Lua require path. You can see (and modify) the path at .
Lua require path 2. path is a string that estabilishes where and how it should search for the file you required. I read it's good practice to use "local" on Lua variables when possible, but in this case, do I have to make var global or is there a way for module. loaded; If not there it looks for a loader function in: package. path = package. lua' Then define the behavior you would like within this file. match(arg[0], '^(. Post by TimerErTim » Fri Oct 25, 2024 7:44 am. The paths can be altered with love. The "require" statement is a built-in function of Luau and other Lua-based languages that allows a script to load external modules or libraries. Dec 12, 2015 · I would add that require loads a module only once and later when calling require again with same arguments it returns the return value of the module (for example return value from the lua file) or true. pathにluaファイルの検索パスを追記する。 追記する場合は、環境パスに追記するみたいにセミコロン(;)で区切る. path is for pure lua libraries (. The file "header. path や package. package. If that also fails, it searches for a C loader using the path stored in package. The primary purpose of require is to load modules. g. lua" is relative to directory, and the interpreter complains that b. I defined an environment variable called LUA_PATH, which I Jan 4, 2020 · Lua Require function on a full path name. path . cpath. path" local abspath = "/a/b/c" local cwd = "/a/" local relpath = Path:new(abspath):make_relative(cwd) relpath -- "b/c" When I access this location through Nginx, the Lua script will be executed. In other words: Learn how to use require to load and run libraries in Lua, with a path of patterns and a table of loaded files. lua` from the path of the file that required Synapsea and I don't know how to get Lua to require from the path that the actual file is in and not from the path that required Mar 9, 2013 · I have been given some skeleton code for an assignment from my professor in lua. 0. lua and Second. api. A library is a collection of useful functions and other definitions which is stored separately to your main program. Consider the example shown below −. It consists of one file "differed. LUA. lua suffix for require(). lua" This will allow you to then use require("b") and require("a") wherever you need. 0\\lua\\demo\\vision\\filters. based require syntax instead and relies on the LUA_PATH environment variable to search for modules, whereas Luau currently supports a basic require-by-string syntax. These loaders are not affected by Lua's package. Apr 22, 2015 · What would be the best way to set the LUA_PATH? In order to load modules from subdirectories located relative to the executed . path: package. If you're running a single script you can check if global arg[0] (if it is not nil) contains the path of that script. Jan 31, 2020 · I have some code here: require "math" local dozenDonuts local oneDonut local function roundToFirstDecimal(t) return math. Hey, I just wanted to let Feb 17, 2023 · The problem is simple: The responsible require loader will replace each dot with the directory separator (/ on Unix). Feb 15, 2013 · So in Lua if I do something like. 1. Live Demo if the path starts with . Dec 25, 2014 · local base_path = string. 9. You can see (and modify) the path at . I have configuration files for each plugin in config/lua/plugins and then load those along with a dedicated folder for LSP configs at config/lua/lsp where all configs can be loaded (still a work in progress to split out my LSP configs). Is it just about the explicit path for the latter and the machinery that prevents loading twice for the former? (Assuming that foo. Nov 29, 2018 · Alternatively you can add a default file to load, to the package. lua", package. require 'sub_folder. cpath をいじる(環境変数から設定する場合は LUA_PATH や LUA_CPATH をいじる) package. path provided by the host program, which you usually cannot change. cpath中并没有看到当前项目的路径,那require是如何找到Lua和ToLua文件夹的路径的呢? Dec 3, 2019 · package. 3 モジュール モジュールライブラリは Lua でモジュールを読み込むための基礎的な機能を提供します。このライブラリは require という関数をグローバル環境に直接公開し、その他の値を全て package というテーブルに公開します。 require (modname) 指定されたモジュールを読み込みます。この関数は Apr 23, 2011 · this is bad idea if you use NGINX LUA modul. lua file and then invoke the code from the Second. lua" will open a file called "Astar. lua or base/) package. lua code is inside main. A string with the path used by require to search for a Lua loader. The return value is a This is because Lua favors the . ';. Let's click on package. h 文件中的默认路径。