict the Bleeding status effect. This post will dive into the details about the major changes being done in this update, and explain my reasoning for changing each one. Smith can be found in: Ironport (Near the bank) Riverville (Near the tailor) Bell Village (Near the tailor) Summer Hold (Near the entrance) As every other shop NPCs Smith have Travelling and Wanted The Council, officially the Magic Council is the new government of law enforcers, who replaced the old and corrupt Arcane Government from Arcane Adventures. All of them can be configured and named however the player wants to. It is located in the Whispering Forest. It is one of 6 percentage based stats, so its exact scaling is currently unknown. Bandits will usually have Brown Leather Pants and Leather Armour with a bandana. An Ultimate Art move for Blast Attack is very simple; it In World of Magic, the Damage from spells is calculated using a large number of factors. The expanded Arcane universe is based on an alternative Greek mythological history in which the Gold is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Ice Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Capture articles are articles on the news Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In AO you start with a default settings blast attack A Base Magic is a type of Magic that available to player when they create their files. 50 of the initial hit over 10 seconds with x0. East Peninsula Riverville Ironport Whispering Forest Bell Village Castlian Shore Summer Hold East Peninsula Whispering Forest Lake Argestes The Silent Tower Mount Earth Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. ReaganGamR showcases another powerful Magic in Roblox World of Magic. Crowns are the only currency in the game and are obtained primarily through doing Quests, looting Chests, and Fishing. This armor set was added in the Beta v1. The player will fight him on their fourth quest. it has good damage (0. It can be found in chests, as fishing drop or bought in any Smith. It comes in 16 color variations and usually found in chests or as fishing drop. Hold-Left-click: Heavy attack. It is a feature that was added alongside with guilds in the Guild Update. By itself, Ice isn’t that amazing, as its Bandit Groups are organizations of Bandits, a type of Negative Reputation NPC. . After this, the island was heavily affected by floods of the new age, forcing them to Chests are loot containers that are spread throughout the game locations. Plasma Magic is a very well-rounded magic. Currently, each player’s character can only have one base magic, which they select at the start of the game. 5th - Open Test 1 7th - Open Test 2 8th - Open Test 3 9th - Open Test 4 11th - And Beyond - Free Release The "Generation" stat will be reworked in Arcane Odyssey. Castlians are a branch of Alalean culture that was created right before the Age of Seven Seas ended. It increases the size of the player's spells. A Castlian Shield scales at a rate of +10 Total Durability & +10% Blocking Power every 10 levels. It increases the speed of blasts and beams, and decreases the casting time of explosion spells. Weapons are used for three purposes: Melee attacks, ranged attacks, and blocking. Teams must be given a name, which must Allows the user to generate elegant ornaments of glass that can shatter into knife-like shards to keep danger at bay. Since this is a culture-based item Sand magic is one of the 23 starter magics. It indeed is, as it goes slower, deals more damage, and is even more destructive than Iron (although it does have a smaller magic size). The Magic Council functions as a governing force for all good Reputation players. Each save file can hold one character, which can be customized with the following appearance aspects: Primary Hair Style, with 82 options Primary Hair Color, with 40 options Secondary Hair Style, with the same 82 options as Primary Hair Style Secondary Hair Color, with the same 40 options as Primary Hair Color Eyes, with 20 options Mouth, with 15 options The Exiled is a wandering ex-Castlian knight on a mission to slay all evil he encounters to redeem himself back to Umber Keep. A maximum of +18 Strength can currently be reached with the Strong Enchantment High Jump Spell is the third magic spell type that the player can unlock. Items which can be equipped in an accessory slot in the Inventory. They occupy Bandit Outposts, a larger variant of the Bandit Camp. The torch was the first tool introduced in WoM The Warrior Set is armor common rarity, providing the player with Magic Size. 4x clash advantage against Paper Magic 1. Hold-click: Heavy attack. It can be found in chests or as fishing drop. Like any other NPC Merchant, you may buy from and sell to Tailors. Trello - Where you can see recent updatesTwitter - Vetex's TwitterWorld of Magic - The Roblox Game The Hero Storyline is one of the two major storyline choices available in the main overarching story of World of Magic. The Wall of Jericho has a 1 in 50 chance of being dropped when defeating the Exiled. It Added the Poison, Plasma, Paper, Glass, Crystal, Sand, Snow, Ash, Gold, and Explosion magics; Added culture specific last names; Game is opened forever. With the most color variations of any magic, Crystal Magic is a cosmetically pleasing medium-heavy solid magic. Headlines are based on events that have already occurred or are currently happening in that server. Best status effect, removes some status effects, great damage for its magic speed, and is very fast. ReaganGamR has a lot of fun with this magic even Glasses are face accessory of common rarity, providing the player with Knockback. These soldiers can either be killed or fled from, causing them to eventually despawn. Your player will always be focused at the center of the In World of Magic, players can create Teams with their friends to help them work together, allowing them to complete quests together, disable friendly fire and track each other on the map. The enchantment cost for each item is determined by the equation 3. It is needed for fishing, as one is used up every time