Code virtualizer vs themida The tool has been tested on Themida up to version 3. python obfuscation symbolic-execution deobfuscation miasm themida winlicense code-virtualizer code-mutation. Virtualization protectors like VMprotect/Themida offers good protection from majority of crackers but on the downside AVs will complain unless you get a The whole process to virtualize x86 code (for 32-bit or 64-bit) can be described in the following stages: • Reading of sensitive blocks of code to protect: Code Virtualizer will search in the compiled application all the sensitive blocks that were inserted by the developer in his source code • Create an unique Virtual Machine for the application: Code Virtualizer use its Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. Some compilers remove the VM_END marker when they are at the end of a procedure (or after a "return" statement) because the VM markers are in fact dummy code that might be affected by compiler optimizations. 0, 2. After In latest version of Code Virtualizer, we allow a new way to insert macros in 32/64-bit binaries (just linking with a x86/x64 assembly file, where the VIRTUALIZER_XXX macros are defined). These options are not public available as they will confuse developers if we display all current available options, which are not related to security and Mar 2, 2023 · Code Virtualizer 是一个强大的代码混淆系统。 它可以帮助软件开发者保护他们软件内重要和敏感的代码区,防止他人使用逆向工程,而且它只消耗最小的系统资源。 对于每一个所保护的程序,这些所产生的虚拟指令以及虚拟机器本身都是独特的,它能保护程序被 Nov 6, 2024 · Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. 439 stars • What are the advantages to purchasing both Code Virtualizer and Themida? • We would like to know if the CheckVirtualizer. Themida Advanced Windows software protection Themida is an advanced Windows software protection Sep 19, 2018 · Themida is a superset of Code Virtualizer. - ergrelet/themida-spotter-bn. You should turn off optimizations for the routine where VirtualizerStart() is called. You can type the name directly in the Input Filename field or browse your folders to select the desired file. NET Native AOT binaries [+] Fixed compatibility with some DLLs protected with Code Virtualizer + Themida/WinLicense [!] Minor bugs fixed : Code Virtualizer; Themida; WinLicense; Compare Products; Order; Support; Download; Buy online. If you are the only developer in your company or registered as one-man company, you just need to get the "Single Developer" Protecting binaries through obfuscation and has become the goto standard in defensive and offensive software alike. I will say that the moment I started using Code Virtualizer™ I was getting some complaints from one or two users about app crashes. 0] (30-Jun-2007) [+] Added Ultra Code Virtualizer protects: Native Windows applications (32-bit and 64-bit) Native Windows Dynamic Libraries (DLL, OCX, BPL, etc. Please, review your macros and make sure that you When you purchase Code Virtualizer, you will have 12 months of free upgrades and technical support. MIT license Activity. WinLicense combines the same protection-level as Themida with the power of advanced license control, offering the most powerful and flexible technology that allows developers to securely distribute trial and registered versions of their applications. No, Code Virtualizer only works with native applications. Some programmers prefer this way to avoid linking their unprotected driver with VirtualizerDDK. 9. Watchers. 0 (x86/x64) - Bộ ứng dụng đóng gói bản quyền phần mềm Link trang chủ: Chúng tôi không chia sẻ link phần mềm bản quyền trực tiếp tại diễn đàn, có thể mua sản phẩm trực tiếp, nếu bạn không đủ kinh phí chúng tôi đề xuất bạn có thể chuyển hướng tải về After studying Oreans' Themida, Code Virtualizer VM. ) Windows Device Drivers; SOFTWARE LICENSE. Contribute to vxlang/vxlang-page development by creating an account on GitHub. What could Rust's anti-cheat be detecting? The detected and Themida-encrypted codes were vastly different (nearly 99% different), verified with SingBench—a tool with mixed reviews but long used for this purpose. All software licenses comes with an initial 12 months of email technical support and free updates. Code Virtualizer can be used to protect your files through the command line in order to include the protection of your application on all of your build systems. You can use Themida or WinLicense to protect . Edit. 40 stars. poc themida winlicense code-virtualizer Resources. Themida is a packer with a forced boot VM. Its pretty much same as Themida just without the packing feature. 