环境变量中的 ";;" 会被替换为默认路径。 package. path See the package. exe. 2 "require" doesn't work with another directory, but the path is correct. You have to specify how to get from the required name to the file. /lua/heaps. Apr 19, 2023 · Lua require is one of the function and it is mainly denoted as the high-level function for to load and run the lua script libraries. /servers/ts. Thus, it's will replace or enhance the default package. md Modules. path variable: package. If that also fails, it tries an all-in-one loader (see package. lua' Example: Executable path C:\foo\bar. 0\\lua\\?. lua" vf = require "InhouseApp. Take a look at the documentation for require, package. Share. bar, you might be doing something like this: Then you can get the path to the file as the first element (and only) variable, when you are outside all functions. lua's printthis() function to read var properly? Dec 5, 2015 · The paths string given to this function is a sequence of path templates separated by semicolons. lua" Even if i write the full path in the Lua code itself as in the command it isn't working. lua, it will run require("user. If I run the same command from within subdirectory, then the relative path ". Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. In other words: Aug 8, 2012 · I was trying to call require on the full path name but that doesn't seem to be working either. path veriable and you'll be able to require from it . /config' require typically works from the directory of the initial script in a one-way direction, and any required modules which require their own modules must use relative names from that starting point to work properly. 4 So im using officcial precompiled lua binaries and i have a question. Lua Relative Path Required. Purpose and Functionality. config/nvim directory, please guide me how. The standard loaders simply use the string you give it in a sequence of patterns, in accord with its algorithm. Package Path: wiki: When you type whatever = require "whatever" Lua tries to find a package named whatever in many places, mostly having whatever somewhere in their Aug 10, 2012 · Lua require relative path. path and package. It takes a full path to the Lua file, which is a problem for programs that need to be portable, and it will always load the source file each time. Hey there, I recently decided to make the jump from vim and I am trapped in what I believe should be a very silly problem, but I don't get to make it work. lua"), but the script isn't operating with that (by using a hard-coded "Astar" instead of the "AStar" Lua is loading the script under). If it’s not - than why not? This lua directory seems really excessive. Lua require doesn't work on directories. path 环境变量 LUA_PATH 的设置 跨目录下的模块引用 缓存机制 执行环境 参考 Lua 中模块的概念 模块类似于一个封装库,从 Lua 5. lua) -scripts -- mapscript. Note that you should not use / in require since it is a platform-specific directory separator (in practice it will be supported by Windows though). lua file in D: Lua User's Wiki: Package Path. When you call `require`, Lua searches for the specified module in predefined paths. nvim_get_runtime_file("statusline. vm. If a script calls os. lua file −. foo"). There're two ways and both of them change package. lua foo = "bar" -- b. Appending LUA_PATH's value with a double semi-colon will make Lua append the default path to the specified path. Roughly, require does the same job as dofile, but with two important differences. lua" but expects to be required: local deferred = requ I literally just finished writing this function as part of a "utils" module I have: ---The file system path separator for the current platform. loadfile instead always runs the file. The path for a module lookup can be seen by printing package. a. ";D:\\InhouseApp\\1. bin (Lua bytecode) and *. lua. lua file, they require a directory containing many lua files. In a Lua file, one usually can include your own Lua module, and indicate the search path. It searches for the specified module, loads it if found, and returns the module's contents. /heaps/init. When the "require" statement is called, Luau will first search for a package registry, which is a table that maps module names to their respective locations. Feb 1, 2017 · @Cryogenic Lua's require has very simplistic semantics, because the underlying ANSI C code has a very limited notion of what a