Esphome reed sensor. I’m thinking this is pretty self forward.
Esphome reed sensor I have a RGB LED to indicate if the door is open/closed based on a reed sensor. I can see the state for the reed switch change in Home Assistant (open or closed). It becomes active right after the switch component has acknowledged the state (e. A Shelly1 controls the door by toggling a relay. Unfortunately, I got no measurements. 2. I am trying to monitor the state of my espresso machine using a reed sensor. ) — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. I’m thinking this is pretty self forward. The sensor is based on a ES2866 board which you can get from many source incl. 1. It also has a status where if the door is not fully open nor fully closed for 25 seconds, it's reports a 'problem'. As you can see in the picture, I have a tank with a reed switch on a floater to know when the water is on that level so it will activate a water pump x seconds. The ESPHome setup for the ESP8266 (I ommit the wifi, api, ota part here): May 10, 2022 · That reed switch is just a switch. Given that the reply shows on or off, what is the point of the sensor? substitutions: device_name Mar 5, 2023 · Sharing for those searching for a similar solution, and thanks to @chris. # Example configuration entry - platform : dht # temperature : name : "DHT22 Temperature" filters : - calibrate_linear : method : least_squares datapoints : # Map 0. The sensor operates in cycles that can be defined. The LTR-501 device is available on a breakout board from Olimex. Technically very possible to connect a 2nd device operating at a similar voltage and if you make sure to match the same polarity as the Tehama device. The reed contact will be attached to G and D1. If you’re hooking up a button without an external pullup or see lots of ON/OFF events in the log output all the time, this often means the GPIO pin is floating. Water Meter Analog water meters (Read your water meter | South East Water - Type 1) in my area contain a port that can be used to measure usage through a reed switch. The senseair sensor platform allows you to use SenseAir CO_2 sensor () with ESPHome. However, I don’t like that once I tell it to open in Home Assistant, I have no idea what’s going on until the door is all the way open and the reed switch closes and then it just says closed as soon Mar 1, 2023 · Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like After modification, the sensor has ability to read the status of the reed switch. So here is my problem: I am trying to measure water flow rate and consumption using this meter, which comes with a Reed Sensor specifically made for this purpose by the manufacturer: German Website: → Click. ADE7880 Power Sensor¶ The ade7880 sensor platform allows you to use ADE7880 voltage/current/power sensors with ESPHome. Ambient Light Sensor tcs34725 example by Feb 22, 2022 · My sensor had 2 reed clicks per rotation, hence the dividing by 2. I would like to use a cover template in ESPHome to determine the current state of the cover and report back but having some issues with logic in ESPHome. 3v is the starting point. pub/6dbws2Article: http://psenyukov. I'd love for Alexa to tell me when the mailbox door [sensor] was opened so I can go get the mail. any help appreciated. Add some more sensors. That chip can handle much more than what you are using it for. The relevant portion of my config is: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: close_endstop pin Feb 15, 2024 · With the below YAML I expected to see “ON” “OFF” events when bringing the Reed sensor near a magnet. ESPHome device was built using a custom board with screw down One or two reed sensors to detect the fully-open and/or fully-closed states. If you have Eagle Eyes you might note that my payload_on is off. I like that you are up cycling existing remote. set_total_pulses service to set the total value to match my gas meter. I have come up with the below design using an octocoupler I would love to hear from those who may have already Mar 8, 2020 · I was going to use this code for my garage door. The sensor is basically a magnetic reed switch connected to GPIO13 (see here). You should have enough space inside for a d1mini and a reed sensor. For other sensors like power sensor this can be done by connecting a known load and then writing down the value the sensor shows. Apr 13, 2021 · The magnetic reed switch is so simple. Jun 28, 2022 · Hello all, I have found this nice project and tried to implement it. <device name>_uptime), making it easier to distinguish the entities in various entity lists. When it is done, it signals the attiny. I have kind of managed to do it with "on_value_range" but can't "get it working on "on_value". However, due to the use of the pulse counter peripheral, a maximum of 8 channels can be used! Sep 13, 2021 · Hello community! Can you please help me with ESPhome built-in automation on Sonoff Basic with reed switch. Also note that again yours could be named “sonoff” and mine is named “sonoffgarage”. I’m using a WEMOS LOLIN32 ESP32 running on a 18650 Battery soldered to a strip board. I do have an automation setup which sends a notification to the HA app on my iPhone, but that doesn't help the wife. The final result. That is correct. uptime becomes sensor. The seeed_mr60fda2 platform allows you to use Seeed Studio’s MR60FDA2 60GHz mmWave Fall Detection Sensor Kit with XIAO ESP32C6 (Product Page) with ESPHome. NOTE: The door sensor (reed switch) is now “POWER2”. i have the reed switch working but can not quite figure out the code for the relay. The reed switch didn't get closed by the magnet on the rotary dial of my meter. binary_sensor