a fish bites the bobber or an item is hooked onto it (regardless of if the player catches the fish/item). A charged thrust that deals more damage but consumes stamina and has a longer windup in return. You can now buy and find Fishing Rods, a new type of Tool item In World of Magic, wizards are categorized into different ranks depending on their level of power. It is similar to a normal high jump, except it costs magic energy instead of stamina to use. Riverville has a blacksmith, a tailor, a material vendor, fishery, a bank, a warehouse, a town hall, and residency homes. One of the least picked base Metalworkers are NPCs that will upgrade your items in exchange for crowns, each upgrade is in increments of ten levels. Snow magic synergizes best with water and ice magic. all of its attacks inflict the status effect Soaked. Tailors are located in every town: Ironport (Near the bank) Riverville (Near the smith) Bell Village (Near the fishmonger and smith) Summer Hold (Near the entrance) As every other A location is a specified region of World of Magic with unique content within it. Iron Magic is a very heavy magic. Glass Magic is one of the 20 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. The female bandit male bandit ratio is 50:50. 5x) Gold magic is the slowest magic in the game and the heaviest. It costs 5,000₵ to start a guild, and more to upgrade the maximum member count. Snow magic is one of the 23 magics. WARNING CROWNS WILL BE REPLACED BY GALLEONS IN TGR. Due to its very high damage against frozen targets, it best synergizes with a freezing combination Travelling Merchants are an NPC that can be found throughout the world, although they are most commonly found in wilderness areas. Guilds provide more features than Teams, and persist throughout servers. Players are tasked with finding and Smiths is NPCs that sell cultural weapons and armor, as well as other useful items such as weapons and armors. Dark Omen mask is a limited accessory from the 2020 Halloween event that was able to be obtained through opening chests with a chance of 1/30. A Vistarian Shield scales at a rate of +10 Total Durability & +10% Blocking Power Fire Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. The amount of fish bait in the player's inventory displays Players can get a bounty from the Magic Council by committing crimes, such as murder, theft, destruction etc, up to 50,000 crowns. Burst - Each second your summon small self explosion that doesn't stop your movement. On the eastern side of the volcano, the Ruins of Charon can be found. Iron Set uses slighlty retextured models of Lord Griswold and Sir Pwnsalot Ultimate art is an unlockable option for each spell, that boost spell's stats drastically in exchange for mana cost. The title equipped also appears before the player's name when it is mentioned in the Magius News. 1x Paper Magic is one of the 23 starter Elemental Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Ez paralyze people and they're gone. Titels given to those players who donated robux to Vetex. There are two types of chest in world of magic. Q (Raging Storm): Unlocked Bosses are high level NPCS which pose a great danger to player. Like most structures, chests can be destroyed using destructive magics, which will make it impossible to open them. Just a quick show of the minor changes to glass There are 23 base magics, some with cosmetic color variations. 00 more damage, from the Poison projectile every second. It's believed to scale similarly to the percentage stats, but its exact scaling is currently unknown. Glass; Gold; Iron; Ice; Paper; Wood; Energy Magics Roblox World of Magic Lighting Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Mode spell boost certain stat of your magic while slowly draining mana while active. A fairly unpopular magic, Earth Magic is the first of the heavy magics. 25x) Clashes 1. It is similar to Fire, but unlike Fire, it is decent for Generations are given to each character file to determine when it was created. All of its attacks inflict the Soaked status effect, which does nothing on its own except slightly blind the opponent by a water border around their screen. It's the exact model of the "Headless Horseman" package on Roblox. There are currently 8 stats in World of Magic, each with a unique effect. Magic speed increases the speed of magic projectiles, and decreases the casting time of explosion spells. It has the worst clashing rates in the game in exchange for its speed and passive bleeding. 2x clash advantage against Plasma Magic 1. You are able to fly from focusing your magic energy in order to fly really fast, if you take damage while charging up for flight, the spell will stop. In AO spell unlocking system is altered. Capes increase agility in steps of 2. Every hit has a chance to inflict the bleeding status effect. It is also noted that NPCs of both positive and negative reputation alike, can spawn within the mountain. A charged attack that deals more damage but consumes more stamina in return. It clashes decently, clears many status effects, and can paralyze enemies, though at the Water Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. Some Swords listed on the page do not appear Paper magic is one of 23 starter magics. It is a large volcano containing lava that can one-hit-kill players who step into it. 05 damage dealt every second. Left-click: Basic swing combo. It includes clouds and other natural occurrences Weather is dictated by what region the player is in and can drastically vary in intensity. Entering bodies of water will put out the torch and you'll need to re-equip it in your hotbar for it to re-ignite. It is one of the four towns currently implemented into the game, the others being Ironport, Riverville, & Bell Village. If you have one of the following Beam Attacks are the fourth spell type that the player unlocks for their magic. This shield is the retextured model of the Soul Shield. Metalwork like Alchmeist can be found in big towns such as Ironport and Summer Hold, also you can Casting Speed is one of the 8 Stats that can be increased by armour and accessories in World of Magic. Destruction - Boost size and destruction power of your magic. A fairly uncommon magic, Wood Magic is a medium-heavy solid magic. Ice magic is one of the 23 starter magics. All of its attacks inflict the status effect 'Sandy'. It is also noted that NPCs (of both positive and negative reputation) can spawn within the volcano. 1x clash advantage against Oct 27, 2020 · For about a month, I’ve been planning this upcoming update to World of Magic that will completely change the game and revamp its most flawed systems, while keeping some of the game the same. It decreases the startup time of spells, and increases the firerate of multi-attack spells. If you dont want meta, try lightning, sand, or paper. Equipment can receive 8 different enchantments, all of which directly boost the Flight is the 7th and last spell you get, unlocked at level 150. It has a tall bell tower near the center of the town, which can be destroyed. They can sell items to players and offer quests/services. These NPCs can enchant most of the items within the player's inventory, as they are able to enchant weapons, fishing rods, armors, and accessories. Like in every other shop, players can also sell Magic Speed is one of the 8 Stats that can be increased by armour and accessories in World of Magic. As Captain Arsen was the only remaining Cursebeard Pirate after the Age of Seven Seas, he guided all of Alalea onto ships in order to migrate to the new continent when the island 2: Ice: Has the best synergy in the game, along with decent stats and magic speed. It is slightly faster than Fire Magic with less base damage and a smaller magic size. 5xVerify. The user slams the axe into the ground, creating a huge shockwave The Branch Bow is a ranged weapon found in chests, which consumes arrows when used. Good reputation players (Unfriendly (-349) or higher) will be fined for damaging Towns, stealing private chests, and killing other good reputation players or Magic stats are the base stats of the Magic. Structures appear in a large number of preset locations throughout Magius, and will vanish and be replaced after a random amount of time has The Oathkeeper is the signature melee weapon of the Exiled, the first Villain Storyline boss, with its corresponding items being the Wall of Jericho and the Exiled Set. With a high bounty, (200+) the Mysterious Mask is face accessory of common rarity, providing the player with Strength. It has a dark grey concrete exo-structure. Explore the continent of Magius, hone your magic, battle fellow players, create or join guilds and raise your reputation to become a hero amongst the commonfolk - or lower your reputation, becoming a dark wizard attuned to the forbidden arts. Unlike normal high jumps, High Jump Spells can be used in midair. it has bad clash rates and it is weak against heat based magic like ice. 95x) 1. Its first and second floors contain the reception and small living units respectively, while the floors above contain several jail cells, and an execution room with four Light Magic is one of the 23 starter Base Magics that can be chosen once a player starts the game for the first time. 1x clash advantage against Light Magic Clashes neutrally against Shadow Magic 0. Q (Mighty Crash): Unlocked at level 80. With lots of different and unique configuration types and styles, this skill allows the user to execute a variety of attacks fit for the situation. A few ponds containing exclusive fish can be found around the mountain. Some weapons can be used for more than one, such as melee weapons having the ability to block attacks (though at a reduced effectiveness compared to shields). The Old Sword is a melee weapon found in chests. It's status effect blinds the target and provides minor damage boosts for some other magics. They offer quests, which lower reputation. Paper is the same as glass, but faster (literally, the stats are all the same aside from magic speed), so that’s why it was put there above glass. Eventually though, the player will be able to wield up to 5 magics, all except your first one being unlocked through awakening your magic stat (scroll down for more information). Dark Wizards are negative reputation NPCs that will attack positive reputation players and NPCs when approached. It has similar but less extreme clash (dis)advantages, deals about the same Guilds are self-organized groups of players, who all contribute to a shared bank and infamy. In return, it uses up stamina while its held up. The exact details of Damage Calculation is complicated, but each point of power Hover is the fifth elemental spell type available to the player. They are considered "areas" as when you enter one, a text appears on the top of your screen. This accessory was added in update v1. Q (Dual Throw): Unlocked at level 60, both daggers are thrown at the target, one at a time The Torch is a tool that is used to light up the terrain around you in the dark so as to see better. It is essential and necessary (or one can skip the tutorial) to understand the basics of the UI (tutorial) in order to play the game. A full list of existing categories can be found at Special:Categories. In Arcane Odessey generations will work to incorporate every game in the arcane universe. Wandering Merchants are the positive reputation counterpart to wanted merchants and they can sell items to good reputation Tailors are NPCs whom sell clothes and other accessories in exchange for Crowns. 4, during the Halloween event. all of its attacks inflict the status effect bleeding if it damages the enemy for 5% of their health. They have unique moveset, item drop from them with certain chance and a large pool of health. Q (Great Spin): Unlocked at level 60, swing your sword in a circle, ripping through the air & hitting anything nearby. Status Effects can be cleared by certain Magics. Shadow Magic is Light Magic's counterpart with less speed and more of a packed punch on enemies and buildings alike. The mask resembles the masks of plague doctors. pjp ljdqoz yfnha cbbszh cdrtrcc qyh miscjg jnb lsmnn dwxhua