file system is. And when you add the path to your require in the right manner you dont need the . These paths determine where Lua looks for files, typically the current working directory and some standard library paths. /Lib/?. statusline = vim. path, cuando Lua comienza inicializa esta variable con el valor de Mar 7, 2017 · In C++: int setLuaPath( lua_State* L, const char* path ) { lua_getglobal( L, "package" ); lua_getfield( L, -1, "path" ); // get field "path" from table at top of stack (-1) std::string cur_path = lua_tostring( L, -1 ); // grab path string from top of stack cur_path. Jul 24, 2015 · I understand I could store the package. Default path for package. foo. path and for dlls/so's package. These variables are not a set of search directories, like a normal path, however. cpath with values of LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH environment variables. /synapsea/init. If you are requiring a file inside lib. ) Sep 17, 2018 · `-main. example changing require "foo" to require "C:\Users\Me\MyLuaProject\foo" Lua offers a higher-level function to load and run libraries, called require. h. Lua specifying library. lua has a require for heaps, NLua will search in C:\foo\ for heaps and will not search C:\baz\. preload function that returns May 28, 2010 · require "header" See the require entry in the Lua Reference manual. lua, there is no way to tell require to search "one level up", so you must tell Lua how to find the required modules. path = ". cpath in the same way it initializes the Lua path package. You might want to create a library because you have some functions which are used in multiple programs, or just to split your program into multiple more modular files. Setenv())? Jul 20, 2021 · Let’s consider an example where we will make Lua files, namely First. Jun 20, 2022 · package. path = string. /nested_require. path = common_path . lua and then see how we can import the function that was written in the First. Whenever i want to require a library i walays have to manually set the path of my libs folder using package. lua" must be somewhere in Lua's search path. func1' because sub_folder is in the same folder as main. Lua initializes the C path package. Mar 10, 2020 · I have a visual studio project with c++ code calling lua files. May 13, 2020 · La funcion require asume solo que el punto y coma (;), como el componente separador, y el signo de interrogacion, todo lo demas como el separador de directorios o la extension de archivos es definido por el path en si mismo, el path que require usa para buscar por archivos de Lua siempre el valor actual de la variable package. However, it is not very useful for organizing libraries and large programs. Each request, this code executed and concate infinitely. I discovered that the Lua vm uses system env variables set via os. 4. If you know where luacurl. Jan 12, 2020 · package. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. filesystem. Jul 26, 2013 · Is there a better way to require file from relative path in lua. activations' not found: yada yada yada who cares bunch of file paths okay we get it geez `` It's trying to require `core/activations. First, require searches for the file in a path; second, require controls whether a file has already been run to avoid duplicating the work. cpath A common practice is in your top main. lua") print(foo) If I now run lua b. Apr 16, 2019 · Refer to get current working directory in Lua. . This wiki page describes ways of creating modules to load with require. path, but is there a way to change some env variables or whatever to make lua alwats search in that directory? Jan 21, 2025 · Reusing code with require. lua file. path 中,当 Lua 启动后,会以环境变量 LUA_PATH 的值来初始这个环境变量。如果没有找到该环境变量,则使用一个编译时定义的默认路径来初始化。 Jul 4, 2020 · For require the Lua interpreter uses package. nvim utility for this: local Path = require "plenary. . format("%s;%s?. Here's my code: lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); lua_settop(L, 0); const char *script = "require(' Mar 16, 2019 · package. lua;" . qux. For func2. Improve this answer. lua;. 