is perfectly Oct 17, 2023 · Hi, We currently building our new home and I wanted to install recessed reed switches throughout connected to some form of ESPHome microcontroller. esphome: name: garage-distance-sensor friendly_name: Garage Distance Sensor esp8266: board: d1_mini binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: D3 mode: INPUT_PULLUP name: "Garage Door Open Contact Sensor" id: contact_sensor_open internal: true - platform: gpio pin: number: D4 mode: INPUT_PULLUP name . I do see the wifi_signal sensor value, uptime as well, so logs are working, it’s just the reed sensor which does not want to work. I have a relay connected to data pin but how do I get a sensor to report how many seconds it has been on the last minute? Regards, Ozcar Gasverbrauch mit ESPHome in Home Assistant Visualisieren. My Simple UseCase: ESP-Home → Battery powered ESP controlling (Binary) Christmas-lights. huitema for the guidance 🙂 This solution reads my existing water meter and integrates the usage into Home Assistant, including the Energy dashboard. I thought this was going to be a super simple project, but nothing ever is. It uses two wires and the pulse output is a “dry contact reed switch” The pulse output of DAE meters is a dry contact (i. ) a CR2302 battery will last for about 20times in his case dunno how often you close/open your door but 20 times sounds not that good for me… compared to a 18650 rechargable battery that lasts in my case for more than 2 months… I have an automation that raises the coop door until it is stopped by a reed sensor at dawn and lowers it again until it is stopped by another reed sensor at dusk. Find this and other ESP32 tutorials on esp32io. All filters are processed in a pipeline. I will have a reed switch at the very bottom of the door for signal a FULL close and a reed switch at the very top of the door to signal a FULL open. # Example configuration entry binary_sensor : - platform : switch name : "Output state" source_id : relay1 switch : - platform : gpio id : relay1 pin : GPIOXX Nov 28, 2023 · It can, its just that second reed switch helps keep the correct open’opening’closed,closing states. I have been using a Pi Pico to check a reed switch on my garage door. 3v → sensor → GPIO15. I used esp and relay to trigger wall switch and Ecolink tilt sensor for door position. Simple Garage Door¶. TX20/TX23 Wind Speed/Direction Sensor¶. The system uses ESPhome for integration and configuration. My first project will be a battery powered mailbox sensor. Here is the esphome yaml I use for my garage door with relay and reed switch. Currently i am facing the problem that it’s counting pulses without any attached sensor. Get tons of esp8266 for the simple switches and single sensor deployment, save some money but also get a few ESP32 for heavier tasks like displays, LED pixels etc, where you might need more working memory or even where you might want 2x i2c bus on one device. I am connecting the other wire of the limit switch to GRND on the same The new bind key will work with ESPHome, but the Mi Home app will not recognise the sensor anymore once the device has been activated by the TeLink flasher application. Integration completed to Home Assistant using API from esphome. That single entity can then be used in HA for status and control. The ESP8266 reads the new switch state and the battery voltage and sends them over to the hub using ESPNOW. I was able to flash it, but I can’t seem to The ltr501 sensor platform allows you to use a range of LiteOn ambient light and proximity sensors with ESPHome. binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO5 name: "Garage Door Contact Sensor" id: contact_sensor internal: true filters: - invert: # The relay in the Shelly 1 that will deliver the pulse to # the garage door opener (not exposed to HA) switch: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 name May 25, 2024 · I have a garage door with a reed switch on GPIO5 that only tells me if the door is closed. Thanks to TheHookup for the original inspiration for the project! data (std::vector<uint8_t): vector containing the complete raw modbus response bytes for this sensor note: because the response contains data for all registers in the same range you have to use data[item->offset] to get the first response byte for your sensor. I can also display the correct values of other sensors on the LCD screen coming from Home Assistant. Jan 25, 2022 · I’ve built Dr Z’s Garage door opener found here Add Wifi Control to your Garage Opener using Sonoff SV, ESPhome, and Home Assistant - YouTube using the sonoff sv and hc-sr04 but no reed switch. Communication with the device is over I²C , which must be present in your configuration. (3x) ultrasonic sensors for vehicle occupancy (coming soon) (3x) magnetic reed sensors for sensing open/closed This all shows up as a single device in Home Assistant with three entities for the openers and three entities for the occupancy sensors (devices not installed yet). no voltage) reed switch with 2 wires. The binary_sensor configuration works with a NO reed switch. HG901 (Hemant Gupta) June 14, 2023, 1:30pm 20. Mar 22, 2019 · Did you get the reed switch to work with ESPhome? I wrote some code for the NodeMCU that work with a reed switch that connected a GPIO pin with GND but I would like to move that over to ESPhome for comfort reasons. io there’s a good documentation (BME68x Temperature, Humidity, Pressure & Gas Sensor via BSEC2 — ESPHome) but it’s lacking some tricks to make it work flawless with 8266 boards. ) no deepsleep for the esp8266 with esphome. Thanks. How can I best I will be building a new home in the near future, and