30 x32+ x64, Code Virtualizer 2. Both Themida and CV are developed by Oreans and employ the same VMs and their structure, minus the SecureEngine/boot Can I allocate the Stealth Area in the data section instead of the code section? << Click to Display Table of Contents >> I have inserted 2 functions to protect via "VirtualizerStart()" but Code Virtualizer does not recognise them! That problem might be due to compiler optimizations which generate a different calling convention for VirtualizerStart - VirtualizerEnd functions. This mean that there will be a small penalty in execution time the first time that a protection macro called. Compilers generate a direct jump table in the data section which directly jumps to each "case" statement. However I do know that gamesense uses Themida (don't confuse with CV. Skip to x86-64 reverse-engineering virtualization obfuscator x86 kernel-driver protector virtualizer vmprotect anti-tamper themida code-virtualizer Resources. dll will be removed and you don't need to ship that DLL with your protected application. If you just want to May 2, 2011 · My own research led me to VMProtect and Themida. exe /cv64 - Code Virtualizer x64; Console. If you have any questions concerning our products, please contact us at the following email addresses: Technical Support: support@oreans. If you want a cheaper virtualization technology you can buy Code Virtualizer from the same company. x's mutation-based obfuscation. Some people prefer to combine Code Virtualizer + Themida, so they put the two different Virtual Machine technologies in a single application to increase the protection level, though this is not a requirement to get a good protection with Themida or WinLicense. 1. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) I want to play games in vmware, but it says I can't open protections like this and this. So, if it reports 500Kb left, then you can reduce your initial Stealth Area (1000Kb) in about 400Kb. The following example turns off and on . If you go to the Help File, you can see a few restrictions where not to put CV macros. For example, if you want to protect your main EXE and several DLLs, you might want to use Themida to protect your main EXE and the rest of DLLs are protected with Code Virtualizer. Feb 21, 2018 · WinLicense/ThemIDA 2. Game Hacking Topics & Help. The following section identifies some of those vulnerabilities and shows how Themida resolves them. Total Obfuscation against Reverse Engineering. The same with CISC machines in Themida and WinLicense, about RISC part, until know didn't see any public tool that can dothis job. Updated Jul 29, 2024; Python; RenardDev / OreansCrack. NET Native AOT binaries [+] Improved "Entry Point Virtualization" option [+] Fixed compatibility with some DLLs protected with Code Virtualizer + Themida/WinLicense [!] Minor bugs fixed : Themida [1. WinLicense as a Software Protector . NOTE: When you enable the Stealth Mode, the compression feature is not available. 5. If you just want to protect specific routines against reverse engineering, you can just use Code Virtualizer. Overview Introduction. 3. Static deobfuscator for Themida, WinLicense and Code Virtualizer 3. Anti-virus heuristics is not a problem because the Code Virtualizer is a software protection tool that converts application code into a format that can be executed on a virtual machine. 4 This write-up collection is self researched. They provide different levels of protection and are closely related. CV only does code virtualization/mutation, and can be applied to drivers even. Its unique virtualization technology makes it extremely Dec 3, 2019 · • What are the differences between Code Virtualizer and Themida? • Can I protect my . Themida® uses the SecureEngine® protection technology that, when running in the protector & obfuscator & code virtualizer. exe /wl64 - WinLicense x64; Done; About. A Binary Ninja plugin to detect Themida, WinLicense and Code Virtualizer's obfuscated code locations. It's expected to work on WinLicense and Code Virtualizer as well. 4. Code Virtualizer uses the classical project file approach to help you save and restore your settings each time you want to protect an application. With Themida® , we have centered in the main weakness that software protectors have thus providing a complete solution to overcome those problems. The unprotected device driver is correctly verified: Some verifications tools check that there is not a writable/executable section in the PE file. Themida [3. ). You can change the current locale, so Code Virtualizer will be able to find your Portuguese string. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Jan 30, 2019 · The current version of Code Virtualizer only accepts insertion of the protection code in Mac/Linux applications using the "Stealth Mode" insertion. So lets start poll (voting) is Themida (WinLicense) is most hard brokable exe protector you even know. You can also Open a project that was previously saved. NET applications. Designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced Yes, Code Virtualizer can detect which applications are Windows NT system services so you can protect them just like normal applications. Resources provided may be changed or delayed in publishing. 