1 开始,Lua 加入了标准的模块管理机制,可以把一些公用的代码放在一个文件里 Nov 5, 2012 · It's not for general Lua users, but for neovim users, there is a useful plenary. LUA_PATH, LUA_PATH_5_4 Initial value of package. first make a file named mainfile. Jul 31, 2023 · LÖVE adds two loaders (before the Lua loaders) that search for modules in the game and save directory. path, base_path) This works by adding the directory where the file is to the package path, so that require can work on the files in that directory. so), then you can modify your cpath like this: Nov 10, 2016 · Passing no arguments will create a clone of your current environment (preserving require, etc. ". lua from directory, the relative path ". 2 here), there are a few places the loader looks for these loadable modules. Nov 5, 2019 · 是否有一种方法在Lua文件中调用require,并使调用它的文件的环境被设置?例如,如果我有一个定义在表中的领域特定语言(DSL)定义函数Root和Sequence,我可以在允许我像全局变量那样访问这些函数的模块中使用something like setfenv(1,dslEnv)吗? This cause to require to look for the give . Lua: require fails to find submodule, but searchpath succeeds? 3. -- main. loaders). luaでrequire("B")をしても not foundになってしまうので注意が必要 Aug 21, 2020 · 6. For example by adding a path and a file extension to it. lua dofile(". lua in my Lua path such that I can write: require 'util' Jun 2, 2016 · lua require 加载方式与我们现在熟知的路径系统不太一样,想要知道lua require 方法的工作原理也很简单 随便写一个错误的require 代码即可: 1 require("lala"); 这样运行会得到一个报错: 1 1>F:\Git\luatest\met Jul 8, 2011 · that printthis(var) would work fine, because now the module. – Aug 31, 2016 · Well according to the Lua documentation on the require call (using Lua 5. You cannot change the current working directory from within a Lua script unless you use libraries like LuaFileSystem. 5. setCRequirePath for C modules, the latter only work on files located at save directory. ちなみにここが少しcocos2d-xだとハマるポイントで 例えば以下のような階層のA. Lua Reference Manual: 5. common_path = '. path can be set i. Is there a way to set / append to the LUA_PATH just for one vm (e. lua:30: module 'core. then try typing this code in mainfile. May 12, 2017 · After Apache has failed me miserably, I decided to go the OpenResty route. Sep 26, 2015 · Lua Require function on a full path name 0 Require LUA files using a standard relative path approach - problems with: attempt to call global 'myfunc' (a nil value) Jul 13, 2018 · I'm trying to use require from a Lua script which I load using luaL_loadstring. You can use that to build an absolute path from your script's Aug 9, 2013 · Otherwise require searches for a Lua loader using the path stored in package. fail then it will try the search paths for: *. lua -assets ` When running the file I recieve the following error: main. lua') -- obviuosly wrong syntax Lua: question about server runtime path. preload; If 1. Alternatively, you can add the absolute path to your script's directory to Lua's package. path is always the . /heaps. -)[^/\\]*$') package. script' as per lhf's answer. Aug 6, 2022 · Good question, requiring local modules or relative paths is always a pain in Lua. I am following this guide: Ok, nevermind, I get it. That's not spelled require; that's spelled dofile. filters" -- this should work but doesnt -- the full path which i try to refer to: -- "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\InhouseApp\\1. The argument passed to require will be inserted in place of any question mark ("?") character in each template (after the dot characters in the argument passed to require are replaced by directory separators. Aug 15, 2016 · ulua 路径小记 以及 lua require 机制整理 ulua 路径小记. setRequirePath for Lua modules and love. bat (to quickly be able to run the main. This becomes obvious for C-based modules where the module name is used not only to find the shared library (where slashes would probably work) but also to derive the name of the symbol to load from that library (where slashes Aug 21, 2011 · It's possible that Lua is loading this script using this string (since, on the case-insensitive Windows, a search for a file named "AStar. Sep 8, 2016 · You should learn how Lua searches for files when requiring. This is because lua can be used on systems that don't have an actual file system. so (Library) My recommendation for require() is to write a package. LUA_CPATH, LUA_CPATH_5_4 Initial value of package. Good question, requiring local modules or relative paths is always a pain in Lua. path和package. ToLua 在学习ulua时,require模块的根路径可以为项目的Lua文件夹或者ToLua文件夹(Editor下),但是在package. lua as an example file: no file '. Exclude any files or directories called base (either base. : the path is considered relative to the file where the require call is made; if the path starts with /: the path is considered like a regular absolute path; else: the first component of the path is used to find a matching source; The next step is to resolve the tail of the path: May 13, 2016 · Is there a way to have sol2 make available lua-written libraries for "include"? For example, I have a library I would like to use called "differed". Libraries are fully compatible with the Roblox engine, as require-by-string is currently unimplemented. via LUA_PATH environment var require("utilities. Lua: require fails to find submodule, but searchpath succeeds? 