I'd like to have reed switches on basically every door and window that I can. 0 (true value) - 0. Jul 27, 2020 · The YAML is for a light switch that has red, blue, and green LED indicator lights on it. This works fine so far, but I am scared that something happens to the reed sensors for whatever what reason and the lowering or raising would continue "indefinitely" because it wont Mar 11, 2024 · Hello all, I have connected a reed switch to two different GPIO to have both a binary_sensor and a pulse_meter, as I wanted to troubleshoot strange pulse/min nb I was getting. Nov 17, 2020 · I’m looking for a high quality water flow sensor to monitor the water used by my irrigation system. We will learn how door sensor works, how to connect door sensor to ESP32, how to program ESP32 step by step. I want to use that switch to detect the state of said door, perhaps taking action or at least reporting when its state changes. Very grateful for any help. after it switched ON/OFF itself). With ESPHome, they integrate perfectly with HomeAssistant, and are super easy to update thanks to ESPHome's OTA updates. pub/6386puReed Door opening sensor: http://alii. Feb 2, 2022 · 6. @mikeycv, I recommend you use the code that @NeilDuToit92 shared on github. Mar 23, 2020 · Hi. I use an ESP-8266-12F NodeMCU, buyable ReedSwitches (4) with cable and screws and 2 cinds of LEDs (4), red and yellow. However one thing i found with the common code available online that is the cover code just executes the relay actions, so when sending it a cover close command it would actually open the garage door if the door was already closed. Positive output is connected with an ADC Pin (34) and the reed sensor itself is connected with +3V and Pin 14 . By integrating it with the Wemos D1 Mini and ESPHome, we can seamlessly monitor the state of the door in Home Assistant. ESPHome Free your Thomson Guardian gate controller by @ludrao. I thought I could just download my existing yaml file, flash the Pico with the new secret wifi info and carry on. I have connected the Nov 18, 2024 · Hello Community - I’m trying to setup a reed switch to track water meter usage. Having only one reed, the true door state wont ever update unless it hits your single reed switch. Jan 1, 2025 · Both approaches will need a battery-powered sensor (like this Aqara MCCGQ11LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT might just be small enough) where you replace the Reed switch with one of the mechanisms above. They are similar to Sensor Filters. The door would show open when it was closed, and vice versa. The last post in this thread describes how to replace the Reed switch in the Aqara sensor: How I made my dumb locks a little smarter! I have a number of Dallas temp sensors that publish through esphome to home assistant but they don’t go through the mqtt broker, just direct to esphome and they work without any password. In esphome I have set up a sensor that pulls a value from HA. ) ESPHome-Config, um einen Gaszähler per Reed-Kontakt auszulesen - gastherme. The problem is that the system is only partially wired: the wires for one sensor are running to an electrical box and the wires for all other sensors are running to a different box. It works better than other solutions because it provides HA with a garage cover entity. Maybe try a PIR, air quality, light level, reed switch contact, air pressure, or any of the wide variety of sensors available in ESPHome. You can confirm this by running a very small current at low voltage across the sensor and watching the resulting waveform. The original issue is resolved (although unclear what happened, I didn’t change anything) but I discovered a new, smaller one: pulse_meter is counting slightly more pulses than binary_sensor. This is the first attempt that I am aware of to document the protocol and provide working firmware for low-power battery-based Tuya devices; Tasmota and others have support for line-powered Tuya devices such as switches and dimmers. Nov 19, 2024 · Hi everyone. There are two door sensor/reed switches, one for fully closed and one for fully opened. ¶ As the communication with the SenseAir is done using UART, you need to have an UART bus in your configuration with the rx_pin connected to the TX pin of the sensor and the tx_pin connected to the RX Pin (it’s switched because the TX/RX labels are from the This project uses an ESP board to create a fence gate sensor utilizing the ESPHome add-on and integration in Homeassistant. The TSL2591 device is available on breakout boards from a few vendors (for example, Adafruit , CQRobot , Waveshare ). Your counter should not generate electricity more than 0. With only one reed switch, it “assumes” the door position and if its wrong hitting the top or bottom reed will correct the states. The house I rent is partially wired for a basic alarm system with reed switches on every door and window. Aug 19, 2024 · I setup at a window by attaching the magnet to the moving part (the window) and the electronics (the reed switch and the ESP/Pico) to the frame. May 19, 2021 · FYI, I developed GitHub - tronikos/esphome-gdo: Garage Door Opener/Cover with position control using ESP32 or ESP8266, relay, and one or two reed sensors that supports all the features mentioned here and more! I’ve been using it successfully with just one reed sensor at the fully-open position but it should work with two reed sensors. I however am using one of the pins GPIO16 connected to a limit switch to confirm if the door is open or closed. ESPHome configuration and steps used to smart enable my two garage door openers to allow control of the garage doors as well as status if the garage