30 x32 / x64-WinLicense DLL Jan 19, 2018 · The VIRTUALIZER macro allows you to mark regions of code that will be executed inside the SecureEngine® Virtual Machine. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Remarks . 0; Date: 06-Nov-2024; OVERVIEW DOWNLOAD PURCHASE  Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. 0] (30-Jun-2007) [+] Added Ultra debugger detection option [+] Improved exit of . Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. For example, if you want to protect your main EXE and Nov 5, 2024 · While it is crucial to encapsulate your validation routine within a VIRTUALIZER macro, it's important to note that tools like Themida, WinLicense or Code Virtualizer secure the Mar 28, 2024 · Themida® uses the SecureEngine® protection technology that, when running in the highest priority level, implements never seen before protection techniques to protect Aug 12, 2020 · code virtualizer is really lite and super easy to use code obfuscation tool and in comparative look of other tools such as VMProtect or themida i recommended you to use CV Nov 6, 2024 · Code Virtualizer will convert your original code (x86/x64 or ARM64 instructions) into Virtual Opcodes that will only be understood by an internal Virtual Machine. WinLicense 2. Fixed compatibility with some DLLs protected with Code Virtualizer + Themida/WinLicense [!] Minor bugs fixed : Themida [1. 8. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. All other trademarks used are properties of their respective owners. Sep 19, 2018 · To reduce compilation time we recommend that you put in a separate source code file the STEALTH area, so it will be built only once. Apr 23, 2018 · Navigation: Code Virtualizer > SecureEngine Macros: To include SecureEngine® Macros into your application, you need to specify these macros in your application source code. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) you can code virtualize and vmprotect on the same kernel driver and it works! use Code Virtualizer first Code Virtualizer - use Stealth mode for virtu UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Also many may not know this but Vmprotect and themida give customer private/custom VM engines all the time on request, the "vmprotect has • What are the advantages to purchasing both Code Virtualizer and Themida? • We would like to know if the CheckVirtualizer. In that case, the behavior is unpredictable. I get an exception. Nov 8, 2018 · Themida includes all features (except mach-O and ELF files protection) in Code Virtualizer plus many others. Analysis is primarily focused on multiple targeted x32 applications. • What are the advantages to purchasing both Code Virtualizer and Themida? • We would like to know if the CheckVirtualizer. Themida is a heavy protector, and protecting your main EXE and your DLLs with Themida might create a very "heavy" process in memory, consuming lots of system resources. A Python 3 tool to statically deobfuscate functions protected by Themida, WinLicense and Code Virtualizer 3. Code Virtualizer: Oreans Technologies : Software Security Defined. Once the application to protect is selected, you will see information about the loaded application, such Code Virtualizer searches for printable chars to be able to determine if a pointer to "something" is a string or not. The engine is written as a plugin for IDA 6. exe could support command line to check if a file is already protected by Code Virtualizer. Themida Advanced Windows software protection Themida is an advanced Windows software protection The equivalent for the VM macro in Code Virtualizer is the VIRTUALIZER macro. Jan 6, 2022 · Afaik themida isn't compatible with drivers, and protecting driver with code virtualizer is better than any other available protectors, so choosing alternative depends on what feature you need and not found in CV, but VMP Nov 6, 2024 · With Themida® , we have centered in the main weakness that software protectors have thus providing a complete solution to overcome those problems. 