5. lua (you don't have to name it that): Add the directory to lua package. lua (Lua Code) *. First. If understand correctly, package. round(t*10)*0. So far, the Lua code is executing, however I opted to separate the generation in to multiple modules, to make the code more Jul 31, 2014 · The func1. ", so if it finds a file called foo. Setting up these environment variables will be one clean way to set paths. append( path ); lua_pop( L, 1 ); // get rid of the string on the stack we just Your file is in the runtime path, so you can use: opt. It seems that require() uses what are called "searchers" (docs linked to in above) to determine where to find these modules. Nov 1, 2021 · -- a. The global function dofile will evaluate a Lua file. ). path is global. Then, you’ll need to tell lua the location of the library in question. cpath is for compiled libraries (. lua", false)[1] or, just in case there is another statusline. What you want is to load and execute a given Lua script on disk. path, using the environment variable LUA_CPATH or a default path defined in luaconf. path = startingPackagePath --Do some stuff When Lua starts, it initialises package. and 2. lua does not exist. c_str()); lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX); which as far as I understand it, should set the global variable LUA_PATH to the contents of 'path'. vision. How do I make require() take a Sep 1, 2024 · [Rseding91] [1. 100] Lua: `require()` absolute and relative path checks are not working. lua;' package. 1 and "dolibrary" function doesn't exist, I tried to take some part of the code and it crashes :\ So, for now, I use luaL_dostring(L, "require 'libMyWrappings'"); libMyWrappings must be in the same directory as the c program, and I can't use a path to indicate the lib. preload . use the environment variable LUA_PATH. Nov 12, 2009 · Lua require relative path. config/nvim/lua directory? If it is already possible to require files just from . Follow Win 10, Lua 5. I try to load a lua module but it cannot be find. ) Lua require Function. The require function is a crucial component in Lua's module system. See examples, differences with dofile, and how to extend require with _REQUIREDNAME. Jan 6, 2022 · I want to be able to do something like this require('. You can use the global variable _REQUIREDNAME to reference the value passed to the require function. dofile take fullpath of a file . – Jul 28, 2016 · require doesn't take a path at all. lua, no? Instead, printthis has no idea what var is. It usually looks like this: Oct 23, 2024 · Understanding the Luau Require Statement. cpath, the path used by require to search for C loaders. See the lua guide on package. path In common Lua programming, a relative path is relative to my Lua file. exit, then lua exits with the given exit status. path, and package. require 'math' For instance, if I have util. lua is easily loaded via . searchers). Jan 21, 2019 · Unfortunately, right now, I'm using Lua 5. It will mainly target the high level functions and keywords, packages loaded on the script with the help of require keyword. append( ";" ); // do your path magic here cur_path. path for more info. lua somewhere in the rtp, you can add a bit more info: Apr 29, 2021 · Otherwise require searches for a Lua loader using the path stored in package. lua' no file '. require 用于搜索 Lua 文件的路径是存放在全局变量 package. However calling this function doesn´t change a thing, the search paths seem to remain the same (that is, the value of LUA_PATH_DEFAULT from Oct 29, 2021 · Lua 模块与包 摘要 模块的概念 如何实现一个模块 如何引用一个模块 模块加载路径 package. path entry in the the Lua Reference Manual. At the end, it will explose. lua is a single lua script, nothing fancy involving modules. ';<absolute path goes here>' And use require 'Folder1. lua to include the paths you expect to use. path local someLib = require "someLib" package. cpath, the path used by require to search for Lua loaders. searchers をいじる; という4つの手段があることになる。以下、どういう場合にどの方法を使うと良いか、見ていこう。 May 17, 2022 · usually I have a main file in the same folder as where the other two folders are located. Oct 31, 2016 · Here are some examples of locations NLua require will look, using heaps. 1 end When I run the code above, I get the following e Oct 13, 2016 · Short answer: Yes. It's unclear to me how Luvit has, or has not, modified this behaviour, but you should be able to Jan 6, 2022 · Since Neovim is rapidly moving in a direction of lua instead of vimscript, is there a need for all lua files to be in . Aug 11, 2017 · I am using Lua code for my small project work using Explorer to interact with the esp8266 module. cpath if you are already in lua. The code has several require statements that add packages to the current directory. Nov 20, 2015 · There are 2 types of require paths in Lua: package. loaders in the modules section. exe that executes specified script. lua -conf. Aug 6, 2021 · Now i understand that ( Lua for Linux ) require() first looks in package. Script path C:\baz\qux. EXIT STATUS. so is located ($ whereis luacurl. Jan 31, 2016 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I even tried replacing one of my working normal requires with a correct full path name to the same file . You can even give :luafile command a try . Feb 5, 2012 · There is a way of deducing the "local path" of a file (more concretely, the string that was used to load the file). lua" is relative to subdirectory, so it works. 3 Modules. This is accomplished by either setting the environment variable LUA_CPATH or LUA_CPATH_5_3 before lua is invoked, or the global variable package. Dec 6, 2020 · The argument to a require call is a module name and not a path to a module file without a file extension. lua -run. 在启动时Lua会初始化这个变量的值,其值来自于环境变量 LUA_PATH_5_4 或是 LUA_PATH ,如果没有找到这些环境变量,则使用定义在 luaconf. Language Server May 9, 2017 · Try dofile with an absolute path to your script and see if that gets you anywhere. cpath are strings that decide where lua searches (note that it includes the extension types as well) you can adjust that path at runtime and in case of lua dll's make sure you compile using ce's lib files, else the dll will link to the wrong dllname (ce uses renamed lua dll names) Dec 18, 2013 · (However, there is no include function in Lua. This is why the first one is broken and the second one is ok. 存储了一些特殊模块的加载器的表(参见require)。 Nov 16, 2017 · I am trying to make one lua file require another. /include/?. Lua Require function on a full path name. I have encountered a problem that the " dofile " and "require " module are not opening scripts w Topic 06-modules. Dec 12, 2021 · Append a prefix to the require argument of "user. lua (you don't have to name it that). so). lua local _ENV = require 'env' -- (see notes below) The new environment will be given an import function, which takes a single argument, a string represent the path or module name to import into the current environment. ) As you may have noticed, you can't do this with require: local cfg = require'. plugins. Aug 10, 2020 · One question I still have is about the practical difference between :lua require'foo' and :luafile PATH_TO_FOO. The Lua docs on require are also helpful but keep in mind that the lookup path in Neovim is slightly different (Neovim has a custom built-in Lua implementation). lua file, I need to set it to the directory of that . The problem I am having is that many of these require statements are not requiring a . Get Lua runtime errors inside the script. Feb 5, 2012 · There is a way of deducing the "local path" of a file (more concretely, the string that was used to load the file). It allows developers to load and use external modules in their Lua programs efficiently. path. Require does not assume you give it a path, but a template. Setenv(). /first_dir/?. The path used by require to search for a C loader. lua), and package. path in a local variable and restore it before my script ends as in the example below but is there a cleaner way? local startingPackagePath = package. /a. Otherwise you can use dofile() insted of require() . /first_dir/second_dir/?. or . Jan 10, 2023 · Neovim has a helpful resource on getting started with Lua in Neovim here. Sep 27, 2006 · lua_pushstring(L, "LUA_PATH"); lua_pushstring(L, path. lua: 51: attempt to index global 'mapModule' (a boolean value) HOWEVER when using map_generate() directly instead, the issue disappears. path package. lua") should work. qvuwqryx ycf qblea xhgqu gchh lymuw ryoi kro rgvvld xewij