is open or closed. Defaults¶ Oct 22, 2021 · Add GPIO binary sensors (reed-switches), ultrasonic sensors, and HX711 functionality These are the last few unimplemented features that I use with ESPHome, and it would be nice to be able to consolidate my devices as much as possible. Here is what I have: 2-wire reed switch (I confirmed it works using a continuity tester and a magnet) ESP32 Mini Board I have created the following ESPHome code: # Reed switch Binary Sensor Filters¶ With binary sensor filters you can customize how ESPHome handles your binary sensor values even more. The configuration will report status on gate open or closed, has a restart button in Homeassistant, as well as wifi connectivity status via the blue LED. To power up I am using Li-Po 300mah battery with mcp1700-3302E voltage regulator. On esphome. g. The supported family of sensors includes: Ambient Light Sensor LTR-301ALS. In the first example, this range is defined as “any value above or including 65. Here is my sensors The door sensor is also known as entry sensor, contact sensor, or window sensor. But, I happen to already have an rpi4 with a POE+ hat sitting in a drawer doing nothing. Given that they are just reed sensor i figured there was a way to get them in to home assistant via ESPHOME. Mar 17, 2023 · Hello, I want be able to monitor my Windows in my home. some_sensor # the name of the sensor state: 'on' # whatever state you want it to be on - service Most chimes have a cover that is way oversized. Mar 23, 2020 · Hi Seems lika noob question but I have tried to find out how to measure time with ESPHome. When the door opens, the light turns on, when it closes, it turns off accordingly (this was already implemented on Tasmota) I also have a cat that can open doors, but haven’t learned how to close doors yet:(, so it Jan 1, 2022 · This is probably a really simple question, but I’ve been banging my head on it for a few days so figure it’s time to ask for a second opinion. If using a single reed sensor, it can be placed in either fully-open or fully-closed positions. Sep 22, 2024 · Hi team. My problem is that after a power interruption, the LED is totally off until I cycle the door to open/closed. The end result is totally concealed after a little paint touch-up. maybe) 3. Think of it as a jumper wire from GPIO14 to GND which is cut in the middle, when the magnet is aligned with the sensor the wire is joined. After an interrupt, it wakes up and powers up the ESP8266. . GK 21 DDR Kessel 27,6 kW Hardware Used ESP32 (nodemcu-32s) 2 Dallas Temperature Sensors (metal probe type) MAX6675 Temperature May 12, 2022 · I am having a problem with a relatively basic ESPHome program for my garage door. When the reed switch open, wake from deep sleep and send the code with the RF 433mhz transmitter. This works well enough when its turning and thus "pulsing" however every now and again the counter stops in such a position, that the magnet is I have a garage door cover for which I have a relay, reed switch and rotary encoder. May 31, 2019 · Greetings fellow humans, I wish to build a thingy that tracks the flow of water from our borehole pump to the tanks. The NMT meter pulse sensor you're referring to is simply a reed switch. I would like to display an image on an esp32 with an lcd when a door is open. Compare above with below, However, when I click on S1 it appears that the state does change, it just does not indicate it in the text. Reed switch (I will be using a normally closed reed switch) 18650 battery (3. Pin 14 is defined as a binary GPIO sensor and also as the wakeup pin for the ESP itself. First I went with the exact same equipment as it was described and it worked but then I realised I will have to change batteries at some point so I figured which I didn’t like. Sep 29, 2018 · I’m using a WEMOS LOLIN32 ESP32 running on a 18650 Battery soldered to a strip board. Sep 27, 2021 · The reed switch is normaly connected to ground and one GPIO pin. You can use the ESP32 software or hardware Apr 7, 2024 · Almost got this nailed down, but now just struggling to send the RF signal when the reed is opened. when the reed switch is closed the relay is off, when the reed switch is open the relay is on. You put the magnet in the top of the door and the reed switch in the door frame. ru/%d0%b4%d0%b0%d1%82%d1%87%d0%b8%d0%ba-%d0%be%d1%82%d Dec 22, 2022 · Hi I would trigger the buzzer connected at GPIO17 when i detect water in my basement. I'm using this reed sensor and I'm wondering if it's not strong enough so I'm hoping for Feb 18, 2019 · Now here is the garage door binary sensor for the reed switch. esphome: name: gassensor esp32: board: esp32dev What does "all wires give continuity when magnet is on" mean? How did the reed switch work before? You mean there is one terminal for normally-open and one terminal for normally-closed? But now both are working as normally-open? Reed switches are mechanical parts, it's probably failing. Dec 21, 2022 · Is there a way to configure it to use ESPHome so that when it powers up it reads GPIO13 (reed switch input) and sends the state to HA then switch GIPIO 16 low to power off the device. The objective is simply when the reed switch is closed, deep sleep is entered. I use the 4 relays to open/close 2 garage doors and they work well. Since I have my sprinklers running with a nodemcu esp8266 and two switches I figured I should connect the rain gauge there too. I know Home Assistant can do this through automation, but I want to achieve this on device Here’s code that I use, but I don’t know how to check if the door stayed open for let’s say 10 seconds since “on_state” is triggered only when state