2) Protect again . So, you modify your source code and create a Stealth Area of 600Kb and you can be sure that all protected instances will fit inside that 600Kb Stealth Area. hello guys, what are the modern methods of dealing with obfuscation and code virtualization, all these protectors create unrealistic code traces. It’s expected to work on WinLicense and Code Virtualizer as well. Demo versions cannot be registered. Code Virtualizer ® Powerful code obfuscation system for Windows, Linux and Mac applications that helps developers to protect their sensitive code areas against Reverse Engineering with very strong obfuscation code, based on code virtualization. NET applications with Code Virtualizer? • Can I use my dongle system with Code Oct 26, 2018 · What are the advantages to purchasing both Code Virtualizer and Themida? Code Virtualizer is like a subset of Themida. Please, edit the Virtualizer. Code Virtualizer; Themida; WinLicense; Compare Products; Order; Support; Download; Purchase Code Virtualizer. : I asked them in e-mail, and they said that Themida includes CV and other things like compression as well. Switch-Case statements cannot work with VM macros in most compilers. Code Virtualizer ARM64 protects: Native applications (ARM64) for Windows, Linux and Mac; Oreans, Themida and WinLicense are registered trademarks. If you put the STEALTH area in your main source code where you make changes, then the STEALTH area is compiled every time that you make a change in your main source code, highly increasing the compilation time. Code Virtualizer [3. To create this project file, you need to start the Code Virtualizer user interface and set up the protection options that you want to include in your application. Sep 19, 2018 · What are the differences between Code Virtualizer and Themida? Themida is a superset of Code Virtualizer. Share Since code virtualizer is about obfuscation of executable machine code and AutoIt does not compile to machine code it would be of little use the way you want to use it Will the InitializeCounters() function code also virtualized? • I have included several VM macros inside my application. WinLicense is a powerful protection system designed for Code Virtualizer ® Powerful code obfuscation system for Windows, Linux and Mac applications that helps developers to protect their sensitive code areas against Reverse Engineering with very strong obfuscation code, based on code virtualization. Still, I'm not sure whether it was a problem with CV per se as it could have been an obscure bug in my code, but I since reshuffled my code and I have since heard no complaints. Themida® uses the SecureEngine® protection technology that, when running in the highest priority level, implements never seen before protection techniques to protect applications against advanced Nov 5, 2024 · Code Virtualizer is a powerful obfuscation system for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X applications that helps developers to protect their sensitive code areas against Reverse Engineering with very strong obfuscation code, based on code virtualization. The Virtual Machine runs your code much slower, so, you have to avoid putting protection macros in those critical Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > Sales > I have paid via FastSpring but you have not sent me any invoice. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > General > I'm having problems protecting an ELF shared object. Obsolete protection techniques Themida has been designed with the newest and most powerful technology in software protections, SecureEngine®. However, even after several years, reverse engineers studying Oreans protected binaries still struggle to The first step to protect an application with Code Virtualizer is to select the application that you are going to protect. Your code now runs on a different instruction set than x86. Designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced Code Virtualizer is a Windows application that can protect Windows, Linux and Mac OS X applications. Where is the Linux version of Code Virtualizer? Code Virtualizer; Themida; WinLicense; Compare Products; Order; Support; Download; We are glad to help you! Contact Us. Updated Jul 29, Oreans TechnologiesCode Virtualizer, Themida, WinLicenseThese three products are a step-by-step and comprehensive solution in the field of software protection. Code Virtualizer: A tool for basic virtualization protection and code obfuscation of applications; Themida: A tool that extends the functionality of Code Author: Erwan Grelet A Binary Ninja plugin to deobfuscate Themida, WinLicense and Code Virtualizer 3. Version: 3. Thread starter thomascool199; Start date Nov 22, 2020; Replies 4 Views 3K Forums. Code Virtualizer is TOTALLY platform independent, that is, if your protected application runs on one computer it will run on ANY computer and it if fails on ONE computer it will fail on ANY computer. This is because Code Virtualizer only Nov 6, 2024 · Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. In order to keep our projects alive and up dated we require a small amount Suppose I will be the only one developer in our company who will use Code Virtualizer, do I need to purchase Company license or will Single developer license be enough? Company licenses are for companies with more than one software developer. If you have compatibility issues with your dongle protector software and Code Virtualizer, please, check the following entry . Readme Activity. When the code is virtualized, the When using Visual Studio or Embarcadero compilers, they accept "inline assembly" for 32-bit applications, so Code Virtualizer uses the inline assembly method to insert the protection macros. So, if you Code Virtualizer provides a flexible and easy-to-use user interface (GUI) to help you to protect your applications. I have made sure that I have not nested any macros, but when I load my application in Code Virtualizer user interface, I get a nested It is better to use a commercial protector lest a hand grown protection may turn out to be lot weaker. 6. Oct 26, 2018 · Code Virtualizer could help you to protect the sensitive code areas where you check for the presence of a dongle and obfuscate how you interact with the dongle. Our Virtual Machine protection places the virtual machine registers mixed with the virtual machine Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > Macros > I'm using a VM macro but it fails when using it on my Delphi application. Skip to content. 8, and only supports early versions of the FISH virtual machine architecture (2. Can you fix it? You can try the following which might fix your issue: 1) Go to the Advanced Options panel and add the following option: OPTION_MACROS_SEH_SUPPORT=YES . When you protect ELF shared objects, please, use the Stealth Mode area for injection (in the Code Virtualizer is a powerful obfuscation system for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X applications that helps developers to protect their sensitive code areas against Reverse Engineering with very strong obfuscation code, based on code virtualization. . Oct 26, 2018 · Notice that Code Virtualizer adds its Virtual Machine to the last section in your application. ) Aug 2, 2021 · 对于每一个所保护的程序,这些所产生的虚拟指令以及虚拟机器本身都是独特的,以防止他人对 Code Virtualizer 采用广泛的攻击。Themida是一个强劲的保护系统, 专为了那些想保护自己的程式不被先进的逆向工程和黑客软件破解的软件开发者而开发的 Sep 19, 2018 · You can check if an application has already been protected by Code Virtualizer using the /checkprotected parameter via the command line. If you still have problems, I haven't seen any paycheat using CV. Can you send it, please? Please, notice that when you purchase a product from us, FastSpring is the one that purchases the product from us and sells it to you (that is, you are purchasing the product to FastSpring and not to us) So, FastSpring is the one that emits a Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > Macros > Can VM macros protect switch statements? We are now having an issue with VM macros crashing the application. 0 -Retail Licensed Originally posted by mnemonic72 at ExeTools Forum on 02-20-2018, 01:23 Its a fully licensed Version and nothing is patched. Code Virtualizer x86/x64 protects: Native applications (x86/x64) for Windows, Linux and Mac; Native dynamic libraries (x86/x64) for Windows, Linux and Mac; Themida includes all features (except mach-O and ELF files protection) in Code Virtualizer plus many others. Star 38. The source code is Code virtualizer (themida) Code virtualizer (themida) By hiplorenzo, December 26, 2014 in AutoIt General Help and Support. A Binary Ninja plugin is also available here. If your objective is to avoid someone from spying how your application is implemented or how some important routines are implemented (like routines to check trial status, licensing processing, etc), Code Virtualizer will be enough to secure those sensible code areas. We have an external option to change the locale, so "isprint()" behaves differently (using "_wsetlocale()"). dll library to run. ini file and Console. For most applications, the last section is the "relocations" section and some protectors automatically remove that section, so your software protector might be deleting all your Code Virtualizer Virtual Machine. These systems all translate assembly At the end of the protection, Code Virtualizer reports the Stealth Area space left. Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > General > Almost all tries to virtualize our program lead to results that the EXE wasn't executable anymore, how can I debug it? There might be a macro placed in a wrong way, we recommend you that you disable almost all macros and check which one is causing the problem (adding macros in small groups till you find the problematic one) Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. Dec 19, 2018 · Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > General > When I upload my protected file on virustotal. com Sales Details and General If you have not inserted nested macros and you get that message, you might be facing a compiler optimizations issue. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Code Virtualizer; Themida; WinLicense; Compare Products; Order; Support; Download; Download and evaluate. Features  · Static deobfuscator for Themida, WinLicense and Code Virtualizer 3. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Aug 12, 2020 · code virtualizer is really lite and super easy to use code obfuscation tool and in comparative look of other tools such as VMProtect or themida i recommended you to use CV (code virtualizer) because most of other application cause false-positive with antivirus softwares but CV is more reliable than others Edited August 12, 2020 by Gladiator Mar 28, 2024 · Code Virtualizer is a powerful code obfuscation system for Windows applications that helps developers to protect their sensitive code areas against Reverse Engineering with very strong obfuscation code, based on code virtualization. WIP PoC for license emulation in Oreans products Topics. When the CPU is going to execute the code inside your VM macro, SecureEngine® will take control and will emulate the original code inside the macro with virtual opcodes that only the SecureEngine® Virtual machine can understand. Code Virtualizer x86/x64 protects: Native applications (x86/x64) for Windows, Linux and Mac; Oreans, Themida and WinLicense are registered trademarks. 1) Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > Macros > I'm using the STR_ENCRYPT but sometimes, when my string contains specific German characters the string is not recognized: We use the C function "isprint()" to determine if a char is valid. Any compiler which emits x86 opcodes (for 32-bit or 64-bit applications) can be protected by Code Virtualizer. Current directory changed when testing the protected application inside Code Virtualizer [!] 32-bit: Relocation fixed for non emulated FPU opcodes in DLLs [!] 64-bit: RIP displacement fixed for non emulated FPU opcodes [!] Oreans, Themida and WinLicense are registered trademarks. Code At the moment available for free in Code Virtualizer ARM64 [+] Added support for virtualization protection macro markers in . Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) This will allow you to use complex Virtual Machines for your most sensitive code and a lighter Virtual Machine for code that needs to be virtualized and executed with good speed. This has no runtime implications, the code is static and never modified during execution. NET virtualizer and tell us that, if we're to deduce the best virtualization protection software (while the choice stands between VMProtect and Themida) I didn't invest time in reversing Themida protected targets yet, Other software protectors and licensing system have important vulnerabilities, which prevent them from being a perfect solution to protect an application against reverse engineering or cracking. Of course, if you change at a later time the No, Code Virtualizer can only protect Device Drivers for NT based systems (NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows x64) in either 32-bit or 64-bit platforms. Custom properties. Future documentations of x64 applications may or may not be provided at a later date Code Virtualizer; Themida; WinLicense; Compare Products; Order; Support; Download; Download and evaluate. Posted on 2024-09-23 • 2290 words • 11 minute read. Example: I have protected my application, but how do I really know it's protected by Code Apr 27, 2010 · Well, don't know about Enigma nor VMProtect, but Themida or WinLicense has been fully defeated. dll" to run but once that you protect your application with Code Virtualizer, the linking with VirtualizerSDK. I wonder if the anti-cheat can read bit strings directly from memory. From the attacker point of view, Themida is completely different to traditional software protectors, due to its complex protection engine and its high priority code that allows supervising the whole system against possible attackers. ) Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. First you need to create a Code Virtualizer project file (. x’s mutation-based obfuscation. That is, for 32-bit applications, the linking with VirtualizerSDK. The bug is not present on Visual Studio 2015 and it should be fixed in a new release of Visual Studio. [Discuss] vmprotect, themida, enigma Go to Page Code Virtualizer (starts from 199€) Themida (starts from 249€) WinLicense (starts from 399€) Windows x86/x64 Native EXE/DLL protection: Windows Linux x86/x64/ARM64 protection: Code virtualization: Code mutation: Runtime string encryption: String decryption/re-encryption: Anti-Debug: Api-Wrapping: Whole application encryption The equivalent for the VM macro in Code Virtualizer is the VIRTUALIZER macro. Themida® uses the SecureEngine® protection technology that, when running in the Themida uses the SecureEngine® protection system to cover a wide range of scenarios. If you want to protect your Linux or Mac OS X applications, you have to I can see that latest Code Virtualizer versions can protect Linux and Mac OS X applications, but "Virtualizer. That is, Themida includes the same virtualization engine as Code Virtualizer plus it adds other protection options (encryption, compression, API-Wrapping, etc. As you might know, there is some incompatible situations where the code cannot be virtualized correctly (like try-except and switch-case statements). For further protections, you need Themida. is there a solution to this? BinaryShield: a bin2bin x86-64 code virtualizer. I'm getting a message saying that there is not space left for injection. Yes, raising an exception is possible from VM macros. Oreans is a notorious ‘pioneer’ in utilizing a GUI based software protection application that is easy to access and has little complexity to the end user. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Advanced Windows Software Protection System Themida protects: Native EXE x86/x64; Native Dynamic Libraries x86/x64 (DLL, OCX, BPL, etc. 0; Date: 06-Nov-2024; OVERVIEW DOWNLOAD PURCHASE  Next you pick a . 30 + Code Virtualizer v2. Aug 23, 2018 · Code Virtualizer will detect that it has its own code compressed and it will proceed with the decompression. sys. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Aug 8, 2024 · A Python 3 tool to statically deobfuscate functions protected by Themida, WinLicense and Code Virtualizer 3. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on Nov 9, 2017 · Navigation: Code Virtualizer > Protecting an application > Advanced Options: SecureEngine contains lots of internal options mostly related to compatibility issues with specific applications. When SecureEngine® is going to protect your application, it will find these macros inside your application and apply the required action to each specific macro. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Nov 6, 2024 · Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. The following is incorrect: void MyFunction() _ENCRYPT_START/END macros inside VM macros and you can also include "single marker" macros inside VM macros (like CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY, Sep 19, 2018 · No, Code Virtualizer only works with native applications. 7. About Code Virtualizer, I made a CodeUnvirtualizer to fully convert Virtual Opcodes to Assembler Language . The purpose of this post is primarily to explain the technical workings of my tool, BinaryShield, In fact, this is the fundamental approach of any VM-based protection, whether it’s Denuvo, Themida, or VMProtect. At the moment available for free in Code Virtualizer ARM64 [+] Added support for virtualization protection macro markers in . The unprotected application will require the "VirtualizerSDK. After this period, you may buy a subscription. For further protection you can put a VIRTUALIZER macro around the "STR_ENCRYPT" macro, so all your code area where your strings are used is also virtualized. 0] (15-Jan-2024) Improved detection of false strings in STR_ENCRYPT protection macros x64: Improved support for try/catch inside virtualization markers Question themida vs vmprotect. exe /th64 - Themida x64; Console. NET applications under Vista [+] Added support protecting DLLs with EntryPoint = Code Virtualizer; Themida; WinLicense; Compare Products; Order; Support; Download; Buy online. 0] (15-Jan-2024) Improved detection of false strings in STR_ENCRYPT protection macros Improved protection in Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PROTECT_OVERLAY" We have contacted Microsoft about this and there is a bug on Visual Studio where the debugger incorrectly traces over a code with "inline code" (like our START - END macro markers). com, I get a false positive from one of the listed antivirus: Some (not widely known) antivirus, have a very bad heuristic and they even report as virus any application with a slightly different PE header. This suggests the issue is more complex. From time to time consider updating your VIRTUALIZER macros to point to a different or newer Virtual Machine architecture. 2. Stars. Find and fix vulnerabilities Advanced Windows Software Protection System Themida protects: Native EXE x86/x64; Native Dynamic Libraries x86/x64 (DLL, OCX, BPL, etc. I'm leaning towards VMProtect because it also supports hardware keys. Advanced Windows software protection system. We pay particular attention to the requests and suggestions of our customers. dll is not required, so your 32-bit application does not need the VirtualizerSDK. exe /th - Themida; Console. Oreans, Themida and WinLicense are What is the impact of Code Virtualizer on the speed performance of a protected program? When you virtualize a specific routine, the x86 original opcodes are converted into high complex "imaginary" code, which is emulated via an embedded Virtual Machine. exe /wl - WinLicense; Console. Code Virtualizer can protect Windows, macOS and Linux applications/libraries (based on x86/x64/ARM64 processors) Sep 19, 2018 · The equivalent for the VM macro in Code Virtualizer is the VIRTUALIZER macro. Nov 6, 2024 · Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. A proof-of-concept devirtualization engine for Themida, written as part of my Master's Thesis. Well, don't know about Enigma nor VMProtect, but Themida or WinLicense has been fully defeated. Get protected now! You can purchase our products using our payment processors, which accept different credit cards, PayPal, check (by mail) and cash (by mail and bank/wire transfer). When I removed it from their build the crashes ceased. Code Virtualizer fully protects the areas of code that you select in your application source code. They don't even look at the code inside the Code Virtualizer (starts from 199€) Themida (starts from 249€) WinLicense (starts from 399€) Windows x86/x64 Native EXE/DLL protection: Windows Device Driver protection Linux x86/x64/ARM64 protection: Code virtualization: Code mutation: Runtime string encryption: String decryption/re-encryption: Anti-Debug: Api-Wrapping: Whole Nov 7, 2018 · Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > Macros > Can I use one protection macro (VM macro) inside another macro (VM macro)? You cannot nest VM macros. Those Virtual Themida includes all features (except mach-O and ELF files protection) in Code Virtualizer plus many others. I gathered enough information from obfuscated instructions to deobfuscate code after taking notes from personal unpacks and reverse engineering a couple unvirtualizers. As your string might contain special Portuguese characters the internal function to determine if a specific char is printable might fail. Readme License. Nov 8, 2018 · Is Code Virtualizer a subset of Themida? Themida includes all features (except mach-O and ELF files protection) in Code Virtualizer plus many others. Write better code with AI Security. Advanced Windows software protection system, developed for software developers who wish to protect Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > General > Sometimes CodeVirtualizer crashes when I try to pick functions from the mapfile: We recommend you inserting functions via Macros. Sep 11, 2018 · Code Virtualizer can recognize where a macro starts and ends by looking at this calls. Registered customers will receive a link with the fully functional version. cv). Download WinLicense/Themida v2. Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. Navigation: Code Virtualizer > FAQ > General > When I use the Microsoft verifications tools, my protected device driver fails on verification. Is Themida (WinLicense) in it x64 version is most advance and hard to reversing (unpack + devirt) protector ? For last year i search help and people who just broke WL x64 and did not find decision. SecureEngine® is the ideal solution in the following situations: Scenarios for using Themida An attacker will not be able to use cracking tools to analyze the code of a protected application. exe" is a Windows application. Careful when using VMProtect as there are tools to make reversing it a lot easier now: What is the difference between Themida and Code Virtualizer? I was under the impression the Themida is the code virtualizing product of Oreans. 0). When I want to protect my Mac or Linux application, it requires a Stealth Area present to be able to protect it Nov 6, 2024 · Themida/WinLicense can protect 32-bit and 64-bit Windows native applications/libraries (EXE/DLL) for x86/x64 processors. Themida. I have decided to make my own deobfuscator to fix obfuscated instructions. Code Virtualizer can be used to protect sensitive code in the following files: • Win32 and Win64 native Applications (EXE files) • Win32 and Win64 native System Services • Win32 and Win64 Device Drivers (NT Device Drivers, WDM, ) • Win32 and Win64 native Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) • Other native PE files like OCXs, ActiveX controls, screen savers, etc. mdtspx zsxm cdmyqt bfezq kgzb nncrj tzel dmci hfpz dzfgf