changes. It measures temperatures, monitors pump activity with reed switches, and sends notifications via Home Assistant. Is the pin pulled to vcc or ground when the reed switch is near a magnet? Does the pin have a pull-up or pull-down resistor set? I normal set a pull-up on the pin and then have the reed switch pull the pin to ground when the magnet is near it. Here is my config… esphome: name: wasserzaehler friendly_name: Wasserzaehler The attached video is a demonstration of the wireless switch as the magnetic contact reed switch is put in the open and closed positions. This tiny wonderful sensor is really tricky to get it work on an ESP8266 using the latest BSEC libraries from Bosch. I am not using GPIO16 to wake up instead need to wake up every time reed switch state is changed. binary_sensor: # Magnetic reed switches used to determine if the doors are closed. # Uses Normally Closed (NC) input. I came across this meter. And another, How to count pulse frequency accurately with ESPHome? - #15 by stevebaxter The Switch Binary Sensor platform allows you to view the state of any switch component as a read-only binary sensor. When it's placed it jumps between on and off instead of just staying on. Apr 21, 2021 · Alright this is my first time playing with HA so this is a real newbie question but i cant seem to find it anywhere on this forum. Amazon. Total cost for this project is about 15 €. Also, I may need a delay to send when waking from Dec 16, 2020 · I have an ESPhome flashed AZ-delivery ESP32 Dev kit c V4 monitoring temp & humidity in my garage and I’m trying to add a simple reed switch linked to an automation that alerts when the door has been left open for 10 minutes. However this is a very unprecise way of measurement Guide: Door/Dumb Lock Sensors w/ Wemos D1 Mini & ESPHome Personal Setup Wemos D1 Mini and Magnetic Reed Switches - both reasonably inexpensive on Amazon. sensor: - platform: sht3xd temperature: name: "Living Room Temperature" humidity: name: "Living Room Humidity" address: 0x44 update_interval: 60s # # temperature is returned in Celsius/Centigrade by default # use a lambda filter to convert to Fahrenheit # # temperature: # name: "Outdoor Temperature" # oversampling: 16x # unit_of_measurement: "degrees I trying to make a reed switch door sensor with esphome. My Work so far: I made a small Hardware-setup with two mosfets to be able to toggle my lights on and off ESPhome pulse counter reed switch reboots when constantly magnetized I am trying to monitor my gas meter using a reed switch to detect the rotations of the counter which includes a little magnet. I’m trying to do a basic thing from Arduino that I’m getting some complications here. I then connected the reed switch to an ESP32 and waited for it to register my gas usage. sensor. Did i do sth. Second you need a so called reed sensor which is going to react on the actual gas meter which has an electromagnet inside. Besorge dir einen Reed-Kontakt-Sensor und einen WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266. I was wondering if it was possible to add different sensor to the same ESP32? I’m thinking of putting a DHT sensor with a 4 channel relay sensor on it but i dont know how. I understand that ESPHome is the most common recommendation to integrate reed switches into HA. I have been doing a bit of exploring with WLED and ESP32 boards around house. SenseAir CO_2 Sensor¶. I have a reed sensor intended to determine if a door is opened or closed. Before Jan 31, 2020 · IMHO not a good solution. Communication with the chip is over an I2C bus, so you need to have an i2c: entry in your configuration with both sda and scl set. Trying to use the on_press function for this but it does not like it. It can also be programmed in pvvx custom firmware Nov 2, 2020 · Hi, I’m trying to find out way how to check if reed switch is open for a certain time, but no luck so far. Jul 26, 2022 · I have several reed switches mounted on my doors/windows. Dec 6, 2024 · I have used the ESPHome example YAML for a SonOff Mini R4 Extreme and have it working as below in Home Assistant. This project uses ESPHome, a Wemos D1 Mini (ESP-8266), and a magnetic reed switch sensor to monitor the time your dog spends inside their kennel. I am following this guide but I'm having trouble placing the reed sensor so it works reliably. Be aware there are many, many replicas available in the wild, I personally have chosen this D1 Mini. My setup with the ESP8266 looks like this: I used multiple magnets to be sure the switch will work. Down at the very bottom, I have a couple of homeassistant text_sensors that look at the state of some smart bulbs in the room (I’ve programmed the smart switch to control my smart bulbs) as well as the state of the garage door. If I install an ESPHome update the total value will be resetted. As for powering it you might have a extra pair of wires that are not being used if they used wire meant for a dual chime unless you have two door bells then I guess your plan is all right if you have no way to power it. switch. Attachments ESP8266 ESP-01 Wireless Switch With Deep Sleep Mode - Step #4 Sep 18, 2024 · I have been using a reed switch connected to pin GPIO39 of a Wemos S2 Mini ESP32, functioning as a door sensor for a garage side entrance. I am just having Pulse Meter Sensor¶ The pulse meter sensor allows you to count the number and frequency of pulses on any pin. Reed switch, relay, PIR, temperature and humidity sensor (from top to bottom, left to right) All we need to do is connect them up to appropriate GPIO pins and define them in the Instructions for setting up a simple garage door in ESPHome. I could set up a check in automations for the ESP32 Hall Sensor¶ The esp32_hall sensor platform allows you to use the integrated hall effect sensor of the ESP32 chip to measure the magnitude and direction of magnetic field around the chip (with quite poor accuracy). I have a Cover Template for my Garage Door with a single reed switch for the door closed position, and have configured a toggle button on my dashboard. Mar 15, 2024 · Hi, I have a 4 channel relay board with and ESP32 in the same PCB that I bought from AliExpress. Status ‘OFF’ = ‘window closed’, status ‘ON’ = window opened/tilted Dec 13, 2024 · Hello together, im struggeling now a long time and now i want to ask Community as a last try. When the mailbox is opened, the controller shall wake up and send a Sep 30, 2023 · the recent issues with MyQ got me to finally pull the trigger and setup an ESP8266 with ESPHome for the garage opener. Jan 19, 2022 · I bought a bunch of reed switches for less than $1 and 3D printed this clip to hold the reed switch in the correct place. The sensor appears to always read as off. I'm using this reed sensor and I'm wondering if it's not strong enough so I'm hoping for The tsl2591 sensor platform allows you to use the AMS TSL2591 ambient light sensor with ESPHome. This means all binary sensor filters are processed in the order given in the configuration (so order of these entries matters!) Jun 15, 2022 · When we bought our home it came with wired door sensors… for an old alarm system. If anyone has an idea what I’m doing wrong, let me know. Jun 12, 2022 · ESP32: http://alii. The onboard LED will light up when the kennel door is open, and turn off when closed. If possible i would like the buzzer not just turn on , but shifting from on to off in a cycle to Sep 9, 2021 · I have used 5 reed switches as a tank water level indicator , its working perfectly but i want to use it as a single sensor in HA Can someone please help me with template or text sensor ? i have tried text sensor platform and used reed sensor on/off to publish but its not reliable if node restarted binary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: R1 pin: number: D2 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: true name Show heart rate sensor values sent over Bluetooth Low Energy on a display by @koenvervloesem. The only required pin is the black or brown cable (which is used to transmit data. 5 and works. That’s why I’m hoping you, great members of the forum, can help me figure out … pretty much the title. I don't have a sensor to tell me direction of travel or if the door is fully open. To use the sensor again with the Xiaomi Mi Home app, the device needs to be removed and then re-added inside the Mi Home app. Jun 21, 2021 · Hi all, I am pretty new to ESPHome - a friend got me hooked up and I am familiar with the basics, but have very little experience. The three LED's on the Feb 2, 2022 · Most important is the LJ18A3-8Z/BX proximity sensor, this sensor can run directly from the ESP board and has the resistor already included in the sensor, so no soldering needs. For example this one: Three times the door is closed and opened. I ran the wires through my attic to a single esp32 in my garage. item (const pointer to a SensorItem derived object): The sensor object itself. In the end i would like to have one Aug 17, 2021 · Not sure if this goes here or hardware…move as necessary. The sensors should last years on a single battery charge, are rechargeable, wireless, and cost less than about $4 per sensor. I'm able to see my reed switch transmit states in the log, but I don't understand what sort of yaml to write to interpret those states and I've not find documentation that is clear (or at least clear enough for me). For saving Energy the ESP goes to deepsleep then comes up set light on or off and go to deepsleep again. 0” and the second range refers to any (humidity) value 50% or below. wrong in my config? Internal filter mode i tried with “edge” and “pulse”. I’m a noob, but I’ve been reading for days on this topic. This sensor chip is commonly found in Shelly 3EM and 3EM Pro devices. This is what I have: an ESP32 with reed switch → Home Assistant → 2nd ESP32 with an LCD. On the ESP32, this sensor is even highly accurate because it’s using the hardware pulse counter peripheral on the ESP32. ESP01 is connected to the reed switch on GPIO0. At this point my setup works, but i have 3 sensors for 1 window. link to github page GitHub - gadjet/Window-Door-sensor-Version-5: Version 5 of the Window/Door sensor project this time with ultra low current consumption All devices I've seen share FCC ID Z52NAS-PD01W0 for PIR sensors and Z52NAS-DS01W0 for the reed switch sensors. However when compiling in esphome I now get errors. I am using a Wemos D1 R2, and a YF-DN40 water flow sensor (the big one). Oct 21, 2024 · The MC38 door sensor is a cost-effective magnetic reed switch that can detect whether a door is open or closed. The utility meter sensor provides functionality to track consumptions of various utilities, including water. SenseAir S8 CO_2 Sensor. on_turn_off Trigger¶ This trigger is activated each time the switch is turned on. Obviously the first step is to to find a datasheet, but assuming you can’t, it’s most likely a reed sensor (the water flow moves a turbine, which rotates a magnet towards and away from a reed switch. Honestly I took the calculation at face value thinking Dec 2, 2024 · Overview This project integrates a smart monitoring system for a wood stove using an ESP32. 7v 2600mAh) and a holder; Wires and solder; Configuration variables:¶ pin (Required, Pin Schema): The pin to periodically check. Use a template switch that calls a script with a condition # Make script that will only turn on the switch if the binary sensor is # in the state you want it to me script: on_script_for_switch: alias: My Script sequence: - condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor. Something like this should do it. Might be useful for your fence gate. Aug 3, 2023 · Hi all, I’m in a position where I’m about to rewire my entire house. So do i just go like this? # This is just some Oct 24, 2021 · 1x Rain Sensor; 1x TEMT600 brightness sensor (VCC, GND, OUT - I believe this is an analog sensor) 2x+ Reed Sensors (2 Pins) 3x SR505 PIR sensor (VCC, GND, Data) 4x Water Level Sensor (VCC, GND, OUT, “M”) multiple LEDs (2 Pins) multiple DS18b20 temperature sensors (VCC, GND, Data); the multiple sensors are only for this one device Aug 1, 2023 · Integrate the Door Sensor Into Home Assistant You can now integrate and add this DIY smart Wi-Fi door sensor to your Home Assistant by following these steps: In Home Assistant, go to Settings > Devices & Services. Somehow I need to check Jul 30, 2022 · I am still new also, but a possible problem could be the way the reed switch is connected. After a bit of looking around here I found a few example and tried to figure it out. Configure Home Assistant; add sensors and UI components (Lovelace) Before we can show the measurements in Home Assistant we need to add a utility meter sensor to Home Assistant. You will need a long drill bit to do this. I have created a pulse counter with ESPHome and a utility meter inside Home Assistant that tracks the total daily usage based on the pulse counter. Integrated Ambient Light and Proximity Sensors LTR-501ALS and LTR-558ALS. May 9, 2019 · Reed switches are simple binary signals and thus binary_sensor. All other options from Binary Sensor. Tank|690x452 What I want is something like: while (pin x is high) relay stays ON I’ve tried this code: switch: - platform: gpio! pin: GPIO4 The sensor contains an ATtiny that listens to interrupts from an external device like a reed switch, a motion sensor or a toggle switch. The UART is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work, parity and stop_bits must be respectively NONE and 1. It is this kind of reed switch: This the Yaml code for the sensor: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO39 mode: input: true pullup: true name: ${friendly_name} Door contact device_class: door This has been working fine for at least half a year I am trying to monitor the state of my espresso machine using a reed sensor. The ESP model on the IC is esp32-wroom-32e. Problem 1: The rotary encoder is tracking position of the door, but due to either cheap hardware or my sprocket measurements it doesn't always come back to 0. ESPHome floor heating controller (proportional valves) by @nliaudat. Now i´m sending the sate to HA and trig the buzzer by automation , but it would be better for me to have this internal in the ESP device, then the alarm will go off even if the HA server is down of some reason. I'd prefer not to have to buy all new hardware; I'd like to utilize the rpi. the idea is to have a reed switch on d7. My initial concerns was around voltage drop over distance and whether I would be able to get reliable state changes from every switch. 😉. gpio will do fine (optionally also enable pullup via INPUT_PULLUP as seen in docs. com. I want to use this opportunity to install reed switches on windows and doors and wire them back to an ESP32 (or several) in a central location I’m wondering what would be a good cable to use for this? Maximum run would be less than 20m I’ve read about reduced signal strength over long distances. The tx20 sensor platform allows you to use your TX20/TX23 wind direction and speed sensors with ESPHome. Rather than counting pulses over a fixed time interval, the pulse meter sensor measures the time between pulses. Feb 20, 2024 · Hello, I have found many battery powered projects that use esphome, but almost none of them strive to be as power efficient as I’d like. Nice project that utilizes existing opener and powering with same source as esp. Feb 17, 2020 · Positive output is connected with an ADC Pin (34) and the reed sensor itself is connected with +3V and Pin 14 . All working fine until I upgraded my home internet and broke a bunch of configs. I don't know how I would do this? Oct 24, 2021 · Hi Folks! I just finished my door sensor with esphome and some cheap reed sensors. Pins for RS: D2, D5, D6, D7, Pins for LEDs: D1, D3, D8, TX I would like to install reed switches on my windows (2 per window => tilted - opened) and integrate them into ESPHome. Are there any recommendations for how to go about doing this? Mar 31, 2020 · As mentioned previously, there are many devices we can easily add to a single board like relays, PIR sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, reed switches and more. on_turn_on / switch. yml May 23, 2023 · I am working on building a garage door sensor using reed switches. If not, go to the ESPHome web UI and click Logs Setting discovery_object_id_generator: device_name in the ESPHome MQTT component configuration will cause Home Assistant to include device name in the generated entity names (e. By using a magnetic fields, it sends an “on” or “off” state of the switch which will all Home Assistant to monitor the door activity. ESP is configured to sleep every 60s. I have used the MC-38 types and they are all mounted very close to the magnet: The problem is that in my logbook of Home Assistant I see a lot of wrong state changes. This Oct 19, 2022 · The problem I am using the pulse counter sensor for my gas meter. Now I want something to happen based on the value of the sensor. 0 (from sensor) to 1. code snippit is: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: 16 mode Aug 8, 2023 · I have two contact sensors - one for when door is open and another for when door is closed. My fix would be to set the value to 0 if the reed switch is closed. The code I posted at the top was a proof of concept to show that you could use two reed switches to get the state of the door fully opened or fully closed and represent it with an ESPHome cover. I have 11 windows and the status of the windows can be: Closed Open Tilted I am now making a PCB with 3 reed sensors, ill print a mount with a magnet so when the handle is turned between the 3 options the reed switch will trigger a esp32. Here is a simple write up (thanks to saruter) of how you may be able to implement. 01A, 24AC/DC, or the reed switch may be That’s a lot of indentation. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with ESP32. ESPHome Curtain/Cover/Shutter Switch from a noname Tuya switch by @ludrao. I am trying to use the Restore from flash command, but still not working. And then you see suddenly another 3 times the door “is opened and closed” which is My problem is that I can't, for the life of me, find clear documentation or examples for how to read a reed switch via the RF bridge. I appreciate any thoughts in advance. Aug 25, 2023 · Just not sure how to do the wind direction. Jun 3, 2023 · Instructions for setting up EZO sensor circuits in esphome. I notice that ESPhome has a Pulse Counter, which is basically how a flow meter works: there’s an inline rotor with a magnet in it, and a hall sensor that notices when the magnet comes round again. For the sake of everyone and their batteries Just to reiterate and make things clear: I want to achieve the following operation with the esp home Oct 19, 2023 · Hey guys, i wanna use a wemos d1 mini esp32 to build a water meter. I’ve spent a full day Sep 4, 2021 · The IN-Z61 Pulse Transmitter (reed switch) is connected to a Kom Schroder gas diaphragm meter BK-G2. Optional two 10kΩ resistors to detect the obstruction sensor. on_value_range is a special trigger for sensors that triggers when the value of the sensor is within/above/below the specified range. You can add reed or tilt sensors to determine the state of the door, but this will not tell you which direction it will travel when the button is pressed. I did this in my house by using these Magnetic reed switch. Here’s the hardware I’ve got: Various controllers (ESP32C6, C3, H2 and classic ESP32, also ESP8266) Reed switch Li-Ion battery pack My idea is to use the switch as a wake-up signal on the controller. I have attached a reed switch to the gas meter and every time the second decimal place completes one turn the switch gets triggered. Aug 1, 2019 · I have installed a magnetic reed switch on a door. I have a pump running on and off and I would like to measure the time its on. I’ve currently got a Shelly 1 relay hooked up to make my garage door “smart” with a reed switch to give it open/close status. The Reed Sensor tracks the turning wheel below it and First of all let me explain the project. Verbinde den Reed-Kontakt-Sensor mit dem WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266 nach dem Schaltplan. I was pretty happy when it worked the Pulse Counter Sensor¶ The pulse counter sensor allows you to count the number of pulses and the frequency of a signal on any pin. ) no additonal data send by the esp (rssi, temp. But I’m not seeing anything in the logs. The following is a possible configuration file for garage doors that are controlled by two relays: One for opening and another one for closing the garage door. Jan 25, 2021 · Both HomeAssistant and ESPHome are Free and Open-source. Same behavior. 0 -> 1. Not exposed to HA, instead used to set the # state of the cover. Jan 12, 2020 · Hi, i have a gas meter i want to track in Home Assistant. The full guide can be found here: Build a cheap water usage sensor using ESPhome and a proximity sensor - PieterBrinkman. Mar 23, 2019 · I setup another d1 mini based on your garage door control but i want it to operate a light. I have a pi running a python script that publishes data to HA through the mosquito mqtt and that’s the only one I had to put the mosquito username and Jul 28, 2024 · Stuck novice here. My current idea is to run all of the reed switches to a central location in the house before drywall is up using some high-gauge wire and plug it all into 1 or 2 ESP-32 NodeMCU's running ESPHome. The goal is next: I have a closet, there is a reed switch on the door. Your door-sensor will be auto-discovered and listed here. Activating internal pullups¶. esphome: name: testy I built a garage door opener using a D1 mini/8266. The Reed switch is also great solution. Oct 4, 2024 · Hello! I wanted to share my painful experience with BME680. e. I used the pulse_counter. Yours is double my conversion as a result. I assume connecting the switch to D4 and 3. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the pulse counter component. Jun 3, 2024 · Hi there! I’m fairly new to Home Assistant and ESPHome. Below I have the code and wiring guide of how I set this up. First thing, making sure I have it wired correctly - 3. Here is my garage door ESPHome YAML that uses a cover and reed sensor to control and determine if door is open. Here’s an example: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: D5 mode: INPUT_PULLUP name: og_roof_window filters: - delayed_on_off: 1000ms device_class: window The esphome node should be auto detected in HA if you’re using the api key. yatg wtci fmc spavyzrhq ovym lmrjv lcwppe